Cuts to SS and Medicare

Let’s see, you think Obama was responsible for Bush’s recession and crash in 2008 for what you think he did in 1995. Wtf, let’s blame the black guy for getting elected because he was born in Uganda. You guys are FOS. There is one fact. You are a party of deniers and criminals who take responsibility for nothing.
Wrong again....half black.
Hey Dagoober, I have provided links to back up every one of my claims, and prove every one of yours is utter bullshit.

Dagosa's credibility is zero! He like his elements make wild ass comments with NO links, no proof and simply what he's heard from the
MSM that donated 96% to Hillary, spent 92% of the news negative to Trump for 4 years then donated 90% to Biden.
The study, conducted by Professor Thomas E. Patterson of Harvard’s Kennedy School and the Schorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy found 80% of the media’s coverage of President Trump during the first 100 days of his administration was negative.
Compare the numbers for Trump to those enjoyed by Barack Obama. The coverage for Obama was 59% favorable versus 41% unfavorable. Any fair-minded person will recall the media was notoriously hostile to the presidency of George W. Bush, yet during the first 100 days of the Bush administration, the news coverage was 57% negative versus 43% positive.
CNN and NBC averaged 93% negative coverage of Trump’s first 100 days with CBS creeping behind with 91% negative coverage. Harvard Study Confirms Trump Coverage - The Knoxville Focus
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20
But Dagazero... simply doesn't believe the facts that the biased MSM wanted Hillary, she lost, the spent 92% of their news negative for Trump and then the MSM donated 90%

I knew you couldn't admit to the facts.
Both sides of the isle have gotten us where we are.

Run to your masters, partisan hack, you make a good minion.
The only fact is obvious. He reduced Bushes 1.2 trillion dollar deficit by 50%. Fact. Everyother dem president that followed since Reagan reduced the deficit with no exceptions. 10 of the last 11 recessions under repugnants and you lead criminal admin indictments by ratio of what 200 to 1, and still counting. Crooks and deniers.
I knew you couldn't admit to the facts.
Both sides of the isle have gotten us where we are.

Run to your masters, partisan hack, you make a good minion.
My puppet master accepts climate change and Biden’s election while your‘s doesn’t. Proof positive you have nothing to say trustworthy in anything. How many more indictments and impeachments do you white trailer trash lunatics need ? Putin Humper Trump got your tongue ?
MSM that donated 96% to Hillary, spent 92% of the news negative to Trump for 4 years then donated 90% to Biden.
The study, conducted by Professor Thomas E. Patterson of Harvard’s Kennedy School and the Schorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy found 80% of the media’s coverage of President Trump during the first 100 days of his administration was negative.
Compare the numbers for Trump to those enjoyed by Barack Obama. The coverage for Obama was 59% favorable versus 41% unfavorable. Any fair-minded person will recall the media was notoriously hostile to the presidency of George W. Bush, yet during the first 100 days of the Bush administration, the news coverage was 57% negative versus 43% positive.
CNN and NBC averaged 93% negative coverage of Trump’s first 100 days with CBS creeping behind with 91% negative coverage. Harvard Study Confirms Trump Coverage - The Knoxville Focus
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20
But Dagazero... simply doesn't believe the facts that the biased MSM wanted Hillary, she lost, the spent 92% of their news negative for Trump and then the MSM donated 90%

View attachment 760456
I hope you had fun with your little post. No one on the sane side is reading it.
Nope. You don’t even give a link.
You suck at math, and life.

  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
  • 2016 - $585 billion budget deficit
  • 2015 - $439 billion budget deficit

Thanks for once again confirming your total dumbassery, Simp.

The 2017 United States federal budget is the United States federal budget for fiscal year 2017, which lasted from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. President Barack Obama submitted a budget proposal to the 114th Congress on February 9, 2016.

Barry Hussein's "accumulated deficits" are HIGHER than every GOP President, Dumbass.

You suck at math.

