Cuomo Claims Ordering Positive COVID Patients To Nursing Homes Did Not Spread The Virus

Cuomo and other governors were following guidelines issued by the federal gvt. This guidance was issued early in 2020, several times.... beginning in February/March last year...

Today, at the direction of President Trump, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued critical recommendations to state and local governments, as well as nursing homes, to help mitigate the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in nursing homes. The recommendations build on and strengthen recent guidance from CMS and CDC related to effective implementation of longstanding infection control procedures


To avoid transmission within nursing homes, facilities should use separate staffing teams for residents to the best of their ability, and, as President Trump announced at the White House today, the administration urges nursing homes to work with State and local leaders to designate separate facilities or units within a facility to separate COVID-19 negative residents from COVID-19 positive residents and individuals with unknown COVID-19 status.
Nowhere in there does the CDC say nursing homes must admit China Flu infected people from hospitals.

To find that language, go see Benito Cuomo's order with his signature on it.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital?

A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to longstay original room). Other considerations for facilities: • Review CDC guidance for Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019:

Increase the availability and accessibility of alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs), reinforce strong hand-hygiene practices, tissues, no touch receptacles for disposal, and facemasks at healthcare facility entrances, waiting rooms, resident check-ins, etc. o Ensure ABHR is accessible in all resident-care areas including inside and outside resident rooms. • Increase signage for vigilant infection prevention, such as hand hygiene and cough etiquette. • Properly clean, disinfect and limit sharing of medical equipment between residents and areas of the facility. • Provide additional work supplies to avoid sharing (e.g., pens, pads) and disinfect workplace areas (nurse’s stations, phones, internal radios, etc.). Will nursing homes be cited for not having the appropriate supplies? CMS is aware of that there is a scarcity of some supplies in certain areas of the country. State and Federal surveyors should not cite facilities for not having certain supplies (e.g., PPE such as gowns, N95 respirators, surgical masks and ABHR) if they are having difficulty obtaining these supplies for reasons outside of their control. However, we do expect facilities to take actions to

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Cuomo and other governors were following guidelines issued by the federal gvt. This guidance was issued early in 2020, several times.... beginning in February/March last year...

Today, at the direction of President Trump, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued critical recommendations to state and local governments, as well as nursing homes, to help mitigate the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in nursing homes. The recommendations build on and strengthen recent guidance from CMS and CDC related to effective implementation of longstanding infection control procedures


To avoid transmission within nursing homes, facilities should use separate staffing teams for residents to the best of their ability, and, as President Trump announced at the White House today, the administration urges nursing homes to work with State and local leaders to designate separate facilities or units within a facility to separate COVID-19 negative residents from COVID-19 positive residents and individuals with unknown COVID-19 status.
Nowhere in there does the CDC say nursing homes must admit China Flu infected people from hospitals.

To find that language, go see Benito Cuomo's order with his signature on it.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital?

A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to longstay original room). Other considerations for facilities: • Review CDC guidance for Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019:

Increase the availability and accessibility of alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs), reinforce strong hand-hygiene practices, tissues, no touch receptacles for disposal, and facemasks at healthcare facility entrances, waiting rooms, resident check-ins, etc. o Ensure ABHR is accessible in all resident-care areas including inside and outside resident rooms. • Increase signage for vigilant infection prevention, such as hand hygiene and cough etiquette. • Properly clean, disinfect and limit sharing of medical equipment between residents and areas of the facility. • Provide additional work supplies to avoid sharing (e.g., pens, pads) and disinfect workplace areas (nurse’s stations, phones, internal radios, etc.). Will nursing homes be cited for not having the appropriate supplies? CMS is aware of that there is a scarcity of some supplies in certain areas of the country. State and Federal surveyors should not cite facilities for not having certain supplies (e.g., PPE such as gowns, N95 respirators, surgical masks and ABHR) if they are having difficulty obtaining these supplies for reasons outside of their control. However, we do expect facilities to take actions to

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A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19

Benito Cuomo FORCED nursing homes to accept infected people, Dummy. Big difference.
Cuomo and other governors were following guidelines issued by the federal gvt. This guidance was issued early in 2020, several times.... beginning in February/March last year...

