D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.

all people? Did you know that way back-----WHEN YOUR
ANCESTORS WERE NOT YET POLISH-----according to you---
like 200 years ago-------jews could not own land where they lived
in that never-never land-----that somehow BECAME POLAND?
is that ok with you NON-POLACK?. My beet borscht making non-polish ancestors could not own land in the land in which they LIVED. Jews lived in the land called YATHRIB -----for at least 1000 years before the person THE RAPIST OF MECCA was born-------today jews cannot set foot on that land which has been
renamed (yuck) medina <<<<SHIT

^ My beet borscht making non-polish ancestors

I can't believe all Pollacks as such banal village idiots,
please tell me You're the ultimate winner,

I can't think of anybody more vile & dumb than Jews.

They can't even figure out who did the Holocaust...The Germans.

Because you're knuckle dragger savages.

Well that's because as You said, You can't think.
A common trait among the degenerates who blame their impotency on Jews.

Usually end up in the same dustbin of history :bye1:

You Zionists can't think.

Oh Palestinians didn't exist until the 1960s, but did the Holocaust in the 1940s.



Just shows how easy it is to confuse You.
With whom was Palestine identified if the Arab Mufti is the enemy?

No, you confuse dumb Goyim who believe your lies, that Palestinians did the Holocaust in the 1940s, but Palestinians didn't exist until 1967.

Nope Arabs did. Who was the President of "Palestine" in 1946?
Palestinians did the Holocaust, in the 1940s, but somehow didn't exist until 1967..
Thank you for proving you have not even read any of the historical information / links provided to you (not even from CNN), as you continue to 'bull' along embarrassing yourself....

The Zionists are absurd.

How can a people who didn't exist until 1967 do the Holocaust in the 1940s?

Zionists are either really dumb, or really bad liars.

sobie----stop being stupid------you are claiming that Marie Curie
was not polish. Sheeeesh Long ago, a professor of mine---
was SO PROUD of polish marie curie. He loved to refer to
the two polish persons in our group by their POLISH NICKNAMES and chat with them in polish-----and call himself POLISH
(from Krakow)

There were Poles, but not a Poland in the 1800s.
Just like there were Jews, but not an Israel in the 1800s.

oh----gee thanks------POLES----I will remember CHOPIN was a
POLE in never never land. POLES did like to kill jews------but
it was not called POLAND
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.

There are no Philistines. They are extinct.

The West Bank belongs to Israel. Anyone who wants to pretend they are a Fake Palestinian, a non existent and fictitious people can go to The East Banks which is Transjordan.

I recently read “The Oxford History of the Biblical World,” edited by Dr. Michael D. Coogan, director of publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum and expert in Near Eastern languages and literatures. The book is excellent on Syria-Palestinian archeology.

The following will shed light on the question.

The end of the thirteenth century BCE saw major disruptions in the civilizations of the Near East, Cyprus and Greece for unclear reasons (possible major droughts). “Many populations appear to have migrated….Egypt was attacked by groups called ‘Sea Peoples.’ They were repelled from Egypt, but the Egyptians could not stop them from taking over the Canaan coast. The Philistines …were among the Sea Peoples.”

…the Philistines did not occupy the coast of Canaan until the twelfth century BCE…”

“Not long before, another group had appeared in the land of Canaan…This group called itself Israel…The Egyptians maintained some control over parts of Canaan until just after the death of Rameses III in 1153 BCE….[including] Canaanites, Egyptians, Israelites, and the mysterious ‘Sea Peoples,’ of whom the Philistines are the best known. The settlement process in highland Israel began a generation or two before the Sea Peoples arrived on the coast…The displacement and migration of the tribe of Dan from the central coast to the far north is symptomatic of …this event.”

“This movement is documented by a variety of written sources in Akkadian, Ugaritic, Egyptian, and Hebrew, by Egyptian wall reliefs and by archeology.”
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.


I am not entirely sure------I think Philistines were north of Gaza---
don't quote me

They came from Crete, I think.
It’s a nine line run on sentance thumb in the eye from a woman who was elected to serve the USA. Instead she is on an international grudge mission much like Barry.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.


I am not entirely sure------I think Philistines were north of Gaza---
don't quote me

They came from Crete, I think.

well AEGEAN at least ???????????????
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


As Patrick Moynihan pointed out a long time ago, the middle class has completely lost the ability to govern itself, and it has only gotten worse since then. And, he was also right when he pointed out that liberal Jews were cutting their own throats with their embrace of radicals and their agendas just to spite WASPS.

Some Jews never learn. From the lesson of thinking they were assimilated into 1930's Germany. What a delusion!

Always watch your back.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.


I am not entirely sure------I think Philistines were north of Gaza---
don't quote me

They came from Crete, I think.

well AEGEAN at least ???????????????

Something like that.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


As Patrick Moynihan pointed out a long time ago, the middle class has completely lost the ability to govern itself, and it has only gotten worse since then. And, he was also right when he pointed out that liberal Jews were cutting their own throats with their embrace of radicals and their agendas just to spite WASPS.

