Crybaby Democrats Will Complain Over Same Day,3 Day,7 Day & Military Voting.

Mar 16, 2012


This is your typical "Demorat,You Can't Have Your Cake" Dilemma. They will bitch no matter what red/purple states decide to do on the week of November 5.
3 Day voting in Ohio: Oh No! That will not happen! the GOP will be inducing multiple voting atrocities!
7 Day Voting: God Forbid Seven day voting in a swing state, those rich republicans will find a way to vote in two or three precincts!!!
Same Day Voting: No Way! Same day voting will make it impossible for non-english speaking minorites and blacks to vote because they don't have cars or a fake ID!!
Military Ballots in Swing States: We forbid any overseas votes, its UNAMERICAN !!!
and to think we have a president and his chicago thug promoting voter fraud in texas,south carolina and florida.
Project much? It's always the Republicans who want to limit voting as much as possible, not the Democrats. Voter suppression is the only way they can maintain any advantage.
Lets just shoot for Hope and Change.... That Obama is gone for good.
We'll send the SOB back to Indonesia where he belongs.

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