Cyber-Bullying Across USMB

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Why is it that I keep getting these messages that I am being mentioned in a thread and then I do not see my name?

That is annoying
Same here.

Wake thinks what he has to say is so important that it justifies a cattle call with a mass @ list to bring people in to see it. You get put on his list unless you explicitly ask him not to include you. And even after you explicitly ask him not to, you still might get called.

And then he does a quick edit to delete his obnoxious list even though he has claimed elsewhere that he doesn't do crap like that.

Seems like a good way to get attention at the very least. Just not for the right reasons
Same here.

Wake thinks what he has to say is so important that it justifies a cattle call with a mass @ list to bring people in to see it. You get put on his list unless you explicitly ask him not to include you. And even after you explicitly ask him not to, you still might get called.

And then he does a quick edit to delete his obnoxious list even though he has claimed elsewhere that he doesn't do crap like that.

One could say that posting mass cattle call mention lists is also a form of cyber-bullying.

True story. :thup:



Harassment at the very least.
Nobody likes bullies. However, where children are unduly influenced by social media and diatribe forums, adults should have enough common sense to know that no one can harm them, unless they allow it.

The Flame Zone is an excellent example of control, or the lack thereof. No one is making people go into the Flame Zone. We have a big warning to enter at your own risk.... If you can't take the heat, then stay the hell out of the kitchen.

That being said, when members go out of their way to be annoying, we can and will deal with that. All it takes is the affected member letting us know that they are having a problem with someone.

Thank you Westwall, understood.
If I drove this bus, there'd be a fast stop. Good that I don't and good that I don't want to drive.
It is impossible to bully anyone over the internet because all you have to do is turn off the computer to get rid of the bully.

We're all adults Wake. Don't read what causes you stress.

But the point is that we are all adults, and cyberbullying shouldn't be tolerated. Adults don't do that.

Why is it that I keep getting these messages that I am being mentioned in a thread and then I do not see my name?

That is annoying
Same here.

I invited members to join this discussion, because I do believe it's important. The list was edited out because sometimes people quote it even when asked not to, which causes the list to send out mentions again.

I've been on this board for over ten years now, and it's been about the same since it started with the trash talk and insults. But it isn't just here, it's on facebook, it's on twitter, it's in comments left on websites after articles, on and on. My suggestion to you and or anyone else that's a little sensitive to it, don't read it. Go to a different website, find something else to read, just get away from it. There's no one holding a gun to your head making you read it.

And on the other side of that coin, maybe something you haven't thought of, but there's probably some here that LIKE to talk trash, they LIKE to tell someone to go stand on their head in a barrel of shit, I mean think about, if they didn't like it, why are they here? There's hundreds of people daily on this message board, and none of them must be too worried about the trash talk, or they wouldn't be here.

Pretty simple actually.
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Anyone who is too thin skinned to post on an anonymous message board because of trolling shouldn't do so.

It's not's TROLLING. It can be nasty, but it demeans people who are true victims of real life bullying (including the cyber variety) to call anonymous trolling bullying.

Cyberbullying is the use of Information Technology to harm or harass other people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. According to U.S. Legal Definitions, Cyber-bullying could be limited to posting rumors or gossips about a person in the internet bringing about hatred in other’s minds; or it may go to the extent of personally identifying victims and publishing materials severely defaming and humiliating them.
Cyberbullying - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Internet bullying

Internet bullying is a form of personal attack which employs threats, pressure and intimidation through the avenues of internet technology. The bullying may take place by the use of messaging sites, blogs, online forums, electronic mail and other means of cyber technology. When internet bullying takes place, its victims are harassed, intimidated and are left with damaged reputations.
Internet Bullying - Internet Bullying

If that is actual bullying, then I have been bullied. But I am just fine thank you very much :D
It's wild west out here and I don't think the cases are so many that a mod can't slap someone on the wrist once in a while. Any rules and this place goes down hill real fast. I've seen it before. There was a time when we could not say 'fuck' on this board, although some of the mental images Warrior102 gave me I can not beat our of my head. (Not that I would know anything about that.)

Bull shit... when was that?

Not as long as I've been here, and I've been here a hell of a lot longer than you have.
Tormenting someone over their dead pet, cancer, and mental health issues and telling them if they don't post they won't see it-following them around and threatening them with this is Sociopathic and harassment. It sucks.

There's flaming and there's this garbage. It was taken upstairs AGAIN. It should stay in the FZ at least but really it shouldn't be allowed.
It is impossible to bully anyone over the internet because all you have to do is turn off the computer to get rid of the bully.

That is why you are bully.

Bullies want to drive folks away.

You will leave, I think, before any of the good folks here.
Cyberbullying should be stamped out when it happens.


There’s no such thing as ‘cyberbullying,’ just as there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness.’ Private individuals in the context of private society are at liberty to say whatever they wish; this is a fundamental tenet of a truly free society – it should be celebrated and encouraged, not feared and ‘stamped out.’
Just a bit wisdom: ignorance is bliss. I had to learn that the hard way here. So, while bullying is rampant here, I see such as a detriment to the character of the bully, and nuisance to myself. Nuisances deserve to be ignored. This thread in my opinion while good natured, lends them more credence than they deserve.
I just happened upon this thread, My Doctor is an Idiot, and I read some pretty lowdown garbage in there.

Wake, you being in the medical field should have some knowledge of the effects of that particular medication, perhaps?

There may have been some lowdown garbage in that thread there was also a lot of truth and advice posted.
Generally, a doc won't rx xanax for more than 90 days.
If anxiety persists pts are moved to ativan or klonopin along with talk therapy.

Having worked in outpatient facilities for drug addicts/alcoholics I found the reaction from the OP very familiar.
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