"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

The term "divided by class" is meaningless. All it means is that people earn different amounts of money.

Marx railed endlessly against class and taught his believers to do the same. You constantly hear marxists talk about class, class interests, class betrayal, class struggle blah blah blah.

This is one of the many facts proving that Marx was a true fool, or just a massive fraud or both. In his time class existed much more rigidly especially in europe. His predictions are predicated on the notion that this would never change or even get worse. Too bad for him exactly the opposite happened.

Capitalism has eliminated poverty worldwide more than any other economic idea or system ( collectivism whether sodcialism or communism only increases it where ever it is tried ). As a result socio economic class has been subdivided down so many times that there are simply too many socio economic classes to keep track of. Despite the claim of marxists there is also a great deal of upward and downward mobility between socio economic classes.

Today you would have to divide people by bottom lower class. slightly above bottom lower class, less than most lower class, lower class, upper lower class, barely lower class, barely middle class, very low middle class, lower middle class, high, lower middle class, middle class, slightly above middle class, comfortable middle class, upper middle class, marely upper class, lower upper class, upper class, high upper class, mega upper class.

And so on

These are some of the facts which cause marxists or even progressives who are just marxists light to fail constantly in spreading their idiotic ideas like the one Sanders proposes.

People know better.Even the economic lower classes know that these ideas are crap. Even during the height of the great depression the marxists only enjoyed a slight increase in followers and believers.
We need more billionaires.

About half of Americans pay no federal income tax at all; the rest of us pay it for them.

The richest among us tend to pay the most taxes, generally about 27% for the top 1%. They pay so much more than most of us do. Personally, I am thankful and wish them even greater future success, but I do pay a tidy sum of taxes myself.

The wealthiest among us pay for most of the operations of the government, including schools, roads, law and order, defense, energy, medicare, etc.

This wealthiest among us owe us squat. They can take their money and run after firing everyone.

But instead, they decide to make more money by continuing to employ people who buy homes and other things, paying property, sales, social security and other taxes, while these employers are paying similar taxes themselves.

Demonizing the successful has to stop. We need to encourage success, not penalize it. Everyone would love to be successful. Everyone can be, if they strive to do so, every day.
Total and complete bullshit.
Taxes are a theft?

How so?
Property of one person taken by another person using force or threat or force is theft.

Even if the law allows exemption for government to do so.

It is no diferent than a protection racket that some gangs have been known to engage in. Except they sometimes produce better results for the victim. Of course those gangs have no forced public education system to indoctrinate people into accepting that taxation is a good thing.
Property of one person taken by another person using force or threat or force is theft.

Even if the law allows exemption for government to do so.

It is no diferent than a protection racket that some gangs have been known to engage in. Except they sometimes produce better results for the victim. Of course those gangs have no forced public education system to indoctrinate people into accepting that taxation is a good thing.
Your libertarian bullshit is not pervasive.

Can you name one country on this planet which practices that theatrical bullshit?
Sounds about right the top 1% makes about 20% of the income and pays 20% of all income taxes collected.

How is that inequality?
When tax cuts and deregulation enable the richest one percent of Americans to loot $50 trillion from working class Americans over the past five decades, that is gross income and wealth inequality.

The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it, a new study finds. Here's what that means.

"That's roughly $50 trillion —again, with a "T"— that used to go to middle-class and working-class Americans that has instead been rerouted to the pockets of the top 1%.

"When viewed through the data in this report, that huge gap in income inequality doesn't look so much like a law of nature as it does a massive heist.

"Thanks to the proliferation of trickle-down policies like tax cuts, wage suppression, and stock-market deregulation, 90% of all Americans are demonstrably worse off financially than they were 45 years ago."
Nothing is too much for me to handle. I was just wondering how drastically your life would be changed if you only had half a billion instead of 1 billion.
How much would your life change if someone you will never meet has half a billion instead of 1 billion, Dumbass?
Taxes are theft that is fact.

You twisted that into something else i did say gay boy. You are a liar and coward and it is you cheeefully letting your self be a victim
Well if taxes are theft people have been continually robbed since biblical times.
People without W2 income do not pay Social Security taxes because they do not collect Social Security so adding FICA taxes into your examples is intentionally misleading.
Do you find this misleading?

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

"No one among the 25 wealthiest avoided as much tax as Buffett, the grandfatherly centibillionaire.

"That’s perhaps surprising, given his public stance as an advocate of higher taxes for the rich.

"According to Forbes, his riches rose $24.3 billion between 2014 and 2018.

"Over those years, the data shows, Buffett reported paying $23.7 million in taxes.


Warren Buffett
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
2014-2018 Wealth Growth:
Total Income Reported:
$125M (0.51% of wealth)
Total Taxes Paid:
$23.7M (0.10% of wealth)
Note: Values in the graphic are rounded.
That works out to a true tax rate of 0.1%, or less than 10 cents for every $100 he added to his wealth
The study begins with a false assumption which is that the wealthy TAKE their wealth from working Americans.

They do not.
They do.

When they acquire virtually all the income derived from productivity gains over that past 45 years that represents a transfer from working class to investor class.

When they cut taxes on rich investors, they either raise taxes on productive workers or government cuts services like free higher education and free public roadways.

Inequality is costing workers $50 trillion (with Carter Price) - Pitchfork Economics

"Yesterday, a groundbreaking study by the RAND Corporation put the first-ever price tag on how much income inequality costs American workers. The bill? $50 trillion.

"You read that right: $50 trillion has been diverted from working Americans to the wealthiest 1% since 1975.

"To make sense of this staggering number, Nick and Goldy are joined by mathematician Carter Price, the study’s co-author.

"Carter C. Price is a senior mathematician at the RAND Corporation."
They do.

When they acquire virtually all the income derived from productivity gains over that past 45 years that represents a transfer from working class to investor class.

When they cut taxes on rich investors, they either raise taxes on productive workers or government cuts services like free higher education and free public roadways.

Inequality is costing workers $50 trillion (with Carter Price) - Pitchfork Economics

"Yesterday, a groundbreaking study by the RAND Corporation put the first-ever price tag on how much income inequality costs American workers. The bill? $50 trillion.

"You read that right: $50 trillion has been diverted from working Americans to the wealthiest 1% since 1975.

"To make sense of this staggering number, Nick and Goldy are joined by mathematician Carter Price, the study’s co-author.

"Carter C. Price is a senior mathematician at the RAND Corporation."

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These stupid confused Moon Bats think that money would be better off in the hands of some idiot bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, than in the hands of the people that earned it.

It is called simple greed and it is despicable.

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