Cult Mothers Arrested in FGM Case

Good you deleted your post Sunni Man

Because savagery like that is not human!
America allows abortion.....which is murder.

But freaks out over an ancient practice of cutting a little skin.

Very hypocritical ...... :cool:


with all respect

go back to Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan.....or wherever you like best.
America allows abortion.....which is murder.

But freaks out over an ancient cultural practice of cutting a little skin.

Very hypocritical ...... :cool:

Cutting a little skin? You actually said that? They are not piercing her ears. They are performing a brutal surgery with the sole intent of removing her ability to enjoy sex. And for no reason except the insecurity of the men.

YOu want to argue about abortion, that is fine. I am not going to argue it here. But genital mutilation is barbaric and done only to make the man feel "safe" from the CHANCE that she will be unfaithful or that she will figure out he is a dud in bed.
Then if there is no mutilation, why do they do anything at at all????????
Why do people refer to it as mutilation, when it's just female circumcision? ..... :dunno:

No, it is not. That is an outright lie. It is the surgical removal of the organ that is responsible for the female feeling pleasure during sex. Male circumcision was done for reasons of hygiene. Genital mutilation is done so women will not enjoy sex.
The west calls it FGM but there is no mutilation. .... :cool:

They remove the clitoris. They mutilate the female genitalia for the sole purpose of removing her ability to have pleasure during sex.

But, I guess, if you know you wouldn't be able to give her an orgasm anyway, you would probably defend this practice to avoid showing your failure.

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