Joe Biden2021 – present$1.84 trillion6.33%
Donald Trump2017 – 2021$8.2 trillion40.43%
Barack Obama2009 – 2017$8.34 trillion69.98%
George W. Bush2001 – 2009$6.1 trillion105.08%
Bill Clinton1993 – 2001$1.4 trillion31.64%
George H.W. Bush1989 – 1993$1.55 trillion54.39%
Ronald Reagan1981 – 1989$1.86 trillion186.36%
Jimmy Carter1977 – 1981$299 billion42.79%
Gerald Ford1974 – 1977$223.8 billion47.11%
Richard Nixon1969 – 1974$121.3 billion34.30%
Lyndon B. Johnson1963 – 1969$42 billion13.48%
John F. Kennedy1961 – 1963$22.7 billion7.87%
Dwight D. Eisenhower1953 – 1961$22.9 billion8.61%
Harry S. Truman1945 – 1953$7.4 billion2.86%
Franklin D. Roosevelt1933 – 1945$236.1 billion1047.73%
Herbert Hoover1929 – 1933$5.6 billion33.12%
Calvin Coolidge1923 – 1929-$5.42 billion-24.24%
Warren G. Harding1921 – 1923-$1.63 billion-6.79%
Woodrow Wilson1913 – 1921$21 billion722.21%
William H. Taft1909 – 1913$276.7 million10.48%

Bush's last deficit was $1.16 TRILLION.

Barry Hussein's first deficit was $1.5 TRILLION.

His second was $1.3 TRILLION.

You lose again, Simp.

President Barack Obama​

Total = $6.781 trillion, a 58% increase

  • FY 2017: $665 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016: $585 billion
  • FY 2015: $442 billion
  • FY 2014: $485 billion
  • FY 2013: $680 billion
  • FY 2012: $1.077 trillion
  • FY 2011: $1.300 trillion
  • FY 2010: $1.5 trillion. This is the sum of $1.294 trillion and $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget.

President George W. Bush​

Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase

  • FY 2009: $1.16 trillion. This amount is calculated from $1.413 trillion, minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008: $459 billion
  • FY 2007: $161 billion
  • FY 2006: $248 billion
  • FY 2005: $318 billion
  • FY 2004: $413 billion
  • FY 2003: $378 billion
  • FY 2002: $158 billion
There is nothing left to say. My links prove all my claims, as well as prove all yours are bullshit, you lying sack of dumbassery.
Obama was handed a recession and still managed to reduce the deficit to 1/2 of what he was given. Bush’s increased. But I see you never post his , Reagan or Trump’s deficits. Even your own references as incomplete as they are, show what a fraud you are.
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was Barry Hussein's
So, who are we talking about ? I thought Hussein was the nick name terrorists gave to Dick Cheney/ Bush dual presidency for not only disregarding 9/11 threats but by generating new terrorist groups and giving a pathway for Bin Laden to escape, then declaring, naw, gettin* the perpetrator of 9/11 was not that important.

Busg/Cheney debacles are legionary. Only Trump miss handling of covid and the economy and promoting criminal activity is approaching that level if incompetency.
Obama was handed a recession and still managed to reduce the deficit to 1/2 of what he was given. Bush’s increased. But I see you never post his , Reagan or Trump’s deficits. Even your own references as incomplete as they are, show what a fraud you are.
READ FACTS not your guesses...

Obama brought the housing bubble through his 1995 Lawsuit against Citibank which really dumb people like you either are unaware or ignore but either way this caused the collapse of 2008!
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices. As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
"Redlining," the activists argued, was the antithesis of the American dream of owning a home. Moreover, they insisted, everyone had the "right" to own a home. So the banks were forced to issue loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back. The banking system was forced to inflate a housing bubble that set us up for a near-catastrophic economic collapse.
As the Daily Caller relates, "Obama's lawsuit was one element of a national 'anti-redlining' campaign led by Chicago's progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called 'red lines' around African-American communities."

That settlement was only the tip of the iceberg. When Citibank, in April 1998, sought federal approval for a merger with Travelers Group, it only got OK from the Clinton administration progressives after it promised in May to provide $115 billion for anti-redlining loans. Anti-redlining promises made by other financial institutions added up to $600 billion between 1993 and 1998, according to a 2000 Treasury Department report.

It was the progressive dreams of Barack Obama that would crash the nation's economy in 2008, wipe out at least
$4 trillion in equity and help keep the unemployment rate above 8% for four years.

As president, Obama would blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, and Wall Street. But before the housing market finally collapsed, it was a young lawyer named Barack Obama who helped put the wrecking ball in motion
Thanks for once again confirming your total dumbassery, Simp.

