"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

"It's a point of principle. It's outright theft."

I dont know how it is in your country and I know you're a foreigner so I will explain. In this country taxes are what you pay for the privilege of being able to make a billion dollars.
The "privilege"??? You still are a slave arent you
Tony Soprano was always "better off" when he stole money from other people.

It is morally wrong for us to justify being "better off" by stealing money from other people to satisfy our greed.
Tony Soprano, Elon Musk, and all other gangster billionaires are greed in human form.
They would all be more useful to society as abortion statistics.
Obviously, you worship greed and go to sleep every night praying for your "big payday" regardless of all the negative externalities.

Evil is the root of all money
I don't recall any billionaires forcing me to buy anything...until Obamacare was passed, that is. Luckily, I have Tricare from my military career.
Do you recall any billionaires or other economic parasites bribing corrupt Republicans and Democrats to shift the tax burden off finance and real estate and onto workers and small business owners? Have you noticed any evidence on billionaires shipping millions of middle class US jobs to China. You need to expand your understanding of the words "steal" and "force." How about billionaires engaging in systemic mortgage fraud that resulted in millions of productive workers losing their houses and retirements?
Looting: The Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit
Do you recall any billionaires or other economic parasites bribing corrupt Republicans and Democrats to shift the tax burden off finance and real estate and onto workers and small business owners? Have you noticed any evidence on billionaires shipping millions of middle class US jobs to China. You need to expand your understanding of the words "steal" and "force." How about billionaires engaging in systemic mortgage fraud that resulted in millions of productive workers losing their houses and retirements?
Looting: The Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit
My goodness, you sure are angry that rich people aren't giving you their money like you believe you're entitled to.
Tony Soprano, Elon Musk, and all other gangster billionaires are greed in human form.
They would all be more useful to society as abortion statistics.
Obviously, you worship greed and go to sleep every night praying for your "big payday" regardless of all the negative externalities.

Evil is the root of all money

You are confused about this.

Elon Musk is producing a product that people want to buy and that is why he is rich. Along the way he is producing tens of thousands of high paying jobs and untold amount in direct and indirect taxes.

He is not your enemy.

Your enemy is the goddamn government that steals your money and then gives it away to others.
You are confused about this.

Elon Musk is producing a product that people want to buy and that is why he is rich. Along the way he is producing tens of thousands of high paying jobs and untold amount in direct and indirect taxes.

He is not your enemy.

Your enemy is the goddamn government that steals your money and then gives it away to others.
George believes that after the Revolution, he'll be given a plush corner office and a seat on the Politburo.
How much lower would the price have fallen in the absence of Rockefeller's monopoly pricing?

Standard Oil - Wikipedia

"In 1904, Standard controlled 91 percent of production and 85 percent of final sales.

"Most of its output was kerosene, of which 55 percent was exported around the world.

"After 1900 it did not try to force competitors out of business by underpricing them.[39]

"The federal Commissioner of Corporations studied Standard's operations from the period of 1904 to 1906[40] and concluded that 'beyond question ... the dominant position of the Standard Oil Co. in the refining industry was due to unfair practices—to abuse of the control of pipe-lines, to railroad discriminations, and to unfair methods of competition in the sale of the refined petroleum product.'"
RAND Corporation:eek:

‘We were shocked’: RAND study uncovers massive income shift to the top 1%

"Just how far has the working class been left behind by the winner-take-all economy? A new analysis by the RAND Corporation examines what rising inequality has cost Americans in lost income—and the results are stunning.

"A full-time worker whose taxable income is at the median—with half the population making more and half making less—now pulls in about $50,000 a year.

"Yet had the fruits of the nation’s economic output been shared over the past 45 years as broadly as they were from the end of World War II until the early 1970s, that worker would instead be making $92,000 to $102,000. (The exact figures vary slightly depending on how inflation is calculated.)"
Cut a billionaires’ wealth in half and all he’s left with is a measly 500 million.
If Amazon was organized as a worker coop, how many of its employees would become millionaires with 90% of Bezos's net worth?

198,900 millionaires.
What utter horseshit. You can't "buy back" anything if you don't have money to buy it with.

You behave as if the money belonged to you.
The money corporations spend buying back their own stock belongs to the workers who produce the surplus, in spite of what your profit god tells you:

These 20 Harsh Facts About Income and Wealth Inequality Will Shock You

"U.S. inequality has returned to levels not seen since the early 1900s: The richest 0.1% take in 196 times as much as the bottom 90%.

"The average American is well aware that paychecks haven’t kept pace with inflation, while the super-wealthy keep getting richer and pay less in taxes."
Taxes are theft and yes you advocate stealing from them.

"If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once.

"No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave.

"It is murder.

"Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?"

Property is theft! - Wikipedia!

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