Da** We Could've Had An Honoralbe Businessman For President

Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

We hear this every election from you idiots; how the Republican is not a true Republican but that he is so egregiously conservative and must be eliminated. Stop speaking out of both sides of your asshole.
How sour are thy grapes!

Eat my sour ass.....
You guys just rigged your nomination process and the justice system for a fucking felon. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK. IN FACT, FUCK OFF.

Guy, Hillary won because she got the most votes against a guy who wasn't even a Democrat until last year.

Just because you guys let YOUR nomination get hijacked by a clown, don't expect Democrats to do the same.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

You keep telling yourself that you guys are losing even though you go out of your way to insult the half of the country that have vaginas or the 30% of the country that aren't white.

You keep telling yourself you can win elections with the 35% of the population who are white males, even though a lot of white males like myself won't vote for you until you get rid of the crazies.

Please. People are flocking from the Democrat Party. It doesn't matter though when you're rigging the vote.
Joe, I'm old, white and Democrat (this election at least). And I rejected Romney for the reasons you cited. But that doesn't mean that Republicans have no valid points. I believe the party has been taken over by noisemakers, beginning with Tom Delay and Dick Armey and that guy Schumer defeated (Damato ?). They changed the party from conservatism to nasty, mean old goats out to destroy Democrats, and turned it to the party of exclusion. There IS much to be said for true conservatism. Do not forget it really IS the party of Lincoln. Our nation could use some higher expectations from those who make a career of victimhood, the victimhood claimed by both parties. You know, Joe, both sides are looking to government to make changes advantageous to them, even the party that says it wants smaller government although they would scream to high heaven if they got it.

I was a Republican until 2008. And I wish I could say it was Bush's wars or incompetence that turned me against them, but it was when his incompetence started having an effect on my life when I did.

I agree, we need a valid discussion. But the GOP dog is being wagged by the Alt-Right tail right now. Trump isn't the disease, he's the ugly orange rash it's broken out into right now. When he loses, a lot of our right-wing friends will be back here saying, "Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway!" And when they do well in the 2018 midterms, they'll tell themselves that a lot of people agree with them.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

You keep telling yourself that you guys are losing even though you go out of your way to insult the half of the country that have vaginas or the 30% of the country that aren't white.

You keep telling yourself you can win elections with the 35% of the population who are white males, even though a lot of white males like myself won't vote for you until you get rid of the crazies.

Please. People are flocking from the Democrat Party. It doesn't matter though when you're rigging the vote.

hillary clinton got millions of more votes in the primary than dumb donald.

this is why you loons keep losing. you have zero understanding of the way normal people actually think.
You guys?

I'm sitting this one out.

I see no difference between Trump and HIllary, and don't want to see either in the WH

For the most part, I agree with you. these ARE awful candidates.

But Trump is clearly dangerous and needs to be stopped.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

You keep telling yourself that you guys are losing even though you go out of your way to insult the half of the country that have vaginas or the 30% of the country that aren't white.

You keep telling yourself you can win elections with the 35% of the population who are white males, even though a lot of white males like myself won't vote for you until you get rid of the crazies.

Please. People are flocking from the Democrat Party. It doesn't matter though when you're rigging the vote.

hillary clinton got millions of more votes in the primary than dumb donald.

this is why you loons keep losing. you have zero understanding of the way normal people actually think.

hillary clinton got millions of more votes in the primary than dumb donald.

Hillary only split the votes 2 ways, with Bernie.

How many ways did Trump have to split the vote?


I know he started out splitting with 17 others

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

Your lunacy is in conflict with the conventional wisdom of your RWnut pals which has long been that Romney lost because conservatives didn't turn out to vote because Romney isn't rightwing nutty enough.
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

That is pretty funny. Do you consider Hillary an out-for-myself-clown as well?

She is. She has a clue about politics, world politics, and experience with them though. Trump has none. I will be voting for neither but if I was in a swing state my vote would be against Trump.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

You keep telling yourself that you guys are losing even though you go out of your way to insult the half of the country that have vaginas or the 30% of the country that aren't white.

You keep telling yourself you can win elections with the 35% of the population who are white males, even though a lot of white males like myself won't vote for you until you get rid of the crazies.

Please. People are flocking from the Democrat Party. It doesn't matter though when you're rigging the vote.

hillary clinton got millions of more votes in the primary than dumb donald.

this is why you loons keep losing. you have zero understanding of the way normal people actually think.

Trump was running against 17 candidates and Hillary had 2 or 3. You really aren't very bright are you?

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

You keep telling yourself that you guys are losing even though you go out of your way to insult the half of the country that have vaginas or the 30% of the country that aren't white.

You keep telling yourself you can win elections with the 35% of the population who are white males, even though a lot of white males like myself won't vote for you until you get rid of the crazies.

Please. People are flocking from the Democrat Party. It doesn't matter though when you're rigging the vote.

hillary clinton got millions of more votes in the primary than dumb donald.

this is why you loons keep losing. you have zero understanding of the way normal people actually think.

hillary clinton got millions of more votes in the primary than dumb donald.

Hillary only split the votes 2 ways, with Bernie.

How many ways did Trump have to split the vote?


I know he started out splitting with 17 others

And Trump doubled the nearest competitor; whereas, Hillary needed to rig the process to barely beat the competition.
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

That is pretty funny. Do you consider Hillary an out-for-myself-clown as well?

She is. She has a clue about politics, world politics, and experience with them though. Trump has none. I will be voting for neither but if I was in a swing state my vote would be against Trump.

That's idiotic. Her experience is in fucking things up. Trump has a history of success.

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