Current Actual Results of Test scores differences between Races.

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
One poster here keeps posting the success of African immigrants here as representative of Blacks overall.
This obvious Bad Sampling is obviously Stupid and/or Dishonest.

A good part of the bias is that many African Immigrants come here TO go to college, and are the cream of their country/s.
They are in good part Nigerian (like your scam spam), and even more specifically from the 'Igbo' people. A strain that may indeed have higher iQ's due to a tradition of trade.
The Igbo some call "The Jews of Africa".

So they are NOT representative of all of sub-Sahara. They are the top 1% of it.

Meanwhile, 50 years after Civil Rights/War on Poverty/Head Start/Integrated schools..
Nothing has changed.
The Gap remains.

This post the Black run Washington DC public schools, which contains a good degree of Foreign immigrant Students.

Despite Rising Test Scores, Black Students Still Face Achievement Gap
Standardized Tests

by: James Wright Special to the AFRO - - August 23, 2017

"...Bowser was joined by D.C. Deputy Mayor of Education Jennifer Niles, State Superintendent of Education Hanseul Kang, D.C. Schools Chancellor Antwan Wilson and Scott Pearson, the director of the DC Public Charter School Board.

The mayor noted that there were score increases in every ward and credited the professional development programs and changes in the curriculum that have occurred over the past few years.

English Language Arts (ELA) and math scores Overall increased four and two percent, respectively. Black students increased their ELA scores by 2.7% and math at 1.2%.
Despite the gains, African Americans still lag behind Whites, who had increases of 7.7% in ELA and 4.5% in math.

In summary, 22% of Blacks showed proficiency in ELA compared with 82% of Whites,
while in Math, African Americans 18.6% showed proficiency while Whites posted 75.7%.

D.C. Schools Chancellor Antwan Wilson, who attended the Watkins event with Bowser, said “We must do more to increase the scores of Black students.”Bowser agreed with Wilson, saying that “we are now focused on closing gaps.”.....

Wow. Those differentials are Draconian evidence the "gap" aint "closing" in the last few decades. In fact, it seems to be Growing due the much more significant gains of white students on the same tests.
Whites widened the Gap: gained 5% MORE on Math scores than blacks, and 3.3% MORE in ELA/English.

Only app 20% of DC Blacks... but 80% of whites, show Math and English Proficiency now.
I live in the real world, with real un-massaged facts.

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The More suburban Ann Arbor, Michigan, who actually had people on the payroll to close the test gap

SAT scores improve in Ann Arbor Schools, but Achievement Gap Persists
Posted Nov 2, 2017
SAT scores improve in Ann Arbor Schools, but achievement gap persists

Ann Arbor Public Schools saw its students' average SAT scores improve this year and continue to exceed the statewide average, but some members of the board of education still were alarmed by the results.

At a meeting on Oct. 25, the school board reviewed the results from the SAT taken by all high school juniors in April. Overall, the average SAT score for AAPS students improved from 1160.3 in 2016 to 1192.9 in 2017.

The highest possible SAT score is 1600, and the statewide average this year was 1007.6.

However, AAPS' SAT results showed the average scores for Black students, Hispanic students and special education students Dropped from 2016 to 2017. The average SAT scores for economically disadvantaged AAPS students, students who are learning English as a second language and special education students also lag behind the district-wide average.

"I'm in a Panic. I'll be very honest with you," said Susan Baskett (black), vice president of the school board. "I've been on this board for how many years.
We keep changing tests, but No matter which tests they are and Who creates them, there's Always that certain group that's there."

"I've been in education for 40 years, and this issue, this discrepancy between student groups and achievement, has been there for 40 years and obviously longer," said Jeff Gaynor, board secretary. "We're clearly all concerned. There's clearly no easy answers, no simple mechanical answers. We know that achievement scores can be correlated with family education and wealth. But I do think we need to look at every possible factor. We need to return to, as we said, 'courageous conversations' about Race, about class."


