D-Schiff Infers Americans Who Have Died From COVID-19 Are 'Casualties Of His Failure To Remove Trump From Office'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“We certainly told the senators that he was not going to change and there was no way to constrain him, that he is who he is and he would continue to operate the way he had, and indeed that’s exactly what we’ve seen since,” Schiff told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. “Now the one thing I think we dramatically understated is when we asked the question, ‘If you found him guilty, do you really need to remove him, given that there’s another election only nine months away, how much damage could he do?'

We said a lot but little did we know just how great the casualties would be,” Schiff argued. “Some days we lose the equivalent of the number of people we lost on 9/11. And you know I think there’s no way we could have foreseen just how tragic his malfeasance would be in the remaining months of his administration.”

It appears "Adam Schiff claims the casualties of coronavirus are casualties of the failed impeachment, implies the failed impeachment was worse than 9/11. Schiff may not have meant to say all or even most of the deaths from coronavirus are “casualties” of the failure of impeachment, but that is exactly what his words suggest."

Gathering 86: WTF: Who or What to Follow? 07/10 by Beatitudes ...

While Trump arguably has made some missteps during the crisis, he has also arguably managed it rather well, given the knowledge available at the time. There is no reason to think most of the deaths could have been prevented, and had Trump issued a nation-wide stay-at-home order, Schiff would likely be crowing about his tyrannical overreach.

Schiff’s decision to push for impeachment arguably undermines his attack on the president.

When the first confirmed coronavirus case in the U.S. came on January 20, 2020, Schiff was focused on prosecuting the impeachment case. Trump wasn’t acquitted by the U.S. Senate until February 5. On February 14, Democrats set their sights on Attorney General William Barr, perhaps beginning the process of impeaching him. That week, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) floated the idea of impeaching Trump again — over his tweets.

While Democrats were busy impeaching Trump and trying to tie his hands on Iran, the Centers for Disease Control under Trump issued travel notices for Wuhan, China, and it began implementing public health entry screening at U.S. airports. On January 20, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced the National Institutes of Health was already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus. Trump launched the Coronavirus Task Force on January 29 and declared a public health emergency on January 31. While the president did give mixed messages about the virus in his public statements, he took early decisive action to stop the spread.

In other words, the impeachment process was a distraction from the coronavirus crisis. Schiff himself did not address the coronavirus until February 25. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) went so far as to tour San Francisco’s Chinatown on February 24 in order to discourage fears about the coronavirus. “We want to say to people, ‘Come to Chinatown!’ Here we are again, careful, safe, and come join us,” she said. Pelosi also stalled the impeachment process to give Congress a break over Christmas — a move that undermined Democrats’ claim that removing Trump as soon as possible was imperative for the national interest.

Schiff's declaration that successfully removing President Trump from office via admitted Political Partisan Impeachment would have made the US better prepared to deal with COVID-19 is INSANE.

The House Democrats wasted valuable time - time Schiff could have been holding House Intel Committee hearings to learn about and discuss the growing pandemic in China - proceeding with a partisan Impeachment they knew would succeed ONLY in continuing to divide the nation. Schiff never held one House Intel Committee hearing to discuss the growing COVID-19 threat, even after voting to Impeach, in the weeks between their vote and finally walking the Impeachment to the Senate. Had the Democrats successfully affected the coup, had the Senate completed the coup by voting for Impeachment, the transition of power, celebrating by the Democrats, would have taken even more time.

The LAST thing the Democrats were concerned about, as all the evidence shows, was COVID-19. Biden led the Democratic party opposition of the President's China Travel Ban, calling it Xenophobic and authoring legislation to stop Trump from imposing it. Had the Democrats had their way the r Travel ban would not have happened, the disease would have spread much more, and more Americans would have died.

Now, in the midst of the COVID-19 emergency, Pelosi walked away from a Bill requiring her signature, screwing small businesses, proving she doesn't give a damn about the American people. What has she and the Democrats - like Schiff, fought for during the crisis? Funding for abortions, the Green New Deal, and for a new TDS-suffering Democrat-packed Witch Hunt panel - in the name of COVID-19 Relief oversight - to go after Trump again. HAVEN'T THEY WASTED ENOUGH TAX DOLLARS SEEKING REVENGE THE LAST 4 YEARS FOR HILLARY'S LOSS?

Now Schiff gives an interview in which he seemingly calls Americans who have died from COVID-19 'casualties of his failure to Impeach President Trump'.
-- Yeah, had he and Pelosi removed President Trump from office Governor Cuomo would never have sentenced elderly people to die in nursing homes by ordering Nursing Homes to take in COVID-19 positive patients and placing them among the most vulnerable. Yeah, had he successfully affected the Democratic Party coup he and Pelosi would have prevented the deaths of those lost by COVID-19.

I hope Durham perp-walks this SOB sooner than later, indicting him and charging him with Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, creating false evidence, witness tampering, lying to Congress, etc..

The leftist idiot seems to suggest that nobody outside of America died from China Virus...., I know that isn't his intention to say it that way, but he is a certifiable WHACK JOB!

The idiot never had a legitimate impeachment case, thus a double error, that made his leftist party be wholly unprepared for the China Virus invasion, since they were not paying attention, they dropped the ball big time.
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It's hard to believe anyone could have done a worse job than the Orange Messiah. Even Pence.

Delays in the response definitely cost lives. Figuring out exactly how many isn't possible. But..............

Trump can't issue a national stay at home order. He can issue a federal stay at home order.
It's hard to believe anyone could have done a worse job than the Orange Messiah. Even Pence.

Delays in the response definitely cost lives. Figuring out exactly how many isn't possible. But..............

Looks like the governors should have acted sooner.

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