Cuomo's presidential press conferences.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In 1945 the body of Benito Mussolini was hung upside down from a beam in Piazzale Loreto, a public square in Milan Italy. Mussolini was a symbol of inept, power hungry leadership that had led the Italian people into a destructive quagmire from which there was no escape without great misery.

As you watch NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, attacking the president and presenting himself as a savior and defender of New York City, you should remember Mussolini. Just as Mussolini aligned himself with Hitler, Cuomo and his party along with many republicans sold us out to the Chinese long ago.

The Chinese are very patient; they play the long game. They've been here for many years manipulating our political system and preparing domestic surrogates for a new world order where China pulls the strings. They've been influencing our colleges and universities, our press and our economic infrastructure subtly over time, not like an invasion or an infection, but more like the prions that bring on Mad Cow disease-a process of slow conversion. Again, they’re patient.

But patience has its limits and in 2016 that patience was tested. Donald Trump was elected on a platform of America First and his success spurred Brexit, a movement to get the UK out of the European Union. The Trump haters in the democratic party and the Trump betrayers in the republican party saw their fruitful collusion with the Chinese falling apart. Impeachment proceedings dragged on and on hamstringing Trump’s administration but eventually failed.

Then, out of the blue, blue China that is, comes Coronavirus, a deadly pathogen sweeping the Earth and collapsing America’s economy. Trump’s adversaries had heretofore had no answer; only a halfwit, cerebrally bedridden recycled political crook named Joe Biden. Then, almost on cue, comes Andrew Cuomo astride a horse to save the day with daily press conferences that are more like screen tests than informational alerts.

“Ventilators” comes out of his mouth every other word even though he sabotaged them before the pandemic in favor of Chinese political correctness clamoring for solar panel industries. That horse Cuomo is on is not white, it’s more like something apocalyptic out of Revelation. Cuomo is using the pandemic to run for president because he knows the attention span of his voters is measured in nanoseconds.

We don’t need to hang Cuomo by his ankles in Central Park. We just need to make sure he is never elected president.
When will the nursing home take away you computer? Your threads get more whacked every time you post.
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When will the nursing home take away you computer? Your threads get more whacked every time you post.
Really? How many nanoseconds did it take for you to forget about the 16,000 ventilators Cuomo refused to purchase in 2015? His idea to decide who would get them instead sounded a lot like a death panel. In other words he traded death panels for solar panels.
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When accusations against Trump emerge it is whistleblowing. When it comes out against democrats, fact checking sites come out of the woodwork like cockroaches rewriting history.

Did Cuomo think his actions would be forgotten or forgiven? He doesn't need to because Google, Twitter and Facebook will bury the truth and revise events.

How many will die if the ventilators run out? Whose hands will be dirty? Not Trump's. How much did the pandemic grow while phony impeachment was underway distracting people at the beginning of the spreading virus?

We know who's hands the blood is on.
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Gutless cowards don't deserve a free country.

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