Cyber-Bullying Across USMB

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first the thread was not in the flame was in the health discussion i attempted to have an honest discussion about a couple of topics....1: the concept of having vs had cancer
2: the denial of pill addiction, if you will note i fully admit it is an addiction i deal with
3: i gave gracie the best advice i could on what to do for the next few days

if this is bullying of any form be it

and gracie tossed out the first attack and began the name was over using the present tense or past tense when one has/had cancer
It's Not harassment. Anyone who posts such info is nuts if she thinks people aren't going to comment. But the person in question is just a sad attention whore who will say or do anything to get a reaction from someone.

Tormenting someone over their dead pet, cancer, and mental health issues and telling them if they don't post they won't see it-following them around and threatening them with this is Sociopathic and harassment. It sucks.

There's flaming and there's this garbage. It was taken upstairs AGAIN. It should stay in the FZ at least but really it shouldn't be allowed.

i agree.... gracie was just flaming away.


saying that the doctor was right to cut her off of an addictive drug... was harassment?

Gracie needs to be treated tenderly. No matter how many names she calls others or how many lies she tells or how many forum rules she flouts, it's bullying to do anything but be gentle with her.
Hi Wake I have asked about the idea of a peacemaking section for conflict resolution.
Some people bully by personal attacks or namecalling, others by exclusion.
We could all use more skills and practice in diplomatic intervention to diffuse issues
not escalate by taking sides and projecting blame.

If more people are versed in redressing and resolving conflicts by
mutual respect and inclusion, then bullies have no power, no weak spots
or divisions to exploit to stir the pot, no buttons to press,

half what i see on the internet is attempt to share contrasting information

the other half is therapy to learn to deal with denial and projection

the more people who respond to conflict with inclusion and respect
we won't invite such bullying but will naturally deter it

if you want to set up a game that teaches and rewards these skills
i think all users would benefit

It's true that there are groups of people who troll others relentlessly within this website, across this board, cruelly. It's of a bullying nature, and it's wrong.

I just happened upon this thread, My Doctor is an Idiot, and I read some pretty lowdown garbage in there.

All this is, is internet bullying. Aka cyberbullying. In my opinion there's a problem with bullies here, and it shouldn't be tolerated. We've got people now who are too scared to post general threads because a pack of people will troll and hurt them over it.

Could USMB's rules be amended, to further discourage site-wide bullying, please? People shouldn't have to have inoffensive threads being used to be personally attacked and bullied over upstairs.

Cyberbullying should be stamped out when it happens.

I know that others feel strongly in agreement with me here, and I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter, too.

It shouldn't be that a group of people can keep trying to make life complete and utter hell for certain individuals upstairs, in the worst personal ways. Whether it's in the Pet forum, or in the Healthcare, whatever, it should not be. It's not ok, it's not alright.
^ You say this after you supported bringing up her dead pet that she mentioned. Yep, bones was so concerned about rep thanks that she turned around and supported the rat's attack?
I just happened upon this thread, My Doctor is an Idiot, and I read some pretty lowdown garbage in there.

Wake, you being in the medical field should have some knowledge of the effects of that particular medication, perhaps?

There may have been some lowdown garbage in that thread there was also a lot of truth and advice posted.
Generally, a doc won't rx xanax for more than 90 days.
If anxiety persists pts are moved to ativan or klonopin along with talk therapy.

Having worked in outpatient facilities for drug addicts/alcoholics I found the reaction from the OP very familiar.

Lets just get the record straight, shall we?

I was given xanax over a year ago by my doctor because I was having probs sleeping. That's it. Just sleep. He said it can be addictive. I didn't check because I didn't abuse it. I get (got) a refill every month, always with some left over because sometimes I didn't take one. I got 5mgs, bit it in half. My rx was for 15 pills for 30 days. Do the math. I had 1/2 a pill left last thursday when I went to see him for the bee sting. I told him I needed a refill. He said ok. But he never did it. I called and asked again. He refused. Out of the blue. So now I am suffering with this shit and feel totally stupid for NOT checking on xanax as much as I do other drugs I am told to take.