Today, at the direction of President Trump, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued critical recommendations to state and local governments, as well as nursing homes, to help mitigate the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in nursing homes. The recommendations build on and strengthen recent guidance from CMS and CDC related to effective implementation of longstanding infection control procedures


To avoid transmission within nursing homes, facilities should use separate staffing teams for residents to the best of their ability, and, as President Trump announced at the White House today, the administration urges nursing homes to work with State and local leaders to designate separate facilities or units within a facility to separate COVID-19 negative residents from COVID-19 positive residents and individuals with unknown COVID-19 status.
Nowhere in there does the CDC say nursing homes must admit China Flu infected people from hospitals.

To find that language, go see Benito Cuomo's order with his signature on it.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital?

A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to longstay original room). Other considerations for facilities: • Review CDC guidance for Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019:

Increase the availability and accessibility of alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs), reinforce strong hand-hygiene practices, tissues, no touch receptacles for disposal, and facemasks at healthcare facility entrances, waiting rooms, resident check-ins, etc. o Ensure ABHR is accessible in all resident-care areas including inside and outside resident rooms. • Increase signage for vigilant infection prevention, such as hand hygiene and cough etiquette. • Properly clean, disinfect and limit sharing of medical equipment between residents and areas of the facility. • Provide additional work supplies to avoid sharing (e.g., pens, pads) and disinfect workplace areas (nurse’s stations, phones, internal radios, etc.). Will nursing homes be cited for not having the appropriate supplies? CMS is aware of that there is a scarcity of some supplies in certain areas of the country. State and Federal surveyors should not cite facilities for not having certain supplies (e.g., PPE such as gowns, N95 respirators, surgical masks and ABHR) if they are having difficulty obtaining these supplies for reasons outside of their control. However, we do expect facilities to take actions to

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A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19

Benito Cuomo FORCED nursing homes to accept infected people, Dummy. Big difference.
Democrats love murdering old people and babies for political gain.
Is that why Cuomo ordered infected patients into elderly care homes rather than the Navy hospital ship sitting in NY harbor empty?
The ship was not equipped or outfitted to handle covid patients.
Plus ships are super spreaders, remember, our first wake up call on awareness of it in the USA was covid on cruise ships we would not let dock...
Like telling everyone to go to crowded Chinatown without masks?
Where are you going to put all the residents returning home from their hospital stay?
No worries. They're dead.
They aren't the ones that died..... They caught it, got hospitalized, and lived....that's why they were sent back to their nursing home residence....
...and spread it to others who died, Dummy.
If they were not in the same ward as the others, and they had their own nursing aides not shared with the regular nursing home residents, exactly HOW did they pass it to others?

Please tell!!!

The only way I could think of, is if the Nursing home itself, was not following the CDC and CMS and NY State guidelines....for returning hospital residents....???
Cuomo and other governors were following guidelines issued by the federal gvt. This guidance was issued early in 2020, several times.... beginning in February/March last year...

Today, at the direction of President Trump, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued critical recommendations to state and local governments, as well as nursing homes, to help mitigate the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in nursing homes. The recommendations build on and strengthen recent guidance from CMS and CDC related to effective implementation of longstanding infection control procedures


To avoid transmission within nursing homes, facilities should use separate staffing teams for residents to the best of their ability, and, as President Trump announced at the White House today, the administration urges nursing homes to work with State and local leaders to designate separate facilities or units within a facility to separate COVID-19 negative residents from COVID-19 positive residents and individuals with unknown COVID-19 status.
Nowhere in there does the CDC say nursing homes must admit China Flu infected people from hospitals.

To find that language, go see Benito Cuomo's order with his signature on it.

When should a nursing home accept a resident who was diagnosed with COVID-19 from a hospital?

A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under TransmissionBased Precautions for COVID-19 as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions. If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued. CDC has released Interim Guidance for Discontinuing Transmission-Based Precautions or In-Home Isolation for Persons with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Information on the duration of infectivity is limited, and the interim guidance has been developed with available information from similar coronaviruses. CDC states that decisions to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions in hospitals will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with clinicians, infection prevention and control specialists, and public health officials. Discontinuation will be based on multiple factors (see current CDC guidance for further details).

Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to longstay original room). Other considerations for facilities: • Review CDC guidance for Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019:

Increase the availability and accessibility of alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs), reinforce strong hand-hygiene practices, tissues, no touch receptacles for disposal, and facemasks at healthcare facility entrances, waiting rooms, resident check-ins, etc. o Ensure ABHR is accessible in all resident-care areas including inside and outside resident rooms. • Increase signage for vigilant infection prevention, such as hand hygiene and cough etiquette. • Properly clean, disinfect and limit sharing of medical equipment between residents and areas of the facility. • Provide additional work supplies to avoid sharing (e.g., pens, pads) and disinfect workplace areas (nurse’s stations, phones, internal radios, etc.). Will nursing homes be cited for not having the appropriate supplies? CMS is aware of that there is a scarcity of some supplies in certain areas of the country. State and Federal surveyors should not cite facilities for not having certain supplies (e.g., PPE such as gowns, N95 respirators, surgical masks and ABHR) if they are having difficulty obtaining these supplies for reasons outside of their control. However, we do expect facilities to take actions to

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A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19

Benito Cuomo FORCED nursing homes to accept infected people, Dummy. Big difference.
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present

The CDC doesn't mandate. it provides guidance which the states then translate into action. The mandate from NY State allowed for nursing homes to turn away returnig cooooovid patients if they didn't have secure areas to put them in. The rub was that they were supposed to have those areas and many didn't.
Is that why Cuomo ordered infected patients into elderly care homes rather than the Navy hospital ship sitting in NY harbor empty?
The ship was not equipped or outfitted to handle covid patients.
Plus ships are super spreaders, remember, our first wake up call on awareness of it in the USA was covid on cruise ships we would not let dock...
Like telling everyone to go to crowded Chinatown without masks?
View attachment 458397
Were masks a thing last March...dickface?
Is that why Cuomo ordered infected patients into elderly care homes rather than the Navy hospital ship sitting in NY harbor empty?
The ship was not equipped or outfitted to handle covid patients.
Plus ships are super spreaders, remember, our first wake up call on awareness of it in the USA was covid on cruise ships we would not let dock...
Like telling everyone to go to crowded Chinatown without masks?
View attachment 458397
When was that? What were the federal guidelines at the time? What exactly did she say?
Weird how Benito Cuomo scrubbed the website of his original order, huh?

If he was just following CDC guidelines there would be no reason to try to cover his tracks, would there?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
why didnt Cuomo send them to the Javits center or the hospital ship that were both equipped to handle thousands of covid patients ...... they sat empty .... he didnt use them because Trump would get credit for sending the military to set up those places for covid patients ...thats it ...thats all there is to it ...the dem was only concerned with politics ...
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
why didnt Cuomo send them to the Javits center or the hospital ship that were both equipped to handle thousands of covid patients ...... they sat empty .... he didnt use them because Trump would get credit for sending the military to set up those places for covid patients ...thats it ...thats all there is to it ...the dem was only concerned with politics ...
Read the thread yidnar....
The ship was for NON covid positive patients, not certain on Javitz.....

Plus, they followed CDC and CMS guidelines on their policy.... the nursing homes, May not have....?

Every state that early on, took in returning residents who were sent to the hospital with covid, when they no longer needed hospital care.... it was not just Cuomo...because that was the CDCs guide.... They had to be put in a separate covid ward etc...
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
why didnt Cuomo send them to the Javits center or the hospital ship that were both equipped to handle thousands of covid patients ...... they sat empty .... he didnt use them because Trump would get credit for sending the military to set up those places for covid patients ...thats it ...thats all there is to it ...the dem was only concerned with politics ...
Read the thread yidnar....
The ship was for NON covid positive patients, not certain on Javitz.....

Plus, they followed CDC and CMS guidelines on their policy.... the nursing homes, May not have....?

Every state that early on, took in returning residents who were sent to the hospital with covid, when they no longer needed hospital care.... it was not just Cuomo...because that was the CDCs guide.... They had to be put in a separate covid ward etc...
Benito's excuse for shoving infected people into nursing homes was to free up beds. He could have sent other patients to the ship and Javitz center to free up beds, Dummy.

And he didn't follow CDC guidelines. I pointed out the glaring difference between "can accept" and "must accept".

Why are you falling for the lies that asswipe is spewing?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
why didnt Cuomo send them to the Javits center or the hospital ship that were both equipped to handle thousands of covid patients ...... they sat empty .... he didnt use them because Trump would get credit for sending the military to set up those places for covid patients ...thats it ...thats all there is to it ...the dem was only concerned with politics ...
Read the thread yidnar....
The ship was for NON covid positive patients, not certain on Javitz.....

Plus, they followed CDC and CMS guidelines on their policy.... the nursing homes, May not have....?

