Cuts to SS and Medicare

He reduced the deficit every year over the previous gop administration. Show ONE YEAR where it wasn’t . You have a reading problem. Not only was each year less then the gop president, the accumulated deficits were less too.

Barry Hussein's "accumulated deficits" are HIGHER than every GOP President, Dumbass.

You suck at math.

Joe Biden2021 – present$1.84 trillion6.33%
Donald Trump2017 – 2021$8.2 trillion40.43%
Barack Obama2009 – 2017$8.34 trillion69.98%
George W. Bush2001 – 2009$6.1 trillion105.08%
Bill Clinton1993 – 2001$1.4 trillion31.64%
George H.W. Bush1989 – 1993$1.55 trillion54.39%
Ronald Reagan1981 – 1989$1.86 trillion186.36%
Jimmy Carter1977 – 1981$299 billion42.79%
Gerald Ford1974 – 1977$223.8 billion47.11%
Richard Nixon1969 – 1974$121.3 billion34.30%
Lyndon B. Johnson1963 – 1969$42 billion13.48%
John F. Kennedy1961 – 1963$22.7 billion7.87%
Dwight D. Eisenhower1953 – 1961$22.9 billion8.61%
Harry S. Truman1945 – 1953$7.4 billion2.86%
Franklin D. Roosevelt1933 – 1945$236.1 billion1047.73%
Herbert Hoover1929 – 1933$5.6 billion33.12%
Calvin Coolidge1923 – 1929-$5.42 billion-24.24%
Warren G. Harding1921 – 1923-$1.63 billion-6.79%
Woodrow Wilson1913 – 1921$21 billion722.21%
William H. Taft1909 – 1913$276.7 million10.48%
Last edited:
Bush left with a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit. Tell us again how Obama did not reduce the deficit over Bush every fking year.

Trump, 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion the next year and was projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years.

Now. Compare that with Joe‘s deficits.

Tell us again how Obama did not reduce the deficit over Bush every fking year.

Bush's last deficit was $1.16 TRILLION.

Barry Hussein's first deficit was $1.5 TRILLION.

His second was $1.3 TRILLION.

You lose again, Simp.

President Barack Obama​

Total = $6.781 trillion, a 58% increase

  • FY 2017: $665 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016: $585 billion
  • FY 2015: $442 billion
  • FY 2014: $485 billion
  • FY 2013: $680 billion
  • FY 2012: $1.077 trillion
  • FY 2011: $1.300 trillion
  • FY 2010: $1.5 trillion. This is the sum of $1.294 trillion and $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget.

President George W. Bush​

Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase

  • FY 2009: $1.16 trillion. This amount is calculated from $1.413 trillion, minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008: $459 billion
  • FY 2007: $161 billion
  • FY 2006: $248 billion
  • FY 2005: $318 billion
  • FY 2004: $413 billion
  • FY 2003: $378 billion
  • FY 2002: $158 billion
I wouldn’t trust you deniers to do shit. You just said you wouldn’t use CNN. You tell us where you get your info from; Fux News ?
FACTS that you are 100% ignorant about!

Thanks for once again confirming your total dumbassery, Simp.

The 2017 United States federal budget is the United States federal budget for fiscal year 2017, which lasted from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. President Barack Obama submitted a budget proposal to the 114th Congress on February 9, 2016.

Btw, who the fk is Barry ? You have an intellect problem ?
btw, you never include the deficits of the repugnants we’re comparing them to. Why’s that ? Afraid of being ashamed of them ?
Bush's last deficit was $1.16 TRILLION.

Barry Hussein's first deficit was $1.5 TRILLION.

His second was $1.3 TRILLION.

You lose again, Simp.

President Barack Obama​

Total = $6.781 trillion, a 58% increase

  • FY 2017: $665 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016: $585 billion
  • FY 2015: $442 billion
  • FY 2014: $485 billion
  • FY 2013: $680 billion
  • FY 2012: $1.077 trillion
  • FY 2011: $1.300 trillion
  • FY 2010: $1.5 trillion. This is the sum of $1.294 trillion and $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget.

President George W. Bush​

Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase

  • FY 2009: $1.16 trillion. This amount is calculated from $1.413 trillion, minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008: $459 billion
  • FY 2007: $161 billion
  • FY 2006: $248 billion
  • FY 2005: $318 billion
  • FY 2004: $413 billion
  • FY 2003: $378 billion
  • FY 2002: $158 billion
Geesus, you’re own reference PROVES WHAT I’ve been saying. What an idiot. Now stupid, post the years that Bush was in office……go ahead stupid. You afraid ?
Barry Hussein's "accumulated deficits" are HIGHER than every GOP President, Dumbass.

You suck at math.

