"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

They do.

When they acquire virtually all the income derived from productivity gains over that past 45 years that represents a transfer from working class to investor class.

When they cut taxes on rich investors, they either raise taxes on productive workers or government cuts services like free higher education and free public roadways.

Inequality is costing workers $50 trillion (with Carter Price) - Pitchfork Economics

"Yesterday, a groundbreaking study by the RAND Corporation put the first-ever price tag on how much income inequality costs American workers. The bill? $50 trillion.

"You read that right: $50 trillion has been diverted from working Americans to the wealthiest 1% since 1975.

"To make sense of this staggering number, Nick and Goldy are joined by mathematician Carter Price, the study’s co-author.

"Carter C. Price is a senior mathematician at the RAND Corporation."

Billionaires don't steal my money from me. I willingly give it to them, as they provide a service I want.

And they pay 100 of times the taxes you or I pay, and you want them to pay more, simply for being successful. We all get richer through their success.

And they employ people who earn livings and pay taxes and hire other people.
  • The United States added 2,251,000 new millionaires from 2019 to 2020.
  • The total number of millionaires in the US is 20.27 million.
  • There are 788 billionaires in the United States with a combined net worth of $3.431 trillion.
  • Only about 20% of Americans inherit their riches.
I bet you would like to be one. The more, the merrier.
Nothing is too much for me to handle. I was just wondering how drastically your life would be changed if you only had half a billion instead of 1 billion.
You should be asking how the lives would be changed of those who would have the business they get from those billionaires cut in half. I like the idle rich, they pump a lot more money into the economy than I ever could. Heck, Paris Hilton can spend more on a weekend shopping trip than I can in a year.
They do.

When they acquire virtually all the income derived from productivity gains over that past 45 years that represents a transfer from working class to investor class.

When they cut taxes on rich investors, they either raise taxes on productive workers or government cuts services like free higher education and free public roadways.

Inequality is costing workers $50 trillion (with Carter Price) - Pitchfork Economics

"Yesterday, a groundbreaking study by the RAND Corporation put the first-ever price tag on how much income inequality costs American workers. The bill? $50 trillion.

"You read that right: $50 trillion has been diverted from working Americans to the wealthiest 1% since 1975.

"To make sense of this staggering number, Nick and Goldy are joined by mathematician Carter Price, the study’s co-author.

"Carter C. Price is a senior mathematician at the RAND Corporation."

They take their wealth from NO ONE they generate it and create it.

It is not transferred. None has been diverted from the working class it was CREATED

When you cut taxes it takes from no one. WHen you raise taxes it goes to no one except the government.
Do you find this misleading?

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

"No one among the 25 wealthiest avoided as much tax as Buffett, the grandfatherly centibillionaire.

"That’s perhaps surprising, given his public stance as an advocate of higher taxes for the rich.

"According to Forbes, his riches rose $24.3 billion between 2014 and 2018.

"Over those years, the data shows, Buffett reported paying $23.7 million in taxes.


Warren Buffett
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
2014-2018 Wealth Growth:
Total Income Reported:
$125M (0.51% of wealth)
Total Taxes Paid:
$23.7M (0.10% of wealth)
Note: Values in the graphic are rounded.
That works out to a true tax rate of 0.1%, or less than 10 cents for every $100 he added to his wealth
Avoiding taxes harms no one except the government which does not need it.
So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.
And don't forget that the millions of jobs that will be erased from the Companies owned by the Billionaires,
will leave millions without a job/income and more lost tax earnings.
So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.
Considering some Billionaires (the richest ones) doubled there income in the last 15 months, he better get a move on....

No one is calling Billionaires evil... Just want them to pay more for the society they are profiting on... It costs more for them to create even more profits, so we are passing on the cost...

Trumpsters are determined to kill the middle class...

Trump was the enemy of the middle class... Why didn't he run on increasing inequality in America...
Considering some Billionaires (the richest ones) doubled there income in the last 15 months, he better get a move on....

No one is calling Billionaires evil... Just want them to pay more for the society they are profiting on... It costs more for them to create even more profits, so we are passing on the cost...

Trumpsters are determined to kill the middle class...

Trump was the enemy of the middle class... Why didn't he run on increasing inequality in America...
You're a idiot I just paid yesterday for a $9.18 big Mac value meal inflation is out of control under Biden
Multi-millionaire socialist bernie sanders........which of his 3 homes is he living in this week?
Considering some Billionaires (the richest ones) doubled there income in the last 15 months, he better get a move on....

No one is calling Billionaires evil... Just want them to pay more for the society they are profiting on... It costs more for them to create even more profits, so we are passing on the cost...

Trumpsters are determined to kill the middle class...

Trump was the enemy of the middle class... Why didn't he run on increasing inequality in America...
They do not profit on society. It costs us nothing for them to create profit.
He never ran on increasing inequality qhich is irrelevant as it harms no one.
You're a idiot I just paid yesterday for a $9.18 big Mac value meal inflation is out of control under Biden
And the owner of the McDonald's franchise put about one cent actual net profit in his pocket after paying all the expenses including God knows how many various taxes.. That one cent will then be taxed if the owner attempts to take that profit and invest it in anything that makes a profit.
Then Bernie wants to take the taxes paid on the one cent and spend it on giving EVERYONE FREE EVERYTHING!
Fuck that! That's why people with REAL fungible money have moved it offshore.
When tax cuts and deregulation enable the richest one percent of Americans to loot $50 trillion from working class Americans over the past five decades, that is gross income and wealth inequality.

The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it, a new study finds. Here's what that means.

"That's roughly $50 trillion —again, with a "T"— that used to go to middle-class and working-class Americans that has instead been rerouted to the pockets of the top 1%.

"When viewed through the data in this report, that huge gap in income inequality doesn't look so much like a law of nature as it does a massive heist.

"Thanks to the proliferation of trickle-down policies like tax cuts, wage suppression, and stock-market deregulation, 90% of all Americans are demonstrably worse off financially than they were 45 years ago."

No rich guy ever stole money from you.
The price of Kerosene went down every year of the existence of Standard Oil.
How much lower would the price have fallen in the absence of Rockefeller's monopoly pricing?

Standard Oil - Wikipedia

"In 1904, Standard controlled 91 percent of production and 85 percent of final sales.

"Most of its output was kerosene, of which 55 percent was exported around the world.

"After 1900 it did not try to force competitors out of business by underpricing them.[39]

"The federal Commissioner of Corporations studied Standard's operations from the period of 1904 to 1906[40] and concluded that 'beyond question ... the dominant position of the Standard Oil Co. in the refining industry was due to unfair practices—to abuse of the control of pipe-lines, to railroad discriminations, and to unfair methods of competition in the sale of the refined petroleum product.'"
Those numbers *ahem* assume that "the wealthy" will continue to produce resources to be looted by commie scum like the Berntard....History proves him wrong.

Of course, those looters will use their failure as evidence that even more looting is called for.

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Looters is right. Bernie is boo different than the blacks looting any business the first opportunity they get

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