customers shoots kfc employee for being out of corn

Before I read the article, let me guess...

Well, not surprisingly, this article didn't say. But this racist article did describe him:

Police described the suspect as a Black man, around 40-50 years of age and thin built with a scruffy beard.

Any takers in his felony status?
Actually, it was KFC corn that almost killed me one time. I love it, but I have to be careful when eating it because I once got really bad choked on it. It didn't kill me obviously, but another second or so without the ability to breath and I would be a part of this chat.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


Ewwww...KFC corn is terrible!!!
Dollar to a donut the shooter is black

I already know, it was on a real site

Well they didn't mention his skin color so I am going to go with he was black. Seems like anytime someone commits a crime they only mention the person being black is when they are the victim.

Besides come on, someone shot a fast food employee? I'd bet a entire paycheck based on that statement alone it's a black person.

And it's at a kfc?
Who's you all?
I for one would bet a large sum of money on a bet that the shooter was black,for two reasons.
One it was at the KFC and two who else would shoot someone for not having corn?
i agree with you. all the people on this thread are you all.
If I was the KFC owner, I'd surely consider whether to use some robots to deter violent & serious crimes. If robots had performed the service that day, there'd probably be no victim( of bloody violence )staying in the hospital. :(

Source:13 Restaurant Robots Changing The Food Industry | Built In – 13 Restaurant Robots Changing the Food Industry
With all due respect, that is why employees in all kinds of stores tense up when a certain type of customer walks in.
I went to Greggs bakery yesterday for a pasty and tomato soup. No soup and the corned beef pasty was "regional". I was offered a xmas dinner soup which is "xmas dinner in a soup".
I declined.
I was furious, absolutely fizzing. But I did not kill the member of staff.
I went to Greggs bakery yesterday for a pasty and tomato soup. No soup and the corned beef pasty was "regional". I was offered a xmas dinner soup which is "xmas dinner in a soup".
I declined.
I was furious, absolutely fizzing. But I did not kill the member of staff.
Threads like these are, "Only in America". The Land of the Free (as long as you have corn)

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