Cut the bullshit, haters, we know who you are

Another day, another day where Fake gets smacked around on USMB
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.

Please point out one post where anyone defends McVeigh.
Any one, and that includes you, have not condemned. That means you defend him.

I don't openly condemn bread pudding, which BTW I deplore, does this make me a bread pudding supporter?

See how stupid you are Fake Starkey?
Softy you are a fool if you confuse bread puddings with Tim M.
I condemned him at the time of his arrest and conviction did not shed one tear when he was put to death if that's not good enough tough shit.
You have to say it, asshole, not attack others who point out the truth as I did.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.

Please point out one post where anyone defends McVeigh.
Any one, and that includes you, have not condemned. That means you defend him.

I don't openly condemn bread pudding, which BTW I deplore, does this make me a bread pudding supporter?

See how stupid you are Fake Starkey?
Softy you are a fool if you confuse bread puddings with Tim M.

It's called analogy Fake Starkey.
Only one of me is necessary here to kick the shit out of the far right softies, buncha cowards, too.
Just like we know what he was and what he pretended to be.


Thanks. I believe Lincoln also ended slavery. You know. The white Republican.
I condemned him at the time of his arrest and conviction did not shed one tear when he was put to death if that's not good enough tough shit.
You have to say it, asshole, not attack others who point out the truth as I did.
Fuck off dipshit I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else here you can either accept my word or not either way I'm not wasting anymore time with your bullshit.
Ah, the white christian males. The worst demographic of them all! AIn't it so.

Just like we know what he was and what he pretended to be.


The following is per a Time Magazine interview with McVeigh in 2001:

Time: Are you religious?

McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

Do you believe in God?

McVeigh: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way [to] alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.​

More: An Accurate Look at Timothy McVeigh's Beliefs

Also, McVeigh took last rites before execution. - McVeigh took last rites before execution - June 11, 2001
Damn this is sad. The left is losing it. Of course everyone hates that motherfucker. It's so obvious it doesn't even need to be said. That was what, 22 years ago? Fuck that guy and Islamic radicals. Why even bring this up? Your country has been attacked by an ISIS supporter 3 days ago. You need to be pissed, you need to get angry about it but you bring up Timothy McVeigh? You need help.
Damn this is sad. The left is losing it. Of course everyone hates that motherfucker. It's so obvious it doesn't even need to be said. That was what, 22 years ago? Fuck that guy and Islamic radicals. Why even bring this up? Your country has been attacked by an ISIS supporter 3 days ago. You need to be pissed, you need to get angry about it but you bring up Timothy McVeigh? You need help.
It's all deflection for their agenda.

They've made their choice.

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