- -​

Farly extensive category breakdown by Ann Arbor schools. Race/ethnicity, Income, even English Language learners. The latter of which is ahead of blacks in 2017.

Blacks now 400 points behind Asians and almost 300 vs Whites. Dropping 30 of them this year.
Maybe they can add Hoops or 100m times into the test.

And 944 out of 1600?
Without the 400 point signing bonus, that's 544 out of 1200.
Probably still make Princeton over Asians due to AA.

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I tend towards the old Mensa position interbreeding with white idiots to get whiter skin is the culprit.
Is Appalachia a different race? Cuz those fukers are dumb!

The Widening Racial Scoring Gap on the SAT College Admissions Test

The Widening Racial Scoring Gap on the SAT College Admissions Test

The racial scoring gap on the SAT test has now become Wider than has been the case for the past two decades. Many believe that in the years to come the gap may grow smaller, not because blacks are catching up to whites in educational achievement,
but rather because the test makers are adding a writing component to the test that may be manipulated to Lessen Racial Differences and therefore reduce public criticisms of the test.

For many decades The College Board has used a 200 to 800 scoring scale of performance for both the verbal and mathematical sections of the Scholastic Assessment Test. Now a writing component has been added to the SAT. From now on, students will receive three scores each ranging between 200 and 800. In the past a 1600 has been the best possible score on the composite SAT. Hereafter, the best composite score will be 2400. This means that this year's test results will be the last time JBHE will be able to compare black-white SAT scores based on the scoring system that has been used since racial differences in test results were first made public in 1976.
Explaining the Black-White SAT Gap
But there is a major Flaw in the thesis that income differences explain the racial gap. Consider these three observable facts from The College Board's 2005 data on the SAT:

• Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 993. This is 129 points Higher than the national mean for all blacks.

• Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 61 points Higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.

• Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points Below the mean score for whites from all income levels,
139 points Below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level,
and 10 points Below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.


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The More suburban Ann Arbor, Michigan, who actually had people on the payroll to close the test gap

SAT scores improve in Ann Arbor Schools, but Achievement Gap Persists
Posted Nov 2, 2017
SAT scores improve in Ann Arbor Schools, but achievement gap persists

Ann Arbor Public Schools saw its students' average SAT scores improve this year and continue to exceed the statewide average, but some members of the board of education still were alarmed by the results.

At a meeting on Oct. 25, the school board reviewed the results from the SAT taken by all high school juniors in April. Overall, the average SAT score for AAPS students improved from 1160.3 in 2016 to 1192.9 in 2017.

The highest possible SAT score is 1600, and the statewide average this year was 1007.6.

However, AAPS' SAT results showed the average scores for Black students, Hispanic students and special education students Dropped from 2016 to 2017. The average SAT scores for economically disadvantaged AAPS students, students who are learning English as a second language and special education students also lag behind the district-wide average.

"I'm in a Panic. I'll be very honest with you," said Susan Baskett (black), vice president of the school board. "I've been on this board for how many years.
We keep changing tests, but No matter which tests they are and Who creates them, there's Always that certain group that's there."

"I've been in education for 40 years, and this issue, this discrepancy between student groups and achievement, has been there for 40 years and obviously longer," said Jeff Gaynor, board secretary. "We're clearly all concerned. There's clearly no easy answers, no simple mechanical answers. We know that achievement scores can be correlated with family education and wealth. But I do think we need to look at every possible factor. We need to return to, as we said, 'courageous conversations' about Race, about class."


- -​

Farly extensive category breakdown by Ann Arbor schools. Race/ethnicity, Income, even English Language learners. The latter of which is ahead of blacks in 2017.

Blacks now 400 points behind Asians and almost 300 vs Whites. Dropping 30 of them this year.
Maybe they can add Hoops or 100m times into the test.

And 944 out of 1600?
Without the 400 point signing bonus, that's 544 out of 1200.
Probably still make Princeton over Asians due to AA.

