Cull And Castrate


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Well we gave Boehner one last chance LAST election to get on line with conservative values and ethics and he FAILED.

Well he has been culled now and it's time I think for a public political castration.
Let's face it since the last election he has REFUSED to use any balls so he must not need them.

The GOP can do this to him without ANY input from his fellow Rino's or any of the democrats. They can do NOTHING to stand in it's way. We need a NO confidence vote on him as soon as they gather.

We need to strip him of his power and committee chairs and assignments, ALL of them and we need Mitch and McCain sitting in the front row to watch. The voting public is Tired I tell you of hearing how we are going to fix this OR that.

It's time we SHOWED them by cleaning up our own party. And that means Rino's have to get in line with country or they have to go. This hand wringing crap by the McCains or the McConnels are just that CRAP.

America expects more America deserves more and America PAYS for more. It's time for the GOP to move from the "we know the job" stage to the "job done" stage. It's time to drop the dead wood the shirkers and the slackers.

The American voting public NEEDS to see the GOP membership with a blue collar on a grin on his/her face and a fire in his belly. America works when Americans work, NO excuses NO hand wringing just a damn job.

Our job as Christians as Jews as Men as Women as Conservatives lies before us. As far as the "wonks" Hillary and the "elite" Bush they never have nor ever will OWN this country as long as WE the AMERICAN VOTING public treat them as they SHOULD be treated.

Drive them into the ground like a foundation stake because we ARE building and WE are NOT waiting.

"Cull And Castrate"

Such is the authoritarian right: compel conformity, punish dissent, fear change and diversity.
Good luck in getting anything passed. You'll send us into another recession before you wake up to how right the speaker was.
Well we gave Boehner one last chance LAST election to get on line with conservative values and ethics and he FAILED.

Well he has been culled now and it's time I think for a public political castration.
Let's face it since the last election he has REFUSED to use any balls so he must not need them.

The GOP can do this to him without ANY input from his fellow Rino's or any of the democrats. They can do NOTHING to stand in it's way. We need a NO confidence vote on him as soon as they gather.

We need to strip him of his power and committee chairs and assignments, ALL of them and we need Mitch and McCain sitting in the front row to watch. The voting public is Tired I tell you of hearing how we are going to fix this OR that.

It's time we SHOWED them by cleaning up our own party. And that means Rino's have to get in line with country or they have to go. This hand wringing crap by the McCains or the McConnels are just that CRAP.

America expects more America deserves more and America PAYS for more. It's time for the GOP to move from the "we know the job" stage to the "job done" stage. It's time to drop the dead wood the shirkers and the slackers.

The American voting public NEEDS to see the GOP membership with a blue collar on a grin on his/her face and a fire in his belly. America works when Americans work, NO excuses NO hand wringing just a damn job.

Our job as Christians as Jews as Men as Women as Conservatives lies before us. As far as the "wonks" Hillary and the "elite" Bush they never have nor ever will OWN this country as long as WE the AMERICAN VOTING public treat them as they SHOULD be treated.

Drive them into the ground like a foundation stake because we ARE building and WE are NOT waiting.


We now need to focus on Mitch. He needs to go and go quickly. Harry Reid is still running the Senate.
Well we gave Boehner one last chance LAST election to get on line with conservative values and ethics and he FAILED.

Well he has been culled now and it's time I think for a public political castration.
Let's face it since the last election he has REFUSED to use any balls so he must not need them.

The GOP can do this to him without ANY input from his fellow Rino's or any of the democrats. They can do NOTHING to stand in it's way. We need a NO confidence vote on him as soon as they gather.

We need to strip him of his power and committee chairs and assignments, ALL of them and we need Mitch and McCain sitting in the front row to watch. The voting public is Tired I tell you of hearing how we are going to fix this OR that.

It's time we SHOWED them by cleaning up our own party. And that means Rino's have to get in line with country or they have to go. This hand wringing crap by the McCains or the McConnels are just that CRAP.

America expects more America deserves more and America PAYS for more. It's time for the GOP to move from the "we know the job" stage to the "job done" stage. It's time to drop the dead wood the shirkers and the slackers.

The American voting public NEEDS to see the GOP membership with a blue collar on a grin on his/her face and a fire in his belly. America works when Americans work, NO excuses NO hand wringing just a damn job.

Our job as Christians as Jews as Men as Women as Conservatives lies before us. As far as the "wonks" Hillary and the "elite" Bush they never have nor ever will OWN this country as long as WE the AMERICAN VOTING public treat them as they SHOULD be treated.

Drive them into the ground like a foundation stake because we ARE building and WE are NOT waiting.