Joe Biden2021 – present$1.84 trillion6.33%
Donald Trump2017 – 2021$8.2 trillion40.43%
Barack Obama2009 – 2017$8.34 trillion69.98%
George W. Bush2001 – 2009$6.1 trillion105.08%
Bill Clinton1993 – 2001$1.4 trillion31.64%
George H.W. Bush1989 – 1993$1.55 trillion54.39%
Ronald Reagan1981 – 1989$1.86 trillion186.36%
Jimmy Carter1977 – 1981$299 billion42.79%
Gerald Ford1974 – 1977$223.8 billion47.11%
Richard Nixon1969 – 1974$121.3 billion34.30%
Lyndon B. Johnson1963 – 1969$42 billion13.48%
John F. Kennedy1961 – 1963$22.7 billion7.87%
Dwight D. Eisenhower1953 – 1961$22.9 billion8.61%
Harry S. Truman1945 – 1953$7.4 billion2.86%
Franklin D. Roosevelt1933 – 1945$236.1 billion1047.73%
Herbert Hoover1929 – 1933$5.6 billion33.12%
Calvin Coolidge1923 – 1929-$5.42 billion-24.24%
Warren G. Harding1921 – 1923-$1.63 billion-6.79%
Woodrow Wilson1913 – 1921$21 billion722.21%
William H. Taft1909 – 1913$276.7 million10.48%
And Obama inherited the worse recession since 1929 and still managed to cut the deficit it in half.
What did Reagan, Bush and Trump do ? Every year they raised it and managed to increase the deficit from EVERY previous admin. Look what Trump did with 660 billion in just three years. Hilarious.
Geesus, you’re own reference PROVES WHAT I’ve been saying. What an idiot. Now stupid, post the years that Bush was in office……go ahead stupid. You afraid ?
View attachment 760405
You can’t read can you. He still had to finance a war Bush started with Bush’s tax cuts. You’re an idiot. Obama still manged to reduce the deficit to 1/2 of what Bush had. Then there was financing the recession from Bush….and he still cut the deficit.
Are you claiming Barry Hussein's accumulated debt is less than GOP Presidents?
You mean the recession he inherited and the war he inherited and still had to financed them on Bush accumulated tax cuts ? He still managed to reduce the deficit. Yup, you can’t even read your own shit. Btw, what was the year deficit record of the gop president before and after Obama. Go get a chart and post It. You won’t do it cause it shows you’re FOS.
You mean the recession he inherited and the war he inherited and still had to financed them on Bush accumulated tax cuts ? He still managed to reduce the deficit. Yup, you can’t even read your own shit. Btw, what was the year deficit record of the gop president before and after Obama. Go get a chart and post It. You won’t do it cause it shows you’re FOS.
The presidents from both sides of the isle are responsible for where we are now with our debt.
If you can't admit the obvious, you are just a partisan hack. :eusa_whistle:
Btw, who the fk is Barry ? You have an intellect problem ?
btw, you never include the deficits of the repugnants we’re comparing them to. Why’s that ? Afraid of being ashamed of them ?
Wow! You've proved your political Ignorance so many times and this one is just a doozy!
"Barry Hussein" Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama) Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama): The Puppet and His Puppeteers : Gonzalez, Servando: Books
Barack Hussein Obama II
You mean the recession he inherited and the war he inherited and still had to financed them on Bush accumulated tax cuts ? He still managed to reduce the deficit. Yup, you can’t even read your own shit. Btw, what was the year deficit record of the gop president before and after Obama. Go get a chart and post It. You won’t do it cause it shows you’re FOS.

President Bush's tax cuts provided $1.7 trillion in relief through 2008.
President Bush worked with Congress to reduce the tax burden on American families and small businesses to spur savings, investment, and job creation.
In 2001, President Bush proposed and signed the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act. This legislation
  • Reduced tax rates for every American who pays income taxes, including creating a new 10 percent tax bracket
  • Doubled the child tax credit to $1,000 by 2010
  • Reduced the marriage penalty beginning in 2005
  • Put the death tax on the road to extinction
  • Increased education tax benefits
  • Increased limits on IRA and 401(k) contributions and changed limits on defined benefit pension plans – which were made permanent in the Pension Protection Act of 2006
  • In 2007, a family of four earning $40,000 saved an average of $2,053 thanks to the President's tax relief.
The presidents from both sides of the isle are responsible for where we are now with our debt.
If you can't admit the obvious, you are just a partisan hack. :eusa_whistle:
That’s bullshit. The trend is obvious. Every GOP president authored tax reductions and deregulation when in office and had congressional authority to spike the deficit. It’s like burning a house down. It takes longer to rebuild then burn it down.

That’s why we are in a perpetual increase. All fiscal responsibility can do, is slow the increase. With out the gop who wants to promote govt incompetency when in office It will continue to grow.

