D.C. institutes race-based achievement targets for schools


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Time to just admit what everyone knows and concede that blacks are stupid. Why is it all of black africa is in the stone age.?

Student achievement targets vary by race, income in D.C. and many states - The Washington Post

Every public school in the United States has aimed for the same goal over the past decade: that all students be proficient in math and reading by 2014.

But that noble ambition, educators and experts almost universally agree, was never realistic. Now, in the District and many states, goals over the next five years tend to be lower for black, Hispanic and poor children than they are for white and Asian students, and in the District, they tend to be higher at schools in affluent areas than in poor neighborhoods. It’s a policy shift that strikes some parents as a form of prejudice.

Officials say the new targets account for differences in current performance and demand the fastest progress from students who are furthest behind. The goals vary across much of the country by race, family income and disability, and in Washington, they also vary by school.
Climate forcing. Evolution forced the brains to develop more for two reasons.
1# To survive humans had to develop something to keep them warm and shelter.
2# Richer diet of high protein meats.(big game); plus they had to learn to hunt them.

Higher protein diets allowed for an increase in brain size. You can look at humanity and look at the differences...Northern people like the northeast Asians and whites have well developed civilizations....More tropical societies haven't developed. I believe it is for these reasons.
Can any of you libulals justify this. ? Setting lower standards for black success in school??? Don't tell me that blacks face cultural bias in our schools unless you can explain why asians do so well in the same schools.
I dont agree with this. I understand economic hardships but setting " attainable lower standards for black and hispanics is disgraceful ." If economic hardship is the issue give vouchers. Do pre-testing prior to enrollment, see where kids need help, then put those kids in classes where they will receive the most help.
I dont agree with this. I understand economic hardships but setting " attainable lower standards for black and hispanics is disgraceful ." If economic hardship is the issue give vouchers. Do pre-testing prior to enrollment, see where kids need help, then put those kids in classes where they will receive the most help.

Excellent points.
I dont agree with this. I understand economic hardships but setting " attainable lower standards for black and hispanics is disgraceful ." If economic hardship is the issue give vouchers. Do pre-testing prior to enrollment, see where kids need help, then put those kids in classes where they will receive the most help.

So you're calling for more special treatment for blacks - paid for by white taxpayers. Why can't you people make it on your own the way asians do.?

Average african black IQ is 68. No wonder they're in the stone age.
I dont agree with this. I understand economic hardships but setting " attainable lower standards for black and hispanics is disgraceful ." If economic hardship is the issue give vouchers. Do pre-testing prior to enrollment, see where kids need help, then put those kids in classes where they will receive the most help.

So you're calling for more special treatment for blacks - paid for by white taxpayers. Why can't you people make it on your own the way asians do.?

Average african black IQ is 68. No wonder they're in the stone age.

I'd like to say that I support your right to speak freely.... regardless of the stupidity you spew.
Lowering the bar for success is not the answer. It's the exact opposite. It's proving fellas like the OP right. That blacks can't make it on their own, despite the fact that this country is full of blacks who have done just that.

This reaks of stat padding and passing the buck. Teaching these kids how to pass a test =/=learning. It simply doesn't. Half of learning is comprehension. These kids can be taught how to answer a question on a test, but will they actually comprehend why one answer is wrong and the other isn't? I honestly don't think so with these tactics. It's disheartening honestly.
Lowering the bar for success is not the answer. It's the exact opposite. It's proving fellas like the OP right. That blacks can't make it on their own, despite the fact that this country is full of blacks who have done just that.


Trouble is nearly all blacks who make it on their own are in no-brain fields like athletics or entertainment. Blacks are mentally inferior and we need to face that and then... Well i don't know what we do after that. It's really kinda hopeless.
Under the new approach, low performers will be required to make larger gains each year than higher-achieving students so that the gap between student groups is cut in half by 2017.

“What we have to be very honest about is that schools, and groups of students within schools, are starting at different places right now,” said Daria Hall of the Education Trust, an influential nonprofit group that advocates for lifting the achievement of underprivileged children and endorses the new approach.

“What we need is to have a system that starts where they are right now and moves them all forward,” Hall said, “and moves those who are furthest behind further, faster.”

I don't see how requiring quicker gains is lowering standards.

A poorly written article.
The reason afro-shits have separate goals is to pressure schools to spend money even more disproportionately to try to make those worthless animals into people.

In 40 years of racial preferences for Afros, I see no evidence that they've made any progress in overcoming their animal nature. Stupid, ugly, racist animals. And, they stink, too.
The reason afro-shits have separate goals is to pressure schools to spend money even more disproportionately to try to make those worthless animals into people.

In 40 years of racial preferences for Afros, I see no evidence that they've made any progress in overcoming their animal nature. Stupid, ugly, racist animals. And, they stink, too.

I guess you won't be voting for Obama
Time to just admit what everyone knows and concede that blacks are stupid. Why is it all of black africa is in the stone age.?

Student achievement targets vary by race, income in D.C. and many states - The Washington Post

Every public school in the United States has aimed for the same goal over the past decade: that all students be proficient in math and reading by 2014.

But that noble ambition, educators and experts almost universally agree, was never realistic. Now, in the District and many states, goals over the next five years tend to be lower for black, Hispanic and poor children than they are for white and Asian students, and in the District, they tend to be higher at schools in affluent areas than in poor neighborhoods. It’s a policy shift that strikes some parents as a form of prejudice.

Officials say the new targets account for differences in current performance and demand the fastest progress from students who are furthest behind. The goals vary across much of the country by race, family income and disability, and in Washington, they also vary by school.

Two word response because, let's face it, troll, that's truly all your race hateful dreck deserves...

Kids, no matter what race, who come to school with an instilled attitude that it's their job to work hard and succeed in the classroom will generally do so. It starts at home with parents, other adults, older siblings, etc. all espousing the same positive attitude towards educational opportunities.

Unfortunately in many households, regardless of race, no such mentoring of young kids takes place so school simply becomes a place to go because they're required to be there. So setting lower standards for kids who have no inclination to achieve anything really accomplishes nothing.
Kids, no matter what race, who come to school with an instilled attitude that it's their job to work hard and succeed in the classroom will generally do so. It starts at home with parents, other adults, older siblings, etc. all espousing the same positive attitude towards educational opportunities.

Unfortunately in many households, regardless of race, no such mentoring of young kids takes place so school simply becomes a place to go because they're required to be there. So setting lower standards for kids who have no inclination to achieve anything really accomplishes nothing.

setting high but unattainable standards is detrimental to a student. it is better to tailor the standards to the students. going back to some form of academic tracking would be beneficial to students of all races.
The reason afro-shits have separate goals is to pressure schools to spend money even more disproportionately to try to make those worthless animals into people.

In 40 years of racial preferences for Afros, I see no evidence that they've made any progress in overcoming their animal nature. Stupid, ugly, racist animals. And, they stink, too.

Yup - AA has failed because it was built on the false idea that blacks are as smart as non-blacks and they just need an opportunity. We gave them the opp and they didn't do anything with it. Time to cut our losses and go to a color-blind society and let the chips fall where they may.

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