Cut the bullshit, haters, we know who you are

Damn this is sad. The left is losing it. Of course everyone hates that motherfucker. It's so obvious it doesn't even need to be said. That was what, 22 years ago? Fuck that guy and Islamic radicals. Why even bring this up? Your country has been attacked by an ISIS supporter 3 days ago. You need to be pissed, you need to get angry about it but you bring up Timothy McVeigh? You need help.
Because the hatred of McVey, which you guys were very slow off the mark condemning until you got your asses kicked, is still embodied many in America on the right and left.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Please point out one post where anyone defends McVeigh.

This is standard Regressive Left tactic of deflecting from the current story and attacking.

He's not very good at hiding it.
Absolutely relevant: ignore McVey the killer and attack me. Wow!

Mac loves him sum Tim.
49 dead, innocent kids. 53 wounded, innocent kids.

Hundreds more friends and family suffering.

And you're in here deflecting, playing games and insulting people.

You have no shame, Jake. You're a perfect representative of the Regressive Left.
Damn this is sad. The left is losing it. Of course everyone hates that motherfucker. It's so obvious it doesn't even need to be said. That was what, 22 years ago? Fuck that guy and Islamic radicals. Why even bring this up? Your country has been attacked by an ISIS supporter 3 days ago. You need to be pissed, you need to get angry about it but you bring up Timothy McVeigh? You need help.
Because the hatred of McVey, which you guys were very slow off the mark condemning until you got your asses kicked, is still embodied many in America on the right and left.
Seriously WTF are you talking about? No one supports TM.

If anyone supports Timothy McVeigh come forward and announce your presence!!!!!!! There, let's see what happens.
Just like we know what he was and what he pretended to be.

Least we forget,eh? Yet nobody is bringing this up and gee I wonder white, I mean why?
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Please point out one post where anyone defends McVeigh.

This is standard Regressive Left tactic of deflecting from the current story and attacking.

He's not very good at hiding it.
Absolutely relevant: ignore McVey the killer and attack me. Wow!

Mac loves him sum Tim.
49 dead, innocent kids. 53 wounded, innocent kids. Hundreds more friends and family suffering. And you're in here deflecting, playing games and insulting people. You have no shame, Jake. You're a perfect representative of the Regressive Left..
You are a typical far right softboy who cannot condemn all barbarism. You must decide whose side you are on and condemn all barbarism.
Watching liberals try to walk with their knickers all in a twist is ALMOST as much fun as watching a little boy stalking about with the back flap of its Doctor Dentons unstuck.

But you cannnnnnotttt!!!! beat a "twofer"!
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around! Seriously? THIS is what you think is important right now, some imagined defense of McVeigh? That's ludicrous.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around!
They only condemned him when I forced them to do so.

The softboys of the far right are trying to refuse to join in an unity of defense against all barbarism.

Trump's refusal to do so will cost any chance, of which he has almost none, to get to the WH.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around!
They only condemned him when I forced them to do so.

The softboys of the far right are trying to refuse to join in an unity of defense against all barbarism.

Trump's refusal to do so will cost any chance, of which he has almost none, to get to the WH.
Then, to be consistent, you should cite EVERY instance of barbarism, including that of Dr Gosnell, and insist that every person denounce every instance, or be labeled as soft on barbarism.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around!
They only condemned him when I forced them to do so.

The softboys of the far right are trying to refuse to join in an unity of defense against all barbarism.

Trump's refusal to do so will cost any chance, of which he has almost none, to get to the WH.
Then, to be consistent, you should cite EVERY instance of barbarism, including that of Dr Gosnell, and insist that every person denounce every instance, or be labeled as soft on barbarism.
Gosnell is in prison, yes. There is your answer. Now shut the fuck up about your demented ideology and condemn all barbarism, softboy.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around!
They only condemned him when I forced them to do so.

The softboys of the far right are trying to refuse to join in an unity of defense against all barbarism.

Trump's refusal to do so will cost any chance, of which he has almost none, to get to the WH.
Then, to be consistent, you should cite EVERY instance of barbarism, including that of Dr Gosnell, and insist that every person denounce every instance, or be labeled as soft on barbarism.
Gosnell is in prison, yes. There is your answer. Now shut the fuck up about your demented ideology and condemn all barbarism, softboy.
All barbarism is hereby condemned. Now, what to do with the rest of the day? Oh, and I noticed that you did not condemn Gosnell, you merely stated his punishment. How soft, how soft.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around!
They only condemned him when I forced them to do so.

The softboys of the far right are trying to refuse to join in an unity of defense against all barbarism.

Trump's refusal to do so will cost any chance, of which he has almost none, to get to the WH.
Then, to be consistent, you should cite EVERY instance of barbarism, including that of Dr Gosnell, and insist that every person denounce every instance, or be labeled as soft on barbarism.
Gosnell is in prison, yes. There is your answer. Now shut the fuck up about your demented ideology and condemn all barbarism, softboy.
All barbarism is hereby condemned. Now, what to do with the rest of the day?
Thank you. Now you can start working on the tards of the far left and the far right who don't get it.
Odd coincidence, just yesterday I mentioned OKC... Slacktivism on Orlando.

PredFan said:

EverCurious said:
But fear not, many of us are quite angry today, many \will\ fight - they will cry for Orlando and it will be remembered just as they still cry from the Oklahoma City Bombing, from 9/11, long after the media abandoned those stories for ratings. And they did fight, they did change things to try to make it safer.​

No, they didn't fight, they did nothing. Unless you can explain what they did and how it stopped all of the terrorist attacks that have happened since OKC.​


Fighting and trying does not equal never happen again. In order to prevent all of it, we would have to give up our freedom. Freedom has risks, we must balance freedom and safety, there is no one side or the other will win 100%, there never will be. To quote you Life is cruel, deal with it - though I will change that and say people are assholes, we can't change that.

After OKC they amped up security at federal courts around the country, I know my mother worked in one. Those amped up security measures did not go away either. For example, after OKC I could no longer park in the parking garage, I could no longer park on the street outside the court house, I had to park nearly a block away because they have a safety perimeter now where no parking is allowed, and if you pull up to the doors to pick your mother up and sit for more than five minutes, armed guards come outside and police come have a little chat with you, tell you to move along. I have not forgotten OKC.

9/11, really you don't see all the changes after 9/11? Can't bring a damn soda on the plane anymore because of 9/11, no one sells what I drink inside the gate, it pisses me off frankly - I've not forgotten 9/11, I recall it every time I go the airport and realize that some sick bastards took away /my/ right to have a drink I like on my trips. Yea I put up with it, I deal with it and drink sodas I don't like, but damn skippy in my head I'm pissed at those fuckers every time I fly.
The enemies of America swarm out to defend Tim.
Where?!? Hit the decks a runnin' boys and spin those guns around!
They only condemned him when I forced them to do so.

The softboys of the far right are trying to refuse to join in an unity of defense against all barbarism.

Trump's refusal to do so will cost any chance, of which he has almost none, to get to the WH.
Then, to be consistent, you should cite EVERY instance of barbarism, including that of Dr Gosnell, and insist that every person denounce every instance, or be labeled as soft on barbarism.
Gosnell is in prison, yes. There is your answer. Now shut the fuck up about your demented ideology and condemn all barbarism, softboy.
You may be the most unintelligent liberal that has ever lived. Even liberals that frequent this board are embarrassed right now. Please stop.

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