Cuccinello looks doomed in Virginia

Virginia should be an easy GOP win because of Obongo's war on coal. But then, almost all of Coal Country re-elected the retard, so maybe they SHOULD be punished two-fold: an anti-coal Governor and an anti-coal President.

You losers picked the guy(s) who hate your economy's main source of income, so maybe you deserve to get politically pistol-whipped!
Virginia should be an easy GOP win because of Obongo's war on coal. But then, almost all of Coal Country re-elected the retard, so maybe they SHOULD be punished two-fold: an anti-coal Governor and an anti-coal President.

You losers picked the guy(s) who hate your economy's main source of income, so maybe you deserve to get politically pistol-whipped!

"main source of income"?

Virginia has one of the most diverse economies in the country, it brings in HUGE amounts of military/federal spending as well as lots of industry and tech companies, computer chips are one of it's biggest exports.

I think you're confusing Virginia with West Virginia.
Virginia could have been an easy win for the GOP if they had not nominate Mister Right of Right. The national GOP should take note...
I live in Virginia. The Governor's race here means nothing nationally. Both candidates are terrible. I don't know of anyone in the State who genuinely likes either guy. Both guys are crooks and complete assholes.

Virginia has been a purple state for years. We have had a succession of both Democrat and Republican Governors. It is no big deal in this State. Obama won Virginia because 1 in 4 voters in this State are black. A white Democrat running for President would have a much tougher time, no matter who they are.
Hope NC stays blue as well :cool:

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At this rate Az, In and possibly a few others might turn blue. The American people don't like generalizing by race BUT they want to live in a first world country.

Democrats aren't good but the republicans party(tea-party) is becoming insane.
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Obama won Virginia because 1 in 4 voters in this State are black. A white Democrat running for President would have a much tougher time, no matter who they are.

I was about to agree with your post and expand on it. Then you whipped out this embarrassing bullshit. Let's put Mark Warner on the ballot here. Think he'll have a tough time? I'm disappointed I thought you were one of the reasonable ones on here.
Obama won Virginia because 1 in 4 voters in this State are black. A white Democrat running for President would have a much tougher time, no matter who they are.

I was about to agree with your post and expand on it. Then you whipped out this embarrassing bullshit. Let's put Mark Warner on the ballot here. Think he'll have a tough time? I'm disappointed I thought you were one of the reasonable ones on here.

I really hate to disappoint anyone. Really.

Same basic facts. Black voter turnout was much higher than white voter turnout during the last two Presidential elections. The of the Presidential candidates happened to be black.

You really think blacks are going to turn out for a horsey faced carpetbagger like Mark Warner the same as they turned out for a black guy? You think they'll turn out for Hilliary Clinton the same as they turned out for a black guy? If you think my points are racist consider this: 96% of black voters ended up voting for the black guy. Now tell me again who is racist?
You really think blacks are going to turn out for a horsey faced carpetbagger like Mark Warner the same as they turned out for a black guy? You think they'll turn out for Hilliary Clinton the same as they turned out for a black guy?

Yes. I hope one of them runs for President in 2016 so I can prove you wrong.

School, that is all fine, but you are still not acknowledging my basic point. Blacks turned out in overwhelming numbers during the last two Presidential election cycles for the black guy.

In the mid term elections they did not turn out in high numbers. Hence, big Republican gains.

If you really think a voting bloc that votes 96% for the black guy is going to vote with equal fervor for an elitist white candidate from up north, I think you are sadly mistaken.
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I live in Virginia. The Governor's race here means nothing nationally. Both candidates are terrible. I don't know of anyone in the State who genuinely likes either guy. Both guys are crooks and complete assholes.

Virginia has been a purple state for years. We have had a succession of both Democrat and Republican Governors. It is no big deal in this State. Obama won Virginia because 1 in 4 voters in this State are black. A white Democrat running for President would have a much tougher time, no matter who they are.

We Virginians dislike government officials who use our tax money to pursue their personal agendas. Cuccinelli did just that. He spent thousands of dollars and forced the University of Virginia to spend as much if not more in his challenge of Michael Mann's work when he was a professor there. It was totally baseless and a waste of money. I won't even get into his challenge of the ACA.

If he were elected Governor, it is frightening what other witch hunts he would pursue. And yet the state GOP saw him as their best chance to keep the Governorship. He will lose Virginia and this may begin a huge losing streak for the Republican Party. He is the face of the Tea Party in Virginia. The Tea Party is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in years!

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