Some Jews never learn. From the lesson of thinking they were assimilated into 1930's Germany. What a delusion!

Always watch your back.

my childhood friend's parents spoke GERMAN with
each other------and sought out OTHER german jews---
I was kinda lucky to be included in the "friend" circle----
good thing my parents did not speak YIDDISH----german
jews CLAIM that they do not UNDERSTAND Yiddish
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Palestinians Created "Safe Haven" For Jews After Holocaust, Israel Took Their "Dignity"

Once again lies and character assassinations, by Right Wingers. The Truth will set them free, free from winning elections, passing racists and misogynist legislation, and corrupting the Constitution to meet their needs.

Portraying them as the accommodating, aggrieved , party who courtesies were not reciprocated is absolute lunacy.

Have you walked in their shoes? The LIE is in the title to this thread, a lie by omission. That aside, maybe a little history may give the reader some perspective:

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


As Patrick Moynihan pointed out a long time ago, the middle class has completely lost the ability to govern itself, and it has only gotten worse since then. And, he was also right when he pointed out that liberal Jews were cutting their own throats with their embrace of radicals and their agendas just to spite WASPS.

Some Jews never learn. From the lesson of thinking they were assimilated into 1930's Germany. What a delusion!

Always watch your back.

my childhood friend's parents spoke GERMAN with
each other------and sought out OTHER german jews---
I was kinda lucky to be included in the "friend" circle----
good thing my parents did not speak YIDDISH----german
jews CLAIM that they do not UNDERSTAND Yiddish
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


As Patrick Moynihan pointed out a long time ago, the middle class has completely lost the ability to govern itself, and it has only gotten worse since then. And, he was also right when he pointed out that liberal Jews were cutting their own throats with their embrace of radicals and their agendas just to spite WASPS.

Some Jews never learn. From the lesson of thinking they were assimilated into 1930's Germany. What a delusion!

Always watch your back.

my childhood friend's parents spoke GERMAN with
each other------and sought out OTHER german jews---
I was kinda lucky to be included in the "friend" circle----
good thing my parents did not speak YIDDISH----german
jews CLAIM that they do not UNDERSTAND Yiddish

On the bus once in Tel Aviv, the only way I was able to communicate with a friendly Yiddish speaking guy was through German.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.

There are no Philistines. They are extinct.

The West Bank belongs to Israel. Anyone who wants to pretend they are a Fake Palestinian, a non existent and fictitious people can go to The East Banks which is Transjordan.
"There are no Philistines. They are extinct."

...or intermingled?

True that.

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Palestinians Created "Safe Haven" For Jews After Holocaust, Israel Took Their "Dignity"

Once again lies and character assassinations, by Right Wingers. The Truth will set them free, free from winning elections, passing racists and misogynist legislation, and corrupting the Constitution to meet their needs.

Portraying them as the accommodating, aggrieved , party who courtesies were not reciprocated is absolute lunacy.

Have you walked in their shoes? The LIE is in the title to this thread, a lie by omission. That aside, maybe a little history may give the reader some perspective:


Oh; Balfour again. Yawn. :bigbed:
I can't believe all Pollacks as such banal village idiots,
please tell me You're the ultimate winner,

I can't think of anybody more vile & dumb than Jews.

They can't even figure out who did the Holocaust...The Germans.

Because you're knuckle dragger savages.

Well that's because as You said, You can't think.
A common trait among the degenerates who blame their impotency on Jews.

Usually end up in the same dustbin of history :bye1:

You Zionists can't think.

Oh Palestinians didn't exist until the 1960s, but did the Holocaust in the 1940s.



Just shows how easy it is to confuse You.
With whom was Palestine identified if the Arab Mufti is the enemy?

No, you confuse dumb Goyim who believe your lies, that Palestinians did the Holocaust in the 1940s, but Palestinians didn't exist until 1967.
I thought You could do better, bet even my neighbors Kakadu has more lexicon and gray matter.

What's wrong,
a Jew gave You a question You can't answer?
Last edited:
Now.....about that 'safe haven' Tlaib claims her Palestinians provided for the Jewish folks.....

On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres.

Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany, Arabs throughout the Mideast petitioned to join the Nazi party.

a. Mein Kampf was rated 4th on the best-seller list among Palestinians in a survey conducted and reported in PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida. Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 2, 1999

b. Books such as Mein Kampf,The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The International Jew are high on Turkish bestseller lists, and are displayed prominently in the front of bookstores

c. There are even Palestinians whose first name is “Hitler”: Hitler Salah [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Sept. 28, 2005], Hitler Abu-Alrab [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), Jan. 27, 2005], Hitler Mahmud Abu-Libda [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida

Edwin Black discussed his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.” The lecture was broadcast on C-Span, January 22, 2011.
What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.
That's the PC way...this is nothing new to those who have had this done to them for decades, they are just operating within the same parameters.

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