The SAT is now a 3 part test with a total possible score of 2400 not 1600 as it was years ago. I know this for a fact because both of my sons took the SATs 4 or 5 years ago.
My kids have taken it within the last couple of years, and I believe they went back to a 2 part test, reading and math. My oldest child did take the 3 part, but no one really looked at or cared about the writing part.

I must say I have never understood why, when the schools, income levels and family structure were all factored in, blacks still fare a good bit worse than whites. I really don't get it. I hear "cultural" differences, etc. all the time, but kids who are in the same school and have the same income level probably are fairly similar culturally. Would be interesting to also compare GPAs to see if they vary as well.
There is no such thing as sub Saharan Africa and there is no such thing as a standardized test that can accurately confirm real intelligence.
My kids have taken it within the last couple of years, and I believe they went back to a 2 part test, reading and math. My oldest child did take the 3 part, but no one really looked at or cared about the writing part.

I must say I have never understood why, when the schools, income levels and family structure were all factored in, blacks still fare a good bit worse than whites. I really don't get it. I hear "cultural" differences, etc. all the time, but kids who are in the same school and have the same income level probably are fairly similar culturally. Would be interesting to also compare GPAs to see if they vary as well.

You don't understand because you have bee race baited into believing that a non consequential; measure of intelligence accurately measures intelligence based upon race. Over 800 colleges and Universities have done away with SAT tests, this is how valid these measurements are.
There is No such thing as sub Saharan Africa and there is no such thing as a standardized test that can accurately confirm real intelligence.
Yup, and there's no such thing as a message board!
If you can't argue facts, go TOTAL denia!

Sub-Saharan Africa - Wikipedia
Sub-Saharan Africa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sub-Saharan Africa is, geographically, the area of the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. According to the UN, it consists of all African countries that are fully or partially located south of the Sahara.[2] It contrasts with North Africa, whose territories are part of the League of Arab states within the Arab world. Somalia, Djibouti, Comoros and Mauritania are geographically in Sub-Saharan Africa, but are likewise Arab states and part of the Arab world.[3]



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yes, totally misleading using such a small test population
I've gone over this before
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--case closed
blacks in the US graduate at the lowest level--case closed
blacks graduate high school at lower levels--meaning even less go to college
blacks graduate college at lower levels--case closed
One poster here keeps posting the success of African immigrants here as representative of Blacks overall.
This obvious Bad Sampling is obviously Stupid and/or Dishonest.

A good part of the bias is that many African Immigrants come here TO go to college, and are the cream of their country/s.
They are in good part Nigerian (like your scam spam), and even more specifically from the 'Igbo' people. A strain that may indeed have higher iQ's due to a tradition of trade.
The Igbo some call "The Jews of Africa".

So they are NOT representative of all of sub-Sahara. They are the top 1% of it.

Meanwhile, 50 years after Civil Rights/War on Poverty/Head Start/Integrated schools..
Nothing has changed.
The Gap remains.

This post the Black run Washington DC public schools, which contains a good degree of Foreign immigrant Students.

Despite Rising Test Scores, Black Students Still Face Achievement Gap
Standardized Tests

by: James Wright Special to the AFRO - - August 23, 2017

"...Bowser was joined by D.C. Deputy Mayor of Education Jennifer Niles, State Superintendent of Education Hanseul Kang, D.C. Schools Chancellor Antwan Wilson and Scott Pearson, the director of the DC Public Charter School Board.

The mayor noted that there were score increases in every ward and credited the professional development programs and changes in the curriculum that have occurred over the past few years.

English Language Arts (ELA) and math scores Overall increased four and two percent, respectively. Black students increased their ELA scores by 2.7% and math at 1.2%.
Despite the gains, African Americans still lag behind Whites, who had increases of 7.7% in ELA and 4.5% in math.

In summary, 22% of Blacks showed proficiency in ELA compared with 82% of Whites,
while in Math, African Americans 18.6% showed proficiency while Whites posted 75.7%.

D.C. Schools Chancellor Antwan Wilson, who attended the Watkins event with Bowser, said “We must do more to increase the scores of Black students.”Bowser agreed with Wilson, saying that “we are now focused on closing gaps.”.....