They refuse to in infrastructure and climate change mitigation which is a huge long term increase in debt for doing NOTHING.
President Bush's tax cuts provided $1.7 trillion in relief through 2008.
President Bush worked with Congress to reduce the tax burden on American families and small businesses to spur savings, investment, and job creation.
In 2001, President Bush proposed and signed the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act. This legislation
  • Reduced tax rates for every American who pays income taxes, including creating a new 10 percent tax bracket
  • Doubled the child tax credit to $1,000 by 2010
  • Reduced the marriage penalty beginning in 2005
  • Put the death tax on the road to extinction
  • Increased education tax benefits
  • Increased limits on IRA and 401(k) contributions and changed limits on defined benefit pension plans – which were made permanent in the Pension Protection Act of 2006
  • In 2007, a family of four earning $40,000 saved an average of $2,053 thanks to the President's tax relief.
Wow, and still he managed to start the worse recession since 1929, start an unfounded war, create more terrorist and like other gop idiots, not identify climate change or invest in infrastructure. .

Obama brought sanity to funding, got Bin Laden and reduced the deficit.
That’s bullshit. The trend is obvious. Every GOP president authored tax reductions and deregulation when in office and had congressional authority to spike the deficit. It’s like burning a house down. It takes longer to rebuild then burn it down.

That’s why we are in a perpetual increase. All fiscal responsibility can do, is slow the increase. With out the gop who wants to promote govt incompetency when in office It will continue to grow.

They refuse to in infrastructure and climate change mitigation which is a huge long term increase in debt for doing NOTHING.
I knew you couldn't admit to the facts.
Both sides of the isle have gotten us where we are.

Run to your masters, partisan hack, you make a good minion.
Wow, and still he managed to start the worse recession since 1929, start an unfounded war, create more terrorist and like other gop idiots, not identify climate change or invest in infrastructure. .

Obama brought sanity to funding, got Bin Laden and reduced the deficit.
NOT one FACT! Obama brought the housing bubble through his 1995 Lawsuit against Citibank which really dumb people like you either are unaware or ignore but either way this caused the collapse of 2008!
Now here are the FACTS, FACTS you again are either too ignorant of or too lazy to learn the realities!

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.

The judge who presided over young Barack Obama’s successful housing discrimination lawsuit against Citibank was part of Chicago’s progressive political machine, and he got his reward from President Obama 14 years later.
That reward was a suitcase of prestige: White House officials leaked news that Judge Ruben Castillo was among nine candidates Obama considered nominating to the Supreme Court in May 2009.
About 7,560,000 results (0.72 seconds) Search Results of "Obama's Citibank 1995 lawsuit started the collapse"
With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama pushed banks to give ...
You mean the recession he inherited and the war he inherited and still had to financed them on Bush accumulated tax cuts ? He still managed to reduce the deficit. Yup, you can’t even read your own shit. Btw, what was the year deficit record of the gop president before and after Obama. Go get a chart and post It. You won’t do it cause it shows you’re FOS.
Hey Dagoober, I have provided links to back up every one of my claims, and prove every one of yours is utter bullshit.
That’s bullshit. The trend is obvious. Every GOP president authored tax reductions and deregulation when in office and had congressional authority to spike the deficit. It’s like burning a house down. It takes longer to rebuild then burn it down.

That’s why we are in a perpetual increase. All fiscal responsibility can do, is slow the increase. With out the gop who wants to promote govt incompetency when in office It will continue to grow.

They refuse to in infrastructure and climate change mitigation which is a huge long term increase in debt for doing NOTHING.
Ha ha
Hilarious. The absolute only legislation you brag about it TAX Cuts. No infrastructure, non vestments in climate change mitigation, no gun violence legislation, no better healthcare no nothing. When the regulations are cut, no one does anything, you end up with more corruption with more indictments , another recession and more denials. Repugnants SUCK
NOT one FACT! Obama brought the housing bubble through his 1995 Lawsuit against Citibank which really dumb people like you either are unaware or ignore but either way this caused the collapse of 2008!
Now here are the FACTS, FACTS you again are either too ignorant of or too lazy to learn the realities!

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.

The judge who presided over young Barack Obama’s successful housing discrimination lawsuit against Citibank was part of Chicago’s progressive political machine, and he got his reward from President Obama 14 years later.
That reward was a suitcase of prestige: White House officials leaked news that Judge Ruben Castillo was among nine candidates Obama considered nominating to the Supreme Court in May 2009.
About 7,560,000 results (0.72 seconds) Search Results of "Obama's Citibank 1995 lawsuit started the collapse"
With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama pushed banks to give ...
Let’s see, you think Obama was responsible for Bush’s recession and crash in 2008 for what you think he did in 1995. Wtf, let’s blame the black guy for getting elected because he was born in Uganda. You guys are FOS. There is one fact. You are a party of deniers and criminals who take responsibility for nothing.

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