Every state that early on, took in returning residents who were sent to the hospital with covid, when they no longer needed hospital care.... it was not just Cuomo...because that was the CDCs guide.... They had to be put in a separate covid ward etc...
Benito's excuse for shoving infected people into nursing homes was to free up beds. He could have sent other patients to the ship and Javitz center to free up beds, Dummy.

And he didn't follow CDC guidelines. I pointed out the glaring difference between "can accept" and "must accept".

Why are you falling for the lies that asswipe is spewing?

His fellow Democrats are now calling for him to be impeached and prosecuted. See my thread.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?

I am open to the idea that the orders were not as harmful as has been stated but you are using data points that are not relevant. The ratio of people outside of nursing homes to in nursing homes says, quite literally, nothing whatsoever about the impact of the states handling of covid patients in nursing homes.

What would matter is the ratio of total nursing home residents to total that died in nursing homes. The real question is what the actual numbers are as well. Has NY amended the information they put out considering that they have already admitted that they were putting out incorrect information?

I am unaware if they have amended the information or not and that makes any comparison suspect from the get go unless the information has been corrected.
I saw that information earlier on the percent of nursing covid deaths to total nursing home patients earlier..... let me see if I can find it..... might have been an AARP article..... it was a listing by state, and if memory serves, NY State was in the middle of the pack...

I agree with you, nursing homes in most all states, have done a really crappy job on protecting their residents early on and perhaps it is still really bad....

Getting info on nursing homes on covid deaths from various states is like pulling teeth.... I've been looking in to it for the past year....It's near impossible to get information to compare....

I do know we have improved a little.... because the covid nursing resident deaths as a percentage to total covid deaths back in September was 41%, and the latest article I just read is saying it is now 39%.

Jiminey Cricket! 40% of deaths from nursing homes.....!!!! That just ain't right! It's neglect! Imho!!!! First off, the nursing aides working there likely initially brought it in to the nursing homes, or maybe family members visiting relatives in nursing homes? And I had read early on, that the these nursing aides many times work in multiple facilities of the nursing home owner... (usually some corporation.) So those aides, not wearing n95 mask protection properly, or not at all, were spreading it from nursing home to nursing home, unaware that they were even sick because they were asymptomatic, perhaps?

Anyway, if I come across that data on nursing home patient deaths from covid vs total nursing home occupants, I will link it back to your response post here.
why didnt Cuomo send them to the Javits center or the hospital ship that were both equipped to handle thousands of covid patients ...... they sat empty .... he didnt use them because Trump would get credit for sending the military to set up those places for covid patients ...thats it ...thats all there is to it ...the dem was only concerned with politics ...
Read the thread yidnar....
The ship was for NON covid positive patients, not certain on Javitz.....

Plus, they followed CDC and CMS guidelines on their policy.... the nursing homes, May not have....?

Every state that early on, took in returning residents who were sent to the hospital with covid, when they no longer needed hospital care.... it was not just Cuomo...because that was the CDCs guide.... They had to be put in a separate covid ward etc...
the ship was empty so was Javits ...... im sure he could have sent covid patients there if he wanted .
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
Keeping crowded subways open and putting sick 23 year olds in elderly care homes helped a tad.

Withholding reports of deaths to the Feds is a Federal crime.
Who got really sick at 23 yrs old, that didn't have a home to go to for recovering at?

That's t plain bull shit!

I'm not defending him on whatever he did with the numbers, don't really know much about it.

This thread however, is not about the numbers.... start another thread.

Bottom line on putting covid patients released from the hospital back in to separate covid wards in to nursing homes was federal guidance that Cuomo's health administrator followed, as Cuomo claimed.

I posted it above, from the federal agency giving the states guidance.
Cuomo's claims are lies. Why can't you get that? His own party is turning on him.
Because this thread is about Cuomo stating he followed the federal Guidelines
when they admitted covid patients to nursing homes.

How the number of deaths were reported is what Dems are upset with him for, and NOT the topic of this thread.... if you want to only talk about the numbers reported by him, GO TO THAT THREAD.

Who is he, that is lying? The numbers speak for themself...

His revised total is 15000 covid dead from nursing and long term care homes....

NYs total covid deaths is around 46000....

These are factual numbers.

His death rate for nursing and LTC homes is around 33%

Which is lower than most states.... the USA average death rate for nursing homes covid deaths vs total State covid deaths is running around 40%.

