Da** We Could've Had An Honoralbe Businessman For President

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

Your lunacy is in conflict with the conventional wisdom of your RWnut pals which has long been that Romney lost because conservatives didn't turn out to vote because Romney isn't rightwing nutty enough.

They turned up. Romney creamed Obama. Republicans were too stupid to fix the system? No, they're in on it. The presidency isn't that big a deal to complicit globalists. As long as they have their gerrymandered districts to retain their balance of power, the presidency is an okay trade-off for them.
Never thought I would see the GOP fall that low

You guys just rigged your nomination process and the justice system for a fucking felon. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK. IN FACT, FUCK OFF.

You guys?

I'm sitting this one out.

I see no difference between Trump and HIllary, and don't want to see either in the WH

if you don't see a difference, then you aren't particularly bright and don

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

he probably is a decent guy...aside from abusing his dog.

he really shouldn't have gone hard right to run for the presidency.

:lmao: Funny watching you jackasses sing another tune after you'd had taken every imaginable swipe at his character during the election season.

i always said the same thing about romney.

and i still wouldn't vote for anyone who supports personhood laws, didn't support the ledbetter law and had the same cast of loons advising him on foreign policy as baby bush.

see, you can laugh like the moron you are, but normal people have actual reasons for not voting for someone.

all you can say is you hate anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon.
Never thought I would see the GOP fall that low

You guys just rigged your nomination process and the justice system for a fucking felon. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK. IN FACT, FUCK OFF.

You guys?

I'm sitting this one out.

I see no difference between Trump and HIllary, and don't want to see either in the WH

if you don't see a difference, then you aren't particularly bright and don

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

he probably is a decent guy...aside from abusing his dog.

he really shouldn't have gone hard right to run for the presidency.

:lmao: Funny watching you jackasses sing another tune after you'd had taken every imaginable swipe at his character during the election season.

i always said the same thing about romney.

and i still wouldn't vote for anyone who supports personhood laws, didn't support the ledbetter law and had the same cast of loons advising him on foreign policy as baby bush.

see, you can laugh like the moron you are, but normal people have actual reasons for not voting for someone.

all you can say is you hate anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon.

If you want either in the WH, I'm no the nut, you are
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

That is pretty funny. Do you consider Hillary an out-for-myself-clown as well?

She is. She has a clue about politics, world politics, and experience with them though. Trump has none. I will be voting for neither but if I was in a swing state my vote would be against Trump.

That's idiotic. Her experience is in fucking things up. Trump has a history of success.

Never thought I would see the GOP fall that low

You guys just rigged your nomination process and the justice system for a fucking felon. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK. IN FACT, FUCK OFF.

You guys?

I'm sitting this one out.

I see no difference between Trump and HIllary, and don't want to see either in the WH

if you don't see a difference, then you aren't particularly bright and don

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

he probably is a decent guy...aside from abusing his dog.

he really shouldn't have gone hard right to run for the presidency.

:lmao: Funny watching you jackasses sing another tune after you'd had taken every imaginable swipe at his character during the election season.

i always said the same thing about romney.

and i still wouldn't vote for anyone who supports personhood laws, didn't support the ledbetter law and had the same cast of loons advising him on foreign policy as baby bush.

see, you can laugh like the moron you are, but normal people have actual reasons for not voting for someone.

all you can say is you hate anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon.

If you want either in the WH, I'm no the nut, you are

really? one of them is going to be in the white house. ignoring that is nutty, dude.

so you pick one who has views that come closest to yours.

me? i don't like bigoted misogynists who think women should be punished if they choose to exercise their constitutional right to reproductive choice or wonder why we don't use nukes and thinks he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

that's just common sense.
Never thought I would see the GOP fall that low

You guys just rigged your nomination process and the justice system for a fucking felon. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK. IN FACT, FUCK OFF.

You guys?

I'm sitting this one out.

I see no difference between Trump and HIllary, and don't want to see either in the WH

if you don't see a difference, then you aren't particularly bright and don

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

he probably is a decent guy...aside from abusing his dog.

he really shouldn't have gone hard right to run for the presidency.

:lmao: Funny watching you jackasses sing another tune after you'd had taken every imaginable swipe at his character during the election season.

i always said the same thing about romney.

and i still wouldn't vote for anyone who supports personhood laws, didn't support the ledbetter law and had the same cast of loons advising him on foreign policy as baby bush.

see, you can laugh like the moron you are, but normal people have actual reasons for not voting for someone.

all you can say is you hate anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon.