This also has NOTHING to do with my cancer or whether I smoke. I am having problems NOW, with detoxing. Assholes who brought my cancer had not intention of giving support. All that clique wanted to do was bash me and now they have a new one to assist...Bones. Good to know.

You people are fucking sick.

And with that said...again..I am out of here until I see a few pinks. No pinks? Fine. I have other places.

i agree.. you should be pinked.
And that is how this board sees me? As an attention whore? Really. Because I posted something I am experiencing RIGHT NOW and wanted to just get some support?

Well fine. If me seeking some help but was treated the way I was, then called an attention whore, then reamed, then made fun of, then called enabling with my spouse, then smoke after having cancer as if that was even the subject and NOBODY here sees that as wrong after the shit I have been dealt since bailing from two cliques at war with each other...then this is not the board for me after all.

Gee wake. THANKS. not.
^ You say this after you supported bringing up her dead pet that she mentioned. Yep, bones was so concerned about rep thanks that she turned around and supported the rat's attack?

i have never mentioned anyones damn dead animal.....

But you stood by and said nothing when your buddies did and then you went on to another attack of the same person.

Then you whine about being thanked for repping.
And that is how this board sees me? As an attention whore? Really. Because I posted something I am experiencing RIGHT NOW and wanted to just get some support?

Well fine. If me seeking some help but was treated the way I was, then called an attention whore, then reamed, then made fun of, then called enabling with my spouse, then smoke after having cancer as if that was even the subject and NOBODY here sees that as wrong after the shit I have been dealt since bailing from two cliques at war with each other...then this is not the board for me after all.

Gee wake. THANKS. not.

it is a poor musician who blames the instrument
It's true that there are groups of people who troll others relentlessly within this website, across this board, cruelly. It's of a bullying nature, and it's wrong.

I just happened upon this thread, My Doctor is an Idiot, and I read some pretty lowdown garbage in there.

All this is, is internet bullying. Aka cyberbullying. In my opinion there's a problem with bullies here, and it shouldn't be tolerated. We've got people now who are too scared to post general threads because a pack of people will troll and hurt them over it.

Could USMB's rules be amended, to further discourage site-wide bullying, please? People shouldn't have to have inoffensive threads being used to be personally attacked and bullied over upstairs.

Cyberbullying should be stamped out when it happens.

I know that others feel strongly in agreement with me here, and I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter, too.

It shouldn't be that a group of people can keep trying to make life complete and utter hell for certain individuals upstairs, in the worst personal ways. Whether it's in the Pet forum, or in the Healthcare, whatever, it should not be. It's not ok, it's not alright.

lets see...who was doing the bullying and flaming wake... seems to me as it it was your very own gracie...

i agree... she is a vicious internet bully. She lies to sling her crap, bullies as she pleases.... and then owns up to the bullying.

talking withdraw...... lets see....that is talking about addictions ....yes. so lets walk you though this...

sarah : He's trying to help you. You had to have figured that out by now. (talking about a doctor no longer prescribing you a drug)

sryenn: Drug addicts don't want to be helped..... all they want is their next fix.

gracie: Hey fatty old lady...oops..I'm not supposed to know that. Sorry. Anyway...go fuck yourself, oinker.

so tell me... who is bullying whom here [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]..... no other then your gracie.... I suggest you READ the thread

I wouldn't classify what she is doing as bullying. She's just being a raging rude unpleasant vicious bitch. Best to shun such.

if [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] wants to call saying doctors pull people off drugs when they become addicted.... is cyber bullying

then what raging rude unpleasant vicious bitch did was much more......

sucks to hear the truth when you are looking for sympathy. Most drug addicts who do not admit they are drug addicts want sympathy Most drug addicts react that way... and wake should realize it.
Yes, you can make Gracie melt down. So could the bird.


So what.
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