DA Drops Fraudulent Partisan Charges Against Citizen Pamela Moses

Fine have Biden pardon her, you control the House, Senate and White House. Wait, why haven't you already pardoned her??
When it's a Democrat, they're guilty from the moment any charge is levied against them, and rather than "innocent until proven guilty", if the Democrat is found to be innocent of all charges (The Central Park Five), it most definitely is Guilty after proven innocent because "Democrats always get away with it".
In near every ghetto in this nation there are many questions of voting procedures corrupted. Very few have pushed issues because of racial accusations. Anyway as Biden and the Progs relinquish the debts of privileged groups and in a general sense many people become poorer from the planned demolition of the United States, the anger will grow and grow.
Ignorance of the law isn't a get out of jail free card................at least for some people.

“In the interest of judicial economy, we are dismissing her illegal registration case and her violation of probation,” she said in a statement.

She noted that Moses is permanently barred from voting in Tennessee. One of the crimes she pleaded guilty to in 2015, tampering with evidence, causes people to permanently lose their voting rights in Tennessee.

"Tampering with evidence" sounds like another make up crime to charge an uppity black woman, as well. I'd

She wasn't "ignorant of the law", she was told by her parole officer that since her sentence had now been fully served, she was qualified to vote. There was a signed document in her file which both the woman and her parole officer signed at the end of her sentence wherein it was stated she was now eligible to vote.

The parole officer denied telling her this at her trial. It was only after the Guardian unearthed the document he signed, that the charges were dropped. I wonder why the parole officer lied at her trial??????

I smell a set up, I do, I do.
"Tampering with evidence" sounds like another make up crime to charge an uppity black woman, as well. I'd

She wasn't "ignorant of the law", she was told by her parole officer that since her sentence had now been fully served, she was qualified to vote. There was a signed document in her file which both the woman and her parole officer signed at the end of her sentence wherein it was stated she was now eligible to vote.

The parole officer denied telling her this at her trial. It was only after the Guardian unearthed the document he signed, that the charges were dropped. I wonder why the parole officer lied at her trial??????

I smell a set up, I do, I do.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
A document that had not been given to her defense? Too bad president Trump wasn't given the same consideration in both of his impeachments. The Feds sent a Jan 6 guy up for four years because he was dressed like a viking and they are still holding political dissidents without bail after over a year on misdemeanor charges.
"Tampering with evidence" sounds like another make up crime to charge an uppity black woman, as well. I'd

She wasn't "ignorant of the law", she was told by her parole officer that since her sentence had now been fully served, she was qualified to vote. There was a signed document in her file which both the woman and her parole officer signed at the end of her sentence wherein it was stated she was now eligible to vote.

The parole officer denied telling her this at her trial. It was only after the Guardian unearthed the document he signed, that the charges were dropped. I wonder why the parole officer lied at her trial??????

I smell a set up, I do, I do.
If it was made up, why did she plead guilty you fucking KKKanadian Fuckwit?

Butt out of things involving the US. You know nothing about how our country works.

Why don’t you try to fix your shithole DICTATORSHIP country where people are locked up and have their property seized by the government if your DICTATOR doesn’t Like their views?
In near every ghetto in this nation there are many questions of voting procedures corrupted. Very few have pushed issues because of racial accusations. Anyway as Biden and the Progs relinquish the debts of privileged groups and in a general sense many people become poorer from the planned demolition of the United States, the anger will grow and grow.

The ONLY people planning the "demolition of the United States", are Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Rupert Murdoch. All of them are lying to the American people in the hopes of lining their own pockets. Bitter, angry old psychopaths who want more money and more power for themselves and damn the consequences.

Damn Skippy there are a LOT of questionable election practices in city elections, starting with gerrymandering. There are all of those polling stations that have been closed in poor and/or minority neighbourhoods, since the supervision in the Voting Rights Act expired. Over 1100 of them in Red States. The number of voting days and the hours are being cut as well. The only polling station for one poor neighbourhood in Kansas City was located outside the city limits in an area not serviced by public transit.

Then there the "exact match" registration requirements and other idiocies that the courts deemed to be directed targeted at poor neighbourhoods. That's in addition to the over-criminalization of young black men through drug arrests. Black youths are 7 times more likely to be charged for simple possession of pot, even though young white men are just as likely to be using pot.

So yeah. I agree there's a LOT of election shennanigans going on in the inner cities. Especially in red states.
She ain’t guilty
Of course she's guilty. She pled guilty to a felony. And because of her felonious criminal record, she's not allowed to vote.

Why the fuck are you LWNJ moonbats consistently so aversive to the objective and undeniable facts? Do you think objective immutable facts will somehow change simply because you don't like the facts? She is permanently banned from voting in Tennessee.

You're a fucking moron.
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The ONLY people planning the "demolition of the United States", are Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Rupert Murdoch. All of them are lying to the American people in the hopes of lining their own pockets. Bitter, angry old psychopaths who want more money and more power for themselves and damn the consequences.

Damn Skippy there are a LOT of questionable election practices in city elections, starting with gerrymandering. There are all of those polling stations that have been closed in poor and/or minority neighbourhoods, since the supervision in the Voting Rights Act expired. Over 1100 of them in Red States. The number of voting days and the hours are being cut as well. The only polling station for one poor neighbourhood in Kansas City was located outside the city limits in an area not serviced by public transit.

Then there the "exact match" registration requirements and other idiocies that the courts deemed to be directed targeted at poor neighbourhoods. That's in addition to the over-criminalization of young black men through drug arrests. Black youths are 7 times more likely to be charged for simple possession of pot, even though young white men are just as likely to be using pot.

So yeah. I agree there's a LOT of election shennanigans going on in the inner cities. Especially in red states.
You’re a very smart person.
The ONLY people planning the "demolition of the United States", are Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Rupert Murdoch. All of them are lying to the American people in the hopes of lining their own pockets. Bitter, angry old psychopaths who want more money and more power for themselves and damn the consequences.

Damn Skippy there are a LOT of questionable election practices in city elections, starting with gerrymandering. There are all of those polling stations that have been closed in poor and/or minority neighbourhoods, since the supervision in the Voting Rights Act expired. Over 1100 of them in Red States. The number of voting days and the hours are being cut as well. The only polling station for one poor neighbourhood in Kansas City was located outside the city limits in an area not serviced by public transit.

Then there the "exact match" registration requirements and other idiocies that the courts deemed to be directed targeted at poor neighbourhoods. That's in addition to the over-criminalization of young black men through drug arrests. Black youths are 7 times more likely to be charged for simple possession of pot, even though young white men are just as likely to be using pot.

So yeah. I agree there's a LOT of election shennanigans going on in the inner cities. Especially in red states.
Links please.

Surely you have links supporting your claims, and you aren’t just showing up being a lying sack of KKKanadian shit again, right?

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