D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Palestinians Created "Safe Haven" For Jews After Holocaust, Israel Took Their "Dignity"

Once again lies and character assassinations, by Right Wingers. The Truth will set them free, free from winning elections, passing racists and misogynist legislation, and corrupting the Constitution to meet their needs.

What are you talking about? Right wingers? A blanket statement, meaningless in itself, covering a multitude of half baked excuses and avoidance tactics.

And let me tell you: the three witches from Macbeth have been resurrected. In your Congress.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"What are you talking about? Right wingers? A blanket statement, meaningless in itself, covering a multitude of half baked excuses and avoidance tactics."

Half-Truths and Lies by Omission are not meaningless, and the OP is a serial liar. Quoting out of context by leaving out the entire quote effects the meaning, and is dishonest and a very common practice used by the Right Wingers.

Okay then. I won't bother anymore. It's too exhausting, trying to decipher your code language.
So, if Russia gave your home to Mexico its right?
Same thing to the Palestinians.

So, if Russia gave your home to Mexico its right?

Did the US give territory to Russia?
Because that's what the Ottomans did.
They gave up that land to the Allies.

The Allies gave some to Israel.

Now, back to your landlord. If he gives the home you rent to the government, do you suddenly own it?
Just because you were renting at that moment, you suddenly own it?

Arab Palstinians owned more land than Jews.

Face the facts.

nope----NOT OWNED----just squatters "rights"

So says Pinocchio the Jew whos nose grows as they lie.
I can't believe all Pollacks are such banal village idiots,
please tell me You're the ultimate winner.

not entirely his fault-----he was brought up that way just like
rashida was brought up with the myth of kind loving
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Palestinians Created "Safe Haven" For Jews After Holocaust, Israel Took Their "Dignity"

Once again lies and character assassinations, by Right Wingers. The Truth will set them free, free from winning elections, passing racists and misogynist legislation, and corrupting the Constitution to meet their needs.

What are you talking about? Right wingers? A blanket statement, meaningless in itself, covering a multitude of half baked excuses and avoidance tactics.

And let me tell you: the three witches from Macbeth have been resurrected. In your Congress.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"What are you talking about? Right wingers? A blanket statement, meaningless in itself, covering a multitude of half baked excuses and avoidance tactics."

Half-Truths and Lies by Omission are not meaningless, and the OP is a serial liar. Quoting out of context by leaving out the entire quote effects the meaning, and is dishonest and a very common practice used by the Right Wingers.

You wanted context?
This is just one example of what Tlaib's folk were doing to Palestinian Jews,
before the first Zionists ever shot a single bullet.

"Calming feelings about the Holocaust..."

Calming feelings indeed. I don't get 'calming feelings' where I live. Every day I walk out my door, I'm reminded of the Holocaust.
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Palestinians Created "Safe Haven" For Jews After Holocaust, Israel Took Their "Dignity"

Once again lies and character assassinations, by Right Wingers. The Truth will set them free, free from winning elections, passing racists and misogynist legislation, and corrupting the Constitution to meet their needs.

What are you talking about? Right wingers? A blanket statement, meaningless in itself, covering a multitude of half baked excuses and avoidance tactics.

And let me tell you: the three witches from Macbeth have been resurrected. In your Congress.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"What are you talking about? Right wingers? A blanket statement, meaningless in itself, covering a multitude of half baked excuses and avoidance tactics."

Half-Truths and Lies by Omission are not meaningless, and the OP is a serial liar. Quoting out of context by leaving out the entire quote effects the meaning, and is dishonest and a very common practice used by the Right Wingers.

You tell me. As a Jew, how should I take her comment that the Holocaust gives her a calming feeling? Thanks.
Palestinians did the Holocaust, in the 1940s, but somehow didn't exist until 1967..
Thank you for proving you have not even read any of the historical information / links provided to you (not even from CNN), as you continue to 'bull' along embarrassing yourself....

The Zionists are absurd.

How can a people who didn't exist until 1967 do the Holocaust in the 1940s?

Zionists are either really dumb, or really bad liars.

sobie----stop being stupid------you are claiming that Marie Curie
was not polish. Sheeeesh Long ago, a professor of mine---
was SO PROUD of polish marie curie. He loved to refer to
the two polish persons in our group by their POLISH NICKNAMES and chat with them in polish-----and call himself POLISH
(from Krakow)

There were Poles, but not a Poland in the 1800s.
Just like there were Jews, but not an Israel in the 1800s.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.

1. The Indians were not 'native.'

2. Those stone-age savages had no concept of ownership of land, or of capitalism, before the European settlers taught them.

3. There is no comparison with Zionist or the indigenous Jews of Israel.

You're a bigoted dunce.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.

So says Pinocchio the Jew whos nose grows as they lie.
I can't believe all Pollacks as such banal village idiots,
please tell me You're the ultimate winner,

I can't think of anybody more vile & dumb than Jews.

They can't even figure out who did the Holocaust...The Germans.

Because you're knuckle dragger savages.

Well that's because as You said, You can't think.
A common trait among the degenerates who blame their impotency on Jews.

Usually end up in the same dustbin of history :bye1:

You Zionists can't think.