That shows that the the numbers show, that he did not kill more people in nursing homes than any other a percentage of total covid returning covid patients released from the hospital, who were ordered to take them in

IF THEY COULD FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES, including a separate covid ward, separate from nursing home residents without covid, with a separate staff....etc. If they couldn't follow the guidelines they needed to find another one of their sister homes who could.

You don't know that the cdc etc guidelines that The NY Health department developed their plan from, killed more people.... No one has shown such.... you seem to just HOPE Cuomo killed more people, so you can spew your continual. and never ending, vitrol....
Why do you keep devolving into that comparison - it is a false comparison. The number of total dead to the number of dead in care homes does not show anything whatsoever. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Increasing the deaths outside of nursing homes it DOES NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM tell you that the virus was handled properly inside nursing homes. PERIOD. Stop making the silly assertion that they do.

Further, there is still a valid question as to weather or not the numbers have even been fully reported.

The actual comparison that matters here is the number killed in nursing homes vs the total residents in nursing homes and how that number stacks up against the rest of the nation.
" Today, as the virus continues to ravage New York, slightly more than 15,000 residents of nursing homes and other adult care facilities have died of COVID-19, more than in any other state. Roughly 13,000 of those were nursing home residents, close to 13% of the state’s nursing home population. "

If the above is true that would mean that NY is not only in the lead when it comes to those killed in nursing homes but in the lead by a massive margin. No one is even remotely close afaik. Double digit death rates are insane. The same article states that there are indications that there is still an undercount as well making this even worse. Coving up the data makes a lot more sense if this is the truth though as well as how fast the democrats are abandoning Cuomo.

I am still not confident that the numbers are correct, it is difficult to tease out the truth with all the inane partisan bullshit surrounding what should be a cut and dry story.
Cuz science.
The guy is a total psychopath. Seriously, And everyone that carried his water and celebrated him for the last year has the same blood on their hands he does.
View attachment 457883

Let me see... Placing COVID positive patients with COVID negative people who are highly susceptible to infection from the virus..... Cuomo really is that stupid or just that big of a psychopathic murderer... I'm going with the later as he was trying to make Trump look bad....

The directive was for nursing homes to take back in their own residents that were sent to the hospital, but were now recovered enough to be sent home....

- and to put them in a ward set up, specifically for covid positive residents, separate from non infected nursing home residents

- to have a separate nursing aide staff that attends to the positive covid residents that does not care for the non infected normal residents.

- with a separate wing entrance that the nursing aids entered and exited

- with added air filtration systems if possible....

And a bunch of other steps to take.

And if the nursing home did not have space or ability to set up these separate covid wards or wings, then they had to place the covid returning patient, in to another nursing home facility that had space to have a separate covid ward.

These guidelines initially came from the CDC to the Agency over nursing homes, who sent out their guidelines for nursing all States.

I think the problem came from nursing homes NOT following those guidelines, and states like New York not checking on those nursing homes to see if there were any problems.... or making it easy for NY nursing homes to reach the State dept of health, for help of any kind.

Stop making shit up.....cuomo's March 25 order:

Cuz science.
The guy is a total psychopath. Seriously, And everyone that carried his water and celebrated him for the last year has the same blood on their hands he does.
View attachment 457883

Let me see... Placing COVID positive patients with COVID negative people who are highly susceptible to infection from the virus..... Cuomo really is that stupid or just that big of a psychopathic murderer... I'm going with the later as he was trying to make Trump look bad....

The directive was for nursing homes to take back in their own residents that were sent to the hospital, but were now recovered enough to be sent home....

- and to put them in a ward set up, specifically for covid positive residents, separate from non infected nursing home residents

- to have a separate nursing aide staff that attends to the positive covid residents that does not care for the non infected normal residents.

- with a separate wing entrance that the nursing aids entered and exited

- with added air filtration systems if possible....

And a bunch of other steps to take.

And if the nursing home did not have space or ability to set up these separate covid wards or wings, then they had to place the covid returning patient, in to another nursing home facility that had space to have a separate covid ward.

These guidelines initially came from the CDC to the Agency over nursing homes, who sent out their guidelines for nursing all States.

I think the problem came from nursing homes NOT following those guidelines, and states like New York not checking on those nursing homes to see if there were any problems.... or making it easy for NY nursing homes to reach the State dept of health, for help of any kind.

Stop making shit up.....cuomo's March 25 order:

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