"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

Your question is do people who earned the money have a right to their own money they earned?? :eusa_think:
My question is whether people have a moral or legal right to their pre-tax income.
Since most rational observers acknowledge they have no legal right to their pre-tax income, maybe you can explain how the "invisible hand" provides a moral distribution of pre-tax income.
Because you have no legal or moral right to your pre-tax income since you would have no income with government. Taxes are the price of civilization.


The cost of preventing thugs from robbing me would be less than 5% of what government takes in, so that's all it's entitled to.

"If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once.

"No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave.

"It is murder.

"Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?"

Property is theft! - Wikipedia!
Massive failure for you.

Quoting morons and performing idiotic mental gymnastics do not help your case.
Capitalist gospel.

The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it, a new study finds. Here's what that means.

"'If we just kept things the same' as they were in the early '70s, Goldstein added, 'the median worker would be earning twice what they are now.'"

The wealthiest GENERATED their wealth they did not trake it from others.

You are making the classic and rather stupid error that wealth is a zero sum gain.
Tony Soprano, Elon Musk, and all other gangster billionaires are greed in human form.
They would all be more useful to society as abortion statistics.
Obviously, you worship greed and go to sleep every night praying for your "big payday" regardless of all the negative externalities.

Evil is the root of all money
Tony Soprano is a ficgtional character. Elon Musk is not a gangster.

Money is a thing and not evil or good.

Massive failure for you again
The USMB Commies never can answer the question, "How much of what other people earn is your fair share?"
What effects do income and wealth inequality have on democracy?

Billionaires are parasites who bribe corrupt politicians to create the legal institutions which allow the creation of vast private fortunes. It's long past time to bring back the top 74% tax bracket that Reagan blew up so productive workers' wages can rise again and exterminate our billionaire problem once and for all.
<--------Doesn't understand what the 15% international minimum tax is really going to do
Instead of advocating stealing money from people that earned it how about getting the worthless Welfare Queen shitheads off the public dole?

How about doing something really simple like stopping all the goddamn Illegals from flooding into the country? You know, like Trump was doing?
What effects do income and wealth inequality have on democracy?

Billionaires are parasites who bribe corrupt politicians to create the legal institutions which allow the creation of vast private fortunes. It's long past time to bring back the top 74% tax bracket that Reagan blew up so productive workers' wages can rise again and exterminate our billionaire problem once and for all.
It isn't Reagan's tax policies that prevents worker wages from rising. It's all the cheap foreign labor supplied by illegal aliens that prevents it. In other words, Democrats are responsible for it.
Every economy in history has been planned by someone.
Increasingly the US economy is planned by Wall Street money managers who are graded every three months on how much profit they have EXTRACTED from the real economy.

Their "plan" to get rid of bad investments involves finding a "greater fool" to buy them For many years this was supposed to be foreign investors like German banks and funds and Arab sovereign funds.

Now, that greater fool is the US Government which has spent trillion$ on "cash for trash" swaps and other forms of financial fraud.

I'll agree with you that the U.S. government is a fool.
No need for any government action to reduce the wealth of the reach.

The wealth of every American is already being reduced daily by Xiden's economic plan to destroy the middle class along with everybody else.

Serfs aren't really serfs until they are beholden to "their betters" for everything.

Don't resist!

The true victims will be those who allowed this to happen. It's imperative they get well and thoroughly screwed. Only then will the history of "Let Them Eat Cake" Mary repeat itself. It's gotta hit rock bottom before change for the better begin.

Shouldn't take too much longer.

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