Oh Palestinians didn't exist until the 1960s, but did the Holocaust in the 1940s.



Just shows how easy it is to confuse You.
With whom was Palestine identified if the Arab Mufti is the enemy?

No, you confuse dumb Goyim who believe your lies, that Palestinians did the Holocaust in the 1940s, but Palestinians didn't exist until 1967.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.

And apply it like You apply it to Jews?
Let's see You own that nonsense without resorting to racist projections.
Last edited:
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.

1. The Indians were not 'native.'

2. Those stone-age savages had no concept of ownership of land, or of capitalism, before the European settlers taught them.

3. There is no comparison with Zionist or the indigenous Jews of Israel.

You're a bigoted dunce.

The Native Americans are indigenous.

When are you giving up your house to them?

Instead you support Jewish indigenous rights, because you're a hypocrite Zionist.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.

There are no Philistines. They are extinct.

The West Bank belongs to Israel. Anyone who wants to pretend they are a Fake Palestinian, a non existent and fictitious people can go to The East Banks which is Transjordan.
I've read D-Tlaib's comments and find them historically inaccurate. The "calming effect" thing is misplaced. Indeed many local Arabs were friendly to Jews and were active in business and community with them. They were swamped by outsiders and indeed even jealous other locals. Facts don't change.

How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.

1. The Indians were not 'native.'

2. Those stone-age savages had no concept of ownership of land, or of capitalism, before the European settlers taught them.

3. There is no comparison with Zionist or the indigenous Jews of Israel.

You're a bigoted dunce.

The Native Americans are indigenous.

When are you giving up your house to them?

Instead you support Jewish indigenous rights, because you're a hypocrite Zionist.

"The Native Americans are indigenous."

Watch how easily I prove you an imbecile.

We should never allow the Left to control the language, as they corrupt it.

The American Indians were not ‘native’ to this continent.
Any study of same….not government school….will prove that the ‘Indians’ migrated over the Bering land bridge from my home continent.

The Asian visitors settled in the northwest, moved down the west coast, and on to South America.

Hence, as much settlers as were the later Europeans.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.

all people? Did you know that way back-----WHEN YOUR
ANCESTORS WERE NOT YET POLISH-----according to you---
like 200 years ago-------jews could not own land where they lived
in that never-never land-----that somehow BECAME POLAND?
is that ok with you NON-POLACK?. My beet borscht making non-polish ancestors could not own land in the land in which they LIVED. Jews lived in the land called YATHRIB -----for at least 1000 years before the person THE RAPIST OF MECCA was born-------today jews cannot set foot on that land which has been
renamed (yuck) medina <<<<SHIT
I've read D-Tlaib's comments and find them historically inaccurate. The "calming effect" thing is misplaced. Indeed many local Arabs were friendly to Jews and were active in business and community with them. They were swamped by outsiders and indeed even jealous other locals. Facts don't change.


And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.

(Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib)

Let's check:

"Atara Abramson was born in Poland on December 28, 1926. She was just a teenager when she was deported with her family to Auschwitz, and was the only one to survive. In 1946, she joined a religious Zionist youth movement and boarded a boat headed for Eretz Yisrael. The boat was intercepted by the British army, and Abramson was sent to a camp in Cypress for six months before finally making it to her destination. Along with several other Holocaust survivors, she settled in Kfar Etzion, a religious kibbutz in the Judean hills established in 1927.

On May 12, 1948, two days before Israel’s Declaration of Independence, an Arab army consisting of Jordanian legionnaires and local Palestinian gunmen attacked Kfar Etzion with armored vehicles and heavy artillery. The Jewish defenders, armed with just a handful of rifles and mortars, did their best to fight back, but by the following day were no longer able to persist. Their leader, Avraham Fishgrund, who escaped Bratislava just a few years before Hitler’s armies marched in, stepped into the open, waving the white flag of surrender. He was shot on the spot by an armed Palestinian.

The rest of the people in Kfar Etzion, numbering 133 men and women, had no choice but to reiterate their surrender and hope for the best. Again, they stepped into the open waving a white flag and declaring their surrender. Again, they were met with gunfire. They rushed to take shelter in the basement of a nearby monastery; gathering outside, local Palestinians tossed grenades into the building and shot at anyone trying to escape. Like most of Kfar Etzion’s residents, Atara Abramson did not survive. She was 21 when she died, one of 18 women who had survived the Holocaust only to be slaughtered by Palestinians that day."
Rashida Tlaib’s Unbelievable Lies
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


As Patrick Moynihan pointed out a long time ago, the middle class has completely lost the ability to govern itself, and it has only gotten worse since then. And, he was also right when he pointed out that liberal Jews were cutting their own throats with their embrace of radicals and their agendas just to spite WASPS.
How many times do you have to be told, Sobieski?

Palestinian Jews were Jewish inhabitants of Palestine (known in Hebrew as Eretz Israel, the "Land of Israel") prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Like Native Americans lived before White Americans?

People should have rights to the land they live on.
You think otherwise as a Zionist.
Jews live in Israel; Phillistines live in Gaza.....maybe give Gaza back to Egypt? West bankers can go back to Jordan. Losing wars have consequences.


I am not entirely sure------I think Philistines were north of Gaza---
don't quote me

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