The 2017 United States federal budget is the United States federal budget for fiscal year 2017, which lasted from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. President Barack Obama submitted a budget proposal to the 114th Congress on February 9, 2016.

Hilarious. Bush left office submitting one of many supplemental budgets which allowed him to cook the books and write the deficits into the next year onto Obama’s budgets. ALL of these amounts were unfounded by Bush tax cuts. It took years to payback Bush supplementals, and still, it was Obama who instituted healthcare for millions the gop would let die and still managed to cut the deficit in half.
what a bunch of dufus you Humpers are.
READ FACTS not your guesses...

Obama brought the housing bubble through his 1995 Lawsuit against Citibank which really dumb people like you either are unaware or ignore but either way this caused the collapse of 2008!
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices. As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
"Redlining," the activists argued, was the antithesis of the American dream of owning a home. Moreover, they insisted, everyone had the "right" to own a home. So the banks were forced to issue loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back. The banking system was forced to inflate a housing bubble that set us up for a near-catastrophic economic collapse.
As the Daily Caller relates, "Obama's lawsuit was one element of a national 'anti-redlining' campaign led by Chicago's progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called 'red lines' around African-American communities."

That settlement was only the tip of the iceberg. When Citibank, in April 1998, sought federal approval for a merger with Travelers Group, it only got OK from the Clinton administration progressives after it promised in May to provide $115 billion for anti-redlining loans. Anti-redlining promises made by other financial institutions added up to $600 billion between 1993 and 1998, according to a 2000 Treasury Department report.

It was the progressive dreams of Barack Obama that would crash the nation's economy in 2008, wipe out at least
$4 trillion in equity and help keep the unemployment rate above 8% for four years.

As president, Obama would blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, and Wall Street. But before the housing market finally collapsed, it was a young lawyer named Barack Obama who helped put the wrecking ball in motion
Hilarious. You mean to say that Bush was handcuffed by a vote in the senate from 1995 ? I guess you’re admitting that Bush was that incompetent. As much so as to not heed the warnings of 9/11 and start an unfounded war.
Let’s see, you’re blaming, Bill, Obama in 1998 and before….why no blame FDR for Trump’s mess ?

I blame you a/0-holes for dragging your feet on climate change just to breath more coal dust. Idiots.
Hilarious. You mean to say that Bush was handcuffed by a vote in the senate from 1995 ? I guess you’re admitting that Bush was that incompetent. As much so as to not heed the warnings of 9/11 and start an unfounded war.
Let’s see, you’re blaming, Bill, Obama in 1998 and before….why no blame FDR for Trump’s mess ?

I blame you a/0-holes for dragging your feet on climate change just to breath more coal dust. Idiots.
But YOU are totally unbelievable as all you do is spout your personal, UNSUBSTANTIATED and ignorant opinion.
What does a vote in 1995 Senate have to do with Bush?
As president, Obama would blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, and Wall Street.
But before the housing market finally collapsed, it was a young lawyer named Barack Obama who helped put the wrecking ball in motion
Hilarious. Bush left office submitting one of many supplemental budgets which allowed him to cook the books and write the deficits into the next year onto Obama’s budgets. ALL of these amounts were unfounded by Bush tax cuts. It took years to payback Bush supplementals, and still, it was Obama who instituted healthcare for millions the gop would let die and still managed to cut the deficit in half.
what a bunch of dufus you Humpers are.
NOT ONE source! Why do you think people believe YOUR comments as YOU never NEVER provide any basis for your comments?
Obviously you think you are GOD with all the answers so why are you wasting your god time on this forum? Being the perfect being you
need to be doing something else I'd suggest!
But YOU are totally unbelievable as all you do is spout your personal, UNSUBSTANTIATED and ignorant opinion.
What does a vote in 1995 Senate have to do with Bush?
As president, Obama would blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, and Wall Street.
But before the housing market finally collapsed, it was a young lawyer named Barack Obama who helped put the wrecking ball in motion
Wow…..outdone by a freshman senator years earlier. No wonder 9/11 occurred during the Bush admin. He’s so incompetent he couldn’t stop anything.
Wow…..outdone by a freshman senator years earlier. No wonder 9/11 occurred during the Bush admin. He’s so incompetent he couldn’t stop anything.
Clinton had the chance to stop him but didn’t.

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