Wow. Those differentials are Draconian evidence the "gap" aint "closing" in the last few decades. In fact, it seems to be Growing due the much more significant gains of white students on the same tests.
Whites widened the Gap: gained 5% MORE on Math scores than blacks, and 3.3% MORE in ELA/English.

Only app 20% of DC Blacks... but 80% of whites, show Math and English Proficiency now.
I live in the real world, with real un-massaged facts.


So they all had identical educations.?
Until you compare that it's all pointless mental masturbation
There is No such thing as sub Saharan Africa and there is no such thing as a standardized test that can accurately confirm real intelligence.
Yup, and there's no such thing as a message board!
If you can't argue facts, go TOTAL denia!

Sub-Saharan Africa - Wikipedia
Sub-Saharan Africa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sub-Saharan Africa is, geographically, the area of the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. According to the UN, it consists of all African countries that are fully or partially located south of the Sahara.[2] It contrasts with North Africa, whose territories are part of the League of Arab states within the Arab world. Somalia, Djibouti, Comoros and Mauritania are geographically in Sub-Saharan Africa, but are likewise Arab states and part of the Arab world.[3]



Saying sub-Sahara does not exist is like saying East Saint Louis doesn't exist.
yes, totally misleading using such a small test population
I've gone over this before
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--case closed
blacks in the US graduate at the lowest level--case closed
blacks graduate high school at lower levels--meaning even less go to college
blacks graduate college at lower levels--case closed

In your small mind, one who obviously has never done any high level research.
Suggest you go to college for 6 years and do a thesis on it.
yes, totally misleading using such a small test population
I've gone over this before
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--case closed
blacks in the US graduate at the lowest level--case closed
blacks graduate high school at lower levels--meaning even less go to college
blacks graduate college at lower levels--case closed

In your small mind, one who obviously has never done any high level research.
Suggest you go to college for 6 years and do a thesis on it.
you are denying facts --hahahhahahahahha
the truth hurts--doesn't it?
you can't/won't believe the truth--will you?
yes, totally misleading using such a small test population
I've gone over this before
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--case closed
blacks in the US graduate at the lowest level--case closed
blacks graduate high school at lower levels--meaning even less go to college
blacks graduate college at lower levels--case closed

In your small mind, one who obviously has never done any high level research.
Suggest you go to college for 6 years and do a thesis on it.
you are denying facts --hahahhahahahahha
the truth hurts--doesn't it?
you can't/won't believe the truth--will you?

Not your non PHD truth.
You have no idea of real facts.
I suggest you research eugenics.
To all science people with a brain the jury is still out.
And the white peoples genetics are interesting.
England for the English people found they were from Africa and turkey, not Ireland!!!!
yes, totally misleading using such a small test population
I've gone over this before
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--case closed
blacks in the US graduate at the lowest level--case closed
blacks graduate high school at lower levels--meaning even less go to college
blacks graduate college at lower levels--case closed

In your small mind, one who obviously has never done any high level research.
Suggest you go to college for 6 years and do a thesis on it.
you are denying facts --hahahhahahahahha
the truth hurts--doesn't it?
you can't/won't believe the truth--will you?

Not your non PHD truth.
You have no idea of real facts.
I suggest you research eugenics.
To all science people with a brain the jury is still out.
And the white peoples genetics are interesting.
England for the English people found they were from Africa and turkey, not Ireland!!!!

Hope this helps, from real non made up minds (required in research) scientist
Eugenics - Wikipedia
yes, totally misleading using such a small test population
I've gone over this before
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--case closed
blacks in the US graduate at the lowest level--case closed
blacks graduate high school at lower levels--meaning even less go to college
blacks graduate college at lower levels--case closed

In your small mind, one who obviously has never done any high level research.
Suggest you go to college for 6 years and do a thesis on it.
The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Effort, Persistence and Progress - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator April (2017)
this is public schools..private schools are mostly white and have a higher graduation rate

Illiteracy rates by world region 2015 | Statistic


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