Curbing Judicial Activism

In your opinion, was the Hobby Lobby case decided correctly?

Consider the following.

The decision in question states that religious folks do not have to participate, against their conscience, in providing a method that can be abortive.

Imagine the reverse scenario: a court that decided that an employer had the right to demand that his employees read the Bible, as long as he paid for it.

Would you agree to such a decision?

Do you use contraceptives PC?
In your opinion, was the Hobby Lobby case decided correctly?

Consider the following.

The decision in question states that religious folks do not have to participate, against their conscience, in providing a method that can be abortive.

Imagine the reverse scenario: a court that decided that an employer had the right to demand that his employees read the Bible, as long as he paid for it.

Would you agree to such a decision?

Do you use contraceptives PC?

Do you use the Bible?
Consider the following.

The decision in question states that religious folks do not have to participate, against their conscience, in providing a method that can be abortive.

Imagine the reverse scenario: a court that decided that an employer had the right to demand that his employees read the Bible, as long as he paid for it.

Would you agree to such a decision?

Do you use contraceptives PC?

Do you use the Bible?

Once, my college girlfriend and I spent a weekend in Santa Barbra years ago and a biblical movie was on TV. We checked out the bible in the room to see how it related to the movie, as both the movie and the bible in the motel room were boring we decided on other activities. And yes M. was on the pill.

Do you use contraceptives PC?
Do you use contraceptives PC?

Do you use the Bible?

Once, my college girlfriend and I spent a weekend in Santa Barbra years ago and a biblical movie was on TV. We checked out the bible in the room to see how it related to the movie, as both the movie and the bible in the motel room were boring we decided on other activities. And yes M. was on the pill.

Do you use contraceptives PC?

As you have opened the topic....

Sex between three people is a threesome...

Between two people, a twosome

Is that why some refer to you as handsome?
You will learn for yourselves the true source of your rights when you have need to enforce them. Unless you have some legal basis - some law, statute, or case authority - you will be without remedy or redress. Then you will see - in the light of personal experience - that what I told you about your rights was true.
If you stay within the law, you will have your rights. If you break the law, you will lose your rights.
If you stay within the law, you will have your rights. If you break the law, you will lose your rights.

Depends, if I appeal based on the law being unconstitutional and win, then no. The law is subject to rights.
Do you use the Bible?

Once, my college girlfriend and I spent a weekend in Santa Barbra years ago and a biblical movie was on TV. We checked out the bible in the room to see how it related to the movie, as both the movie and the bible in the motel room were boring we decided on other activities. And yes M. was on the pill.

Do you use contraceptives PC?

As you have opened the topic....

Sex between three people is a threesome...

Between two people, a twosome

Is that why some refer to you as handsome?

Is anyone surprised that PC defaults to a personal attack to avoid a direct answer? She is so full of herself and shit - but I repeat myself - that she won't honestly answer a simple question.
I can't even imagine how you could say such a thing Wry, given your abilities to do exactly what you suggest. Oh, and I was unaware you were gay. Not that it matters to me.
Once, my college girlfriend and I spent a weekend in Santa Barbra years ago and a biblical movie was on TV. We checked out the bible in the room to see how it related to the movie, as both the movie and the bible in the motel room were boring we decided on other activities. And yes M. was on the pill.

Do you use contraceptives PC?

As you have opened the topic....

Sex between three people is a threesome...

Between two people, a twosome

Is that why some refer to you as handsome?

Is anyone surprised that PC defaults to a personal attack to avoid a direct answer? She is so full of herself and shit - but I repeat myself - that she won't honestly answer a simple question.

1. "...she won't honestly answer a simple question."

Isn't 'simple' the name you have monogrammed on your shirts?

But I do answer my way, on my time.

2. "....PC defaults to a personal attack...."

'Defaults' has such a careless, random ring to it.....don't you think?

I take a great deal of care as to how I express my opinions of you because I want to put as much vituperation in them as possible.

3. Now to explain why I do so:

I consider this my very own little "Karma Cafe".....there are no menus in the cafe.....but everyone gets what they deserve.

Consider yourself served.

And, Little Miss Karma is always wearing her stiletto heels when she kicks your butt.
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I can't even imagine how you could say such a thing Wry, given your abilities to do exactly what you suggest. Oh, and I was unaware you were gay. Not that it matters to me.

For the record, I've been married to the same person since 1974, and that person is female. We have two sons, neither has ever been arrested and both are employed FT and are taxpayers. Your effort to be an asshole is duly noted, you've succeeded.

I graduated from CAL, served in the US Navy Reserved honorably, and have an advance degree from San Francisco St. U. I retired as a LEO after 32 years of active service in two agencies and spent a good deal of my career as a manager. I retired at the end of 2005 and my retirement income is $128,500, which included lifetime medical. Both my wife and I receive SS bringing our annual income to more than an idiot like you will earn in your lifetime.

I bet that really pisses a loser like you off,.
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Looks like SaveLiberty and PoliticalChic have cut an run. Typical of right wing asshole of the lesser IQ.

Nope, just out building some steps for a customer's landscape project. We already won this one. This no rights without laws and judges can interpret the Constitution junk has been debunked! :D
I can't even imagine how you could say such a thing Wry, given your abilities to do exactly what you suggest. Oh, and I was unaware you were gay. Not that it matters to me.

For the record, I've been married to the same person since 1974, and that person is female. We have two sons, neither has ever been arrested and both are employed FT and are taxpayers. Your effort to be an asshole is duly noted, you've succeeded.

I graduated from CAL, served in the US Navy Reserved honorably, and have an advance degree from San Francisco St. U. I retired as a LEO after 32 years of active service in two agencies and spent a good deal of my career as a manager. I retired at the end of 2005 and my retirement income is $128,500, which included lifetime medical. Both my wife and I receive SS bringing our annual income to more than an idiot like you will earn in your lifetime.

I bet that really pisses a loser like you off,.

Not really, given your childish behavior I doubt any of what you say is even remotely the case. If it is true, you still wake up to being you, so there's that.
Oh look LM and Wry have cut and run. Typical of the entitlement crowd.

See how stupid talk like that sounds Wry? Grow up.
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You mean like this Cecile?

The United States is not a true democracy. See U.S. Const., Art. IV, Sec. 4. It is a constitutional republic, which is a representative form of government, albeit there is now provision for initiatives to be enacted into law directly by public referendum (e.g. Proposition 8 ballot initiative in California for an anti-gay marriage amendment to the State constitution).

Does Constitution still serve us?

Exactly. Does he really think that it's that hard for us to figure out these aren't his own words, and where they originated from?

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