D.C. Police Officer Shares Disturbing Voicemail He Received While Testifying In Front of 1/6 Select Committee Tuesday

Why not just release all of the video that day instead for all of the world to see? What is the release of a "a disturbing" anonymous voicemail going to confirm?

You do realize that if a dumb shyte like myself is asking these questions that MILLIONS of Americans are asking the same?
given how many on the left have been busted for faking the attacks on them, it calls into questions anything they do.

their own fault for lying and playing the victim all the time.
Of course she was leading them. There was a violent mob behind her and she was the very first person to breach the police barricade. And it was the intent of the mob to "stop the steal." That was unconstitutional. And she was armed with a violent mob.

Do you know what evidence is?

You have posted ZERO evidence just dumb opinions, there appears to be no actual leader since no one to this date has shown that Babbitt was a leader and planned the break in before hand with other people and no existing manifesto or plans for the break in.

You are a hollow thinker pushing stupid claims.
Do you know what evidence is?

You have posted ZERO evidence just dumb opinions, there appears to be no actual leader since no one to this date has shown that Babbitt was a leader and planned the break in before hand with other people and no existing manifesto or plans for the break in.

You are a hollow thinker pushing stupid claims.
Is English not your first language? I never said she was the leader of that mob. I never said she pre-planned to break in. I said she was leading that mob into the Speaker's Lobby. Which is confirmed with video evidence.

Based upon you trying to twist my words to mean something other than what described what she was actually doing, I can only conclude even you know she was a traitor who was rightfully shot.
Is English not your first language? I never said she was the leader of that mob. I never said she pre-planned to break in. I said she was leading that mob into the Speaker's Lobby. Which is confirmed with video evidence.

Based upon you trying to twist my words to mean something other than what described what she was actually doing, I can only conclude even you know she was a traitor who was rightfully shot.

Still no evidence that she was leading anyone, when will that reality sink into your small head?

Gave you the definition of two words, you ignored them.

Your cognitive powers that slow today?
Still no evidence that she was leading anyone, when will that reality sink into your small head?

Gave you the definition of two words, you ignored them.

Your cognitive powers that slow today?
Your first definition was to a word I didn't use and your second definition is destroyed by video evidence. Now here's a definition for you...

ranking first

... again, she was the first to attempt to breach the police barricade. Around her was a violent mob trying to break in. Hence, she was leading that violent mob into where members of Congress were hiding.

There sure is

almost enough for libs to fire up the ovens someday, if not for real at least in their fondest dreams
We know that is your fondest dream.......with love and admiration for the Third Reich.
So you deny that the FBI Informed the capitol police and Pelosi of the threat, Further you deny that for 3 days before the riot the police ask for NG and were refused and that Trump OFFERED 10000 National Guard on th day and was refused?
You have yet to show us any evidence that those things happened as you claim. Still waiting...........kind of like waiting for those Hillary indictments. :heehee:
The recording is in the video in the article.

It's disturbing and disgusting.

What's neat is you defeat your purpose and that of the circus taking place for political appearances only. Everyone paying attention already knows you're a snowflake, words are very harmful to you, it's in your own words per this OP, how ironic. So here's a case where they don't have a case, so they try to build one because some random guy leaves a voicemail with words that have done you in.
Your first definition was to a word I didn't use and your second definition is destroyed by video evidence. Now here's a definition for you...

ranking first

... again, she was the first to attempt to breach the police barricade. Around her was a violent mob trying to break in. Hence, she was leading that violent mob into where members of Congress were hiding.



You still have no evidence that she is leading people, it is a CLAIM you make over and over but no evidence has every been produced, sure she was ahead of them, but that doesn't mean she is leading them..

Has it ever occurred to you that she was acting on her own?

He joined the current committee numbnuts. Pelosi violated the rules and barred 2 of his 5 selections, keep up STUPID
Nope, Republicans all voted against a bi-partisan investigation committee.....you have been well groomed, tho. You'd think Marines were made of sterner stuff........oh well.
What does this prove? That there are dipshits in the world? We didnt need to bring examples into congress to prove that. There’s plenty of examples right there....
So now you switch tactics? I have said that there Should be an investigation that brings what happened during the BLM protests to light, Now I SEE its pointless. If you are willing to go so far as to say that the capital police and NANCY are to blame for the attack on the capital.
I agree...there SHOULD be an investigation into the BLM and Anti-fa protests. You will get no argument from me there.
Security is provided by the Sargent at arms in both chambers and are headed by the Speaker and the Senate leader McConnel, why do you ALWAYS leave him out of the equation?
I have called for both Pelosi and McConnell to be questioned on this. I also know that between the two, Nan is the more powerful. Regardless of personal political power and clout, I would argue that the office Speaker of the House is more powerful in reality than any other office on the Hill. Add all of this up together and that Nan is pretty good at getting what she wants, she could have gotten enhanced law enforcement support from the National Guard, DC MPD, etc.

They invaded restricted areas of the Capitol. That's a legitimate crime.

They delayed the election certification. That's a legitimate crime.

They assaulted federal police officers. That's a legitimate crime.

They threatened members of Congress. That's a legitimate crime.

What the fuck is wrong with you rightards?
No! They've been told it was a touristy event and they will believe that because they've been told to believe it.

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