If you want either in the WH, I'm no the nut, you are

really? one of them is going to be in the white house. ignoring that is nutty, dude.

so you pick one who has views that come closest to yours.

me? i don't like bigoted misogynists who think women should be punished if they choose to exercise their constitutional right to reproductive choice or wonder why we don't use nukes and thinks he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

that's just common sense.

I don't like Trump, but I DETEST Hillary.

Were I forced to vote, and couldn't go third party, I'd vote trump to keep her out of the WH.
Trump has a history of success.

Except for

Trump Airlines (bankrupt)
Trump Steaks (bankrupt)
Trump University (bankrupt and the subject of a major lawsuit)
Trump Castle
Trump Taj Mahal
Trump Vodka

Most business men are going to have failed ventures. You're pretending that the overall success is not iconic. For what it's worth Hillary is good at making money, too. Of course, she does it by robbing you and other suckers.

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

Your lunacy is in conflict with the conventional wisdom of your RWnut pals which has long been that Romney lost because conservatives didn't turn out to vote because Romney isn't rightwing nutty enough.

They turned up. Romney creamed Obama. Republicans were too stupid to fix the system? No, they're in on it. The presidency isn't that big a deal to complicit globalists. As long as they have their gerrymandered districts to retain their balance of power, the presidency is an okay trade-off for them.

Blah blah blah. Someone translate the above.
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

We hear this every election from you idiots; how the Republican is not a true Republican but that he is so egregiously conservative and must be eliminated. Stop speaking out of both sides of your asshole.
How sour are thy grapes!

Eat my sour ass.....
Is that your answer to my question about a hypothetical rigged election?
Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

Buddy, the election wasn't rigged.

You guys nominated a Weird Mormon Robot who spewed out stuff like, "I like to fire people" and "47% of you don't count because you don't pay taxes" and "I have binders full of women!!!"

And people rejected the fuck out of him. Just like they will reject the Nazi Orange Hairpiece you nominated THIS time.

ANd you will scratch your big monkey craniums wondering why you can't win while all the old white bigots die off.

yeah, right.. and Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her porch. Go back to sleep you fucking ignoramus.
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

That is pretty funny. Do you consider Hillary an out-for-myself-clown as well?

Umm NO.

Hillary actually knows history of issues, policy and political positions that underlie it. She is, and ALWAYS WAS a Democrat with fairly consistent positions throughout the years.

Trump? He is brand new changed man (except he still doesn't know much of anything) from the time he was pretending to be a Democrat or so he'd have you believe.

In reality there is no THERE there, he is but a empty plastic bag flailing in the wind of convinience, hoping to land in the White House. Trump is not a politician, he is a salesman scantly familiar with matters of actual governing.
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Never thought I would see the GOP fall that low

You guys just rigged your nomination process and the justice system for a fucking felon. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK. IN FACT, FUCK OFF.

You guys?

I'm sitting this one out.

I see no difference between Trump and HIllary, and don't want to see either in the WH

if you don't see a difference, then you aren't particularly bright and don

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

he probably is a decent guy...aside from abusing his dog.

he really shouldn't have gone hard right to run for the presidency.

:lmao: Funny watching you jackasses sing another tune after you'd had taken every imaginable swipe at his character during the election season.

i always said the same thing about romney.

and i still wouldn't vote for anyone who supports personhood laws, didn't support the ledbetter law and had the same cast of loons advising him on foreign policy as baby bush.

see, you can laugh like the moron you are, but normal people have actual reasons for not voting for someone.

all you can say is you hate anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon.

If you want either in the WH, I'm no the nut, you are

really? one of them is going to be in the white house. ignoring that is nutty, dude.

so you pick one who has views that come closest to yours.

me? i don't like bigoted misogynists who think women should be punished if they choose to exercise their constitutional right to reproductive choice or wonder why we don't use nukes and thinks he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

that's just common sense.

You apparently prefer women who take millions of dollars from countries that don't allow women to drive a car and throw homosexuals off of 10 story buildings.
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

That is pretty funny. Do you consider Hillary an out-for-myself-clown as well?

Umm NO.

Hillary actually knows history of issues, policy and political positions that underlie it. She is, and ALWAYS WAS a Democrat with fairly consistent positions throughout the years.

Trump? He is brand new changed man (except he still doesn't know much of anything) from the time he was pretending to be a Democrat or so he'd have you believe.

In reality there is no THERE there, he is but a empty plastic bag flailing in the wind, hoping to land in the White House. Trump is not a politician, he is a salesman scantly familiar with matters of actual governing.

She is, and ALWAYS WAS a Democrat

Except when she was a Goldwater Republican

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