Curiosity Question for the Gun Nuts

No, I'm sick with a chest cold so don't feel like wading through mountains of virtual paperwork. The Federal Law is buyer and seller must be residents of the same state. Do you really think that the ATF doesn't have a law that mandates ID verification with the requirement already specified? Further do you think they aren't itching to incarcerate people who violate that law? I mean c'mon. Use your head.

And, for the record, I and every gun person I know, is fully in favor of a free, instant background check that has no gun registration requirement. We would love to have a 1-800 number that ANYONE could call at any time and do an instant background check on the buyer of a weapon.

Sorry you feel bad. I had a dose of that a few weeks back. Doesn't remove your obligation to back up your claims though. If so many are in favor of that (90% of the country is), why are Republican politicians so vehemently opposed to universal background checks?

For one, they wouldn't change anything. Criminals get guns no matter how many laws there are.

Two, I would be willing to bet that 70% of that 90% don't even understand what universal background checks would require. Just "Do you want background checks for firearms?" Sure, who wouldn't?

Three is the history of liberalism. Liberals always say they only want X. Once X is achieved, they move to the next step, then the next step, then the next....... Mind you that these are the same people who would love to see all guns illegal in this country, but can't because of our US Constitution and rulings thereof.

That's why Republicans are against MORE background checks.

Grabbing straws there bubba.Just because you believe all those right wing lies doesn't make them true.

And believing left-wing lies does make them true? You know, like we can stop terrorists from getting weapons if we had a law that stated nobody on the No Fly list could get them? How many people on the No Fly list legally purchased guns and did harm with them in our country?

You lefties refuse to look at the man behind the curtain all the time.

Nobody has claimed it would stop all terrorists. Try to think rationally.

I do think rationally, and rationally, gun control has never worked. It hasn't worked in the multiple terrorist attacks since DumBama took office, it hasn't worked in mass shootings, it hasn't worked in states with strict gun control laws such as Illinois, New York or California. It hasn't worked in the Brady Bill law, It just hasn't worked.

If gun control won't stop all terrorists, what terrorists will it stop?
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
What new laws are going to stop people from getting firearms if as you state there are people who don't follow the current laws ?
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
What new laws are going to stop people from getting firearms if as you state there are people who don't follow the current laws ?

Again the question is do you think people with demonstrated anger issues should have access to guns?
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

Have their rights been revoked by a judge?

Have you read the question?
What in the world does an incident regarding a basketball coach, two players and a sucker punch to a referee have to do with gun rights? Is it alleged that every Texan has anger issues? How about that ACLU lawyer (in Colorado, not Texas) who tweeted that all Trump supporters should be shot?

Who seriously alleges that. We have undeniable demonstrated anger issues on these two men;

Do you want them carpooling your kid to school when someone pisses them off on the roadway?
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
Were these crimes felonies? Have they been convicted?

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?
FWIW, we do have a law that the NRA/Republicans insists on a loophole large enough to drive a truck through--much like he lobby of that hotel. Selling at gun shows by individuals....
First: the above is a lie. There is no loophole in the current federal laws regarding background checks as there is no legal way to avoid the background check prescribed by said law. None.

Second: You completely skipped over the part about needing to change the law. How do you propose to change the law to achieve the effect you desire? In your response, lease keep in mind the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th amendments.

As far as the law goes, there is no requirement for the guy to have a back ground check, so you are right. The purchases were strictly legal. Buying from a licensed dealer probably doesn't have a way to avoid background checks. Otherwise, there is nothing to stop unchecked sales.

Shit, you know absolutely nothing about what you are speaking. The seller violated the law by not verifying the ID of the purchaser. Dead stop. A FFL MUST fill out a 4473 and a variety of other paperwork depending on locality. Further, if the FFL is from another state he must deliver the weapon to a FFL in the state where the purchaser resides, so that a transfer can be concluded.

That's only if he has an FFL. Individual sales have no such requirement.
FWIW, we do have a law that the NRA/Republicans insists on a loophole large enough to drive a truck through--much like he lobby of that hotel. Selling at gun shows by individuals....
First: the above is a lie. There is no loophole in the current federal laws regarding background checks as there is no legal way to avoid the background check prescribed by said law. None.

