Cultural Appropriation: Is This Racist?

Is this racist?

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  • Yes

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I take it this is a joke. As it should be.

The true appropriation is passing yourself off as what you are not for gain. Rachel Dolezal. Elizabeth Warren. Etc.
Taco Bell profits from trying to convince people that crap is food.
You're kidding me, right?

I don't even like going to Taco Bell, but I'm going today and ordering food just to spite this absolutely ridiculous thread.

This post belongs in the HUMOR thread!!

Cultural Appropriation is the inappropriate use of another cultures ways.
As far as I have seen in my life, there have been very few incidents of REAL cultural appropriation as far as YOUR definition is concerned.

Correct usage of CA - for example -
Cultural appropriatioin in the USA is EXPECTED by immigrants that move here. They are supposed to adapt to OUR ways, laws, and methodologies, as well as how Americans think as a whole.

Incorrect usage of CA - for example -
Trudeau dressing flagrantly as a black person from another culture.
Now, if he had just worn the costume without the makeup, it wouldn't be a heinous matter.
Even if he just used a darker brown makeup, it wouldn't have gotten the visceral reactions it did.

Your way of defining this is all out of whack.
This post belongs in the HUMOR thread!!

Cultural Appropriation is the inappropriate use of another cultures ways.
As far as I have seen in my life, there have been very few incidents of REAL cultural appropriation as far as YOUR definition is concerned.

Correct usage of CA - for example -
Cultural appropriatioin in the USA is EXPECTED by immigrants that move here. They are supposed to adapt to OUR ways, laws, and methodologies, as well as how Americans think as a whole.

Incorrect usage of CA - for example -
Trudeau dressing flagrantly as a black person from another culture.
Now, if he had just worn the costume without the makeup, it wouldn't be a heinous matter.
Even if he just used a darker brown makeup, it wouldn't have gotten the visceral reactions it did.
View attachment 670143

Your way of defining this is all out of whack.

Why are you telling me this?
Mmm, Taco Bell.

But I won't eat there anymore because it's retro-racist.

I'm thinking about becoming a vegan. But I'm torn. Don't plants have feelings too?

Humans are destroying the planet. I think we should all stop eating to save it.
View attachment 670089

White people need to stop eating let alone making ethnically diverse food. The intersectionality of eating other cultures’ foods reinforces racism and white privilege, and maintains the power structures which keeps historically oppressed groups down, like Latinx, AAPIx, and blax.

This post belongs in the HUMOR thread!!

Cultural Appropriation is the inappropriate use of another cultures ways.
As far as I have seen in my life, there have been very few incidents of REAL cultural appropriation as far as YOUR definition is concerned.

Correct usage of CA - for example -
Cultural appropriatioin in the USA is EXPECTED by immigrants that move here. They are supposed to adapt to OUR ways, laws, and methodologies, as well as how Americans think as a whole.

Incorrect usage of CA - for example -
Trudeau dressing flagrantly as a black person from another culture.
Now, if he had just worn the costume without the makeup, it wouldn't be a heinous matter.
Even if he just used a darker brown makeup, it wouldn't have gotten the visceral reactions it did.

Your way of defining this is all out of whack.
There are foods from around the world that has been "Americanized" even dishes added to ethnic cuisines. Europe is part of that.
You realize that he asked about "white people" food and you responded with "Americanized" as if America is nothing but white?

I mean, don't get me wrong, we've got lots of white people, but you kinda fell into Gator's trap.
View attachment 670089

White people need to stop eating let alone making ethnically diverse food. The intersectionality of eating other cultures’ foods reinforces racism and white privilege, and maintains the power structures which keeps historically oppressed groups down, like Latinx, AAPIx, and blax.
I think the impetus behind ideas of cultural appropriation is the waking up of an increasingly diverse American populace to the fact that they are being marketed to, through their own cultural iconography, by American or multi national companies that are largely owned by white people. And so I think we're starting to see the next evolution of this with consumers now deciding they're going to spend their dollars with say, black owned businesses or hispanic owned businesses. I don't think it's necessarily racist for these companies to try and capture these burgeoning diverse consumers but their dominance in the market place and within capitalism is a result is racial and colonial history.
Mmm, Taco Bell.

But I won't eat there anymore because it's retro-racist.

I'm thinking about becoming a vegan. But I'm torn. Don't plants have feelings too?

Humans are destroying the planet. I think we should all stop eating to save it.

Maybe just start eating people?


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