Cuomo Claims Ordering Positive COVID Patients To Nursing Homes Did Not Spread The Virus

The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
And spare us your excuses for that asshole. Nursing homes are for old people who need NURSING. You do NOT send patients with a spreadable disease there. Period.
All Leftists are just evil demons who enjoy babies and old people being slaughtered.
These are very sick creatures.

So you can’t rebut anything that we’ve posted. You can just sit there and post that we are evil and awful because we refuse to believe your lies.

Real life doesn’t work this way. When your lies are completely debunked, you don’t get to pretend your BS isn’t total and utter bullshit.

I find it utterly deplorable that you continue to smear, vilify and discredit those who have actually worked very hard to reduce the loss of life, based on whether there’s a D or an R after their name.

You continue to filter out all fact, reason, and logic and to continue to give us nothing but total BS.
Is that why Cuomo ordered infected patients into elderly care homes rather than the Navy hospital ship sitting in NY harbor empty?
And then lied about the numbers to the Feds because he’s totally innocent?
Liar. Cuomo made it a REQUIREMENT that nursing homes take in sick ChiCom Flu patients. They could not refuse.
That was CDC policy retard...and nursing homes that could NOT meet the criteria could refuse those patients.

The problem is that those LTC facilities were SUPPOSED to have the ability to meet that criteria and refusing re-admission exposed that failure.

That said...the number of deaths of LTC residents in NY is no greater than Florida for instance ,,,and considering the fact that NY got hit so hard you would expect it to be higher.

It's matter what figures you use.
Liar. Only NY forced sick patients into elderly care homes.
Is it also a CDC requirement that Cuomo LIE about his slaughter houses to the Feds?
Her name is amazing. Care4all. Talk about an oxymoron.
War is Peace Orwellian.

1984, it turns out, is the Democrat instruction book.
Every day on this site and others, the left proves that liberalism is a mental disorder.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
Keeping crowded subways open and putting sick 23 year olds in elderly care homes helped a tad.

Withholding reports of deaths to the Feds is a Federal crime.
Who got really sick at 23 yrs old, that didn't have a home to go to for recovering at?

That's t plain bull shit!

I'm not defending him on whatever he did with the numbers, don't really know much about it.

This thread however, is not about the numbers.... start another thread.

Bottom line on putting covid patients released from the hospital back in to separate covid wards in to nursing homes was federal guidance that Cuomo's health administrator followed, as Cuomo claimed.

I posted it above, from the federal agency giving the states guidance.
Cuomo's claims are lies. Why can't you get that? His own party is turning on him.
Because this thread is about Cuomo stating he followed the federal Guidelines
when they admitted covid patients to nursing homes.

How the number of deaths were reported is what Dems are upset with him for, and NOT the topic of this thread.... if you want to only talk about the numbers reported by him, GO TO THAT THREAD.

Who is he, that is lying? The numbers speak for themself...

His revised total is 15000 covid dead from nursing and long term care homes....

NYs total covid deaths is around 46000....

These are factual numbers.

His death rate for nursing and LTC homes is around 33%

Which is lower than most states.... the USA average death rate for nursing homes covid deaths vs total State covid deaths is running around 40%.

That shows that the the numbers show, that he did not kill more people in nursing homes than any other a percentage of total covid returning covid patients released from the hospital, who were ordered to take them in

IF THEY COULD FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES, including a separate covid ward, separate from nursing home residents without covid, with a separate staff....etc. If they couldn't follow the guidelines they needed to find another one of their sister homes who could.

You don't know that the cdc etc guidelines that The NY Health department developed their plan from, killed more people.... No one has shown such.... you seem to just HOPE Cuomo killed more people, so you can spew your continual. and never ending, vitrol....
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
Keeping crowded subways open and putting sick 23 year olds in elderly care homes helped a tad.

Withholding reports of deaths to the Feds is a Federal crime.
Who got really sick at 23 yrs old, that didn't have a home to go to for recovering at?

That's t plain bull shit!

I'm not defending him on whatever he did with the numbers, don't really know much about it.

This thread however, is not about the numbers.... start another thread.

Bottom line on putting covid patients released from the hospital back in to separate covid wards in to nursing homes was federal guidance that Cuomo's health administrator followed, as Cuomo claimed.

I posted it above, from the federal agency giving the states guidance.
Cuomo's claims are lies. Why can't you get that? His own party is turning on him.
Because this thread is about Cuomo stating he followed the federal Guidelines
when they admitted covid patients to nursing homes.

How the number of deaths were reported is what Dems are upset with him for, and NOT the topic of this thread.... if you want to only talk about the numbers reported by him, GO TO THAT THREAD.

Who is he, that is lying? The numbers speak for themself...

His revised total is 15000 covid dead from nursing and long term care homes....

NYs total covid deaths is around 46000....

These are factual numbers.

His death rate for nursing and LTC homes is around 33%

Which is lower than most states.... the USA average death rate for nursing homes covid deaths vs total State covid deaths is running around 40%.

That shows that the the numbers show, that he did not kill more people in nursing homes than any other a percentage of total covid returning covid patients released from the hospital, who were ordered to take them in

IF THEY COULD FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES, including a separate covid ward, separate from nursing home residents without covid, with a separate staff....etc. If they couldn't follow the guidelines they needed to find another one of their sister homes who could.

You don't know that the cdc etc guidelines that The NY Health department developed their plan from, killed more people.... No one has shown such.... you seem to just HOPE cup.o killed .ore people, so you can spew your continual. and never ending, vitrol....
Cuomo lied, people died.
Covering up deaths under your care for political reasons.
How Leftist of you. Stalin smiles.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
And spare us your excuses for that asshole. Nursing homes are for old people who need NURSING. You do NOT send patients with a spreadable disease there. Period.
Not even in a separate ward, or wing, with a separate nursing aide staff that does not enter the nursing home parts for non covid patients?

Where are you going to put all the residents returning home from their hospital stay?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
And spare us your excuses for that asshole. Nursing homes are for old people who need NURSING. You do NOT send patients with a spreadable disease there. Period.
Not even in a separate ward, or wing, with a separate nursing aide staff that does not enter the nursing home parts for non covid patients?

Where are you going to put all the residents returning home from their hospital stay?
No, not even in a separate ward. They HAD a place to put them. On the damn HUGE ASS ship sitting in the harbor!!!!
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
And spare us your excuses for that asshole. Nursing homes are for old people who need NURSING. You do NOT send patients with a spreadable disease there. Period.
Not even in a separate ward, or wing, with a separate nursing aide staff that does not enter the nursing home parts for non covid patients?

Where are you going to put all the residents returning home from their hospital stay?
No, not even in a separate ward. They HAD a place to put them. On the damn HUGE ASS ship sitting in the harbor!!!!
Yeah, so you say....

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