Second: You completely skipped over the part about needing to change the law. How do you propose to change the law to achieve the effect you desire? In your response, lease keep in mind the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th amendments.

As far as the law goes, there is no requirement for the guy to have a back ground check, so you are right. The purchases were strictly legal. Buying from a licensed dealer probably doesn't have a way to avoid background checks. Otherwise, there is nothing to stop unchecked sales.

Shit, you know absolutely nothing about what you are speaking. The seller violated the law by not verifying the ID of the purchaser. Dead stop. A FFL MUST fill out a 4473 and a variety of other paperwork depending on locality. Further, if the FFL is from another state he must deliver the weapon to a FFL in the state where the purchaser resides, so that a transfer can be concluded.

That's only if he has an FFL. Individual sales have no such requirement.

Untrue. You as the seller are REQUIRED to verify the ID of the person you are selling the weapon to. You are not required to issue a bill of sale (though you would be a fool not to, nor are you required to keep a copy of the buyers ID) but you ARE required to personally verify the ID and state of residence of the buyer.

What is the rationale to limit it to intrastate purchases?
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Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?
Are they under arrest?
Under indictment?
Are they fugitives from justice?
Have they been convicted of a felony or other disqualifying crime?
Incarcerated? Involuntarily committed?

If they answer is :no: to all of these things, they are then legally able to own a gun; if you have a problem with that, you then need to change the law.
FWIW, we do have a law that the NRA/Republicans insists on a loophole large enough to drive a truck through--much like he lobby of that hotel. Selling at gun shows by individuals....
First: the above is a lie. There is no loophole in the current federal laws regarding background checks as there is no legal way to avoid the background check prescribed by said law. None.

Second: You completely skipped over the part about needing to change the law. How do you propose to change the law to achieve the effect you desire? In your response, lease keep in mind the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th amendments.

As far as the law goes, there is no requirement for the guy to have a back ground check, so you are right. The purchases were strictly legal. Buying from a licensed dealer probably doesn't have a way to avoid background checks. Otherwise, there is nothing to stop unchecked sales.

Shit, you know absolutely nothing about what you are speaking. The seller violated the law by not verifying the ID of the purchaser. Dead stop. A FFL MUST fill out a 4473 and a variety of other paperwork depending on locality. Further, if the FFL is from another state he must deliver the weapon to a FFL in the state where the purchaser resides, so that a transfer can be concluded.


Now do you think Saxet and High Calibre know about this practice going on at their own shows?
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
Were these crimes felonies? Have they been convicted?

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?
I answered this.
You refused to comment.
So you're saying laws against rape don't stop rapists, because they won't follow the law anyway. Why does that sound so familiar?
We have criminal laws not to stop crime, but to define crime and then punish those that commit it.
It is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking another law; to do so only needlessly and unnecessarily limits the rights of the law abiding.
Not sure why you refuse to understand this.
Ha, if you're gonna say 'Background Checks are a joke', there's no point in continuing with a discussion. That's an ignorant asinine statement. If these men are charged and prosecuted as Felons, they will no longer be allowed access to firearms. It's as simple as that.

But see, this is the problem with Gun-Grabber Communists. They don't know anything about the law. They don't know anything about firearms. They only know what their fellow Communists in the MSM tell em is so. They're ignorant. Period, end of story.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
Were these crimes felonies? Have they been convicted?

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?
I answered this.
You refused to comment.

No need to comment. Except is there any behavior that would give you guys a moment's pause? Im sure the answer is a no as long as she/he is not found guilty
If most Americans carried a gun it would soon boil down to the fastest draw. We could then have fast-draw and shoot contests. This could open new business opportunities, fast draw schools, fast draw holsters, new jackets that exposing the fast draw holster and so on. But the big change would be the two gun carrier, two holsters, two guns and able to shoot either equally well. For many it would be a childhood dream come true.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
Were these crimes felonies? Have they been convicted?

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?
I answered this.
You refused to comment.
No need to comment. Except is there any behavior that would give you guys a moment's pause?
My original response lists the conditions specified by the law.
You do understand that no one can be denied a gun unless the law says so, right?
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

The first jerk was probably convicted of a felony so he can no longer legally possess a firearm.

There's not enough information on the second to give an informed opinion.

It isn't unlawful to be a jerk, if it were most liberals would be doing hard time.

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