We now need to focus on Mitch. He needs to go and go quickly. Harry Reid is still running the Senate.
No, members of both parties opposed to the reckless, irresponsible agenda of the extreme right are running the Senate – and appropriately so.
"Cull And Castrate"

Such is the authoritarian right: compel conformity, punish dissent, fear change and diversity.
JB had and has NO place in GOP leadership. He IS one of you by practice and GOP in name only. He IS a traitor to the party he IS a traitor to the country. He IS by heart and practice one of you thus has no place no right to stand with us.

We as a party and as a people need to call him for what he is, a traitor a sell out.
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Funny how all of a sudden the liberals support Boehner.
Well we gave Boehner one last chance LAST election to get on line with conservative values and ethics and he FAILED.

Well he has been culled now and it's time I think for a public political castration.
Let's face it since the last election he has REFUSED to use any balls so he must not need them.

The GOP can do this to him without ANY input from his fellow Rino's or any of the democrats. They can do NOTHING to stand in it's way. We need a NO confidence vote on him as soon as they gather.

We need to strip him of his power and committee chairs and assignments, ALL of them and we need Mitch and McCain sitting in the front row to watch. The voting public is Tired I tell you of hearing how we are going to fix this OR that.

It's time we SHOWED them by cleaning up our own party. And that means Rino's have to get in line with country or they have to go. This hand wringing crap by the McCains or the McConnels are just that CRAP.

America expects more America deserves more and America PAYS for more. It's time for the GOP to move from the "we know the job" stage to the "job done" stage. It's time to drop the dead wood the shirkers and the slackers.

The American voting public NEEDS to see the GOP membership with a blue collar on a grin on his/her face and a fire in his belly. America works when Americans work, NO excuses NO hand wringing just a damn job.

Our job as Christians as Jews as Men as Women as Conservatives lies before us. As far as the "wonks" Hillary and the "elite" Bush they never have nor ever will OWN this country as long as WE the AMERICAN VOTING public treat them as they SHOULD be treated.

Drive them into the ground like a foundation stake because we ARE building and WE are NOT waiting.

Please go forth. When your big tent is so small that we can drown it in a bathtub, we will...
"Cull And Castrate"

Such is the authoritarian right: compel conformity, punish dissent, fear change and diversity.
This is what political purges look like. Ideological purity is the standard and anything less will be purged.

In the end, the zealots will gain nothing and find themselves more frustrated than ever. For all they know is ideology, not governance.
If this resignation thing catches on how will Democrats field any candidates next out?
Good luck in getting anything passed. You'll send us into another recession before you wake up to how right the speaker was.
Good luck getting NASA rebuilt without us. Obama has done such a fine job right? How many space shuttle flights while HE was president? And that next generation shuttle, it's how close to being done?

Oh, DAMN I forgot Obama GUTTED NASA! Talk is cheap and you are running your mouth FOR the very people who KILLED your program.

Good luck with THAT brilliant move.
Well we gave Boehner one last chance LAST election to get on line with conservative values and ethics and he FAILED.

Well he has been culled now and it's time I think for a public political castration.
Let's face it since the last election he has REFUSED to use any balls so he must not need them.

The GOP can do this to him without ANY input from his fellow Rino's or any of the democrats. They can do NOTHING to stand in it's way. We need a NO confidence vote on him as soon as they gather.

We need to strip him of his power and committee chairs and assignments, ALL of them and we need Mitch and McCain sitting in the front row to watch. The voting public is Tired I tell you of hearing how we are going to fix this OR that.

It's time we SHOWED them by cleaning up our own party. And that means Rino's have to get in line with country or they have to go. This hand wringing crap by the McCains or the McConnels are just that CRAP.

America expects more America deserves more and America PAYS for more. It's time for the GOP to move from the "we know the job" stage to the "job done" stage. It's time to drop the dead wood the shirkers and the slackers.

The American voting public NEEDS to see the GOP membership with a blue collar on a grin on his/her face and a fire in his belly. America works when Americans work, NO excuses NO hand wringing just a damn job.

Our job as Christians as Jews as Men as Women as Conservatives lies before us. As far as the "wonks" Hillary and the "elite" Bush they never have nor ever will OWN this country as long as WE the AMERICAN VOTING public treat them as they SHOULD be treated.

Drive them into the ground like a foundation stake because we ARE building and WE are NOT waiting.

You insects are dying off faster then you can spawn
Funny how all of a sudden the liberals support Boehner.
Boehner was wrong on most, if not all, the issues – as is the case with most republicans; but at least he wasn't a reckless extremist as are the TPM nitwits he clashed with.
Good luck in getting anything passed. You'll send us into another recession before you wake up to how right the speaker was.
Good luck getting NASA rebuilt without us. Obama has done such a fine job right? How many space shuttle flights while HE was president? And that next generation shuttle, it's how close to being done?

Oh, DAMN I forgot Obama GUTTED NASA! Talk is cheap and you are running your mouth FOR the very people who KILLED your program.

Good luck with THAT brilliant move.
Obama killed a program designed for 20 years, after 30 years...

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