Da** We Could've Had An Honoralbe Businessman For President

Yea, I dont' understand why you posted this, when you knew it was incorrect?

"She is, and ALWAYS WAS a Democrat with fairly consistent positions throughout the years."

And that is exactly why you are an idiot reject, more interested in nitpicking the irrelevant, than participating in a meaningful conversation.

YOU made an incorrect statement, and instead of admitting you make a mistake, you've spent at least half an hour spinning, twisting, and whining I'm the one that's wrong.
YOU made an incorrect statement, and instead of admitting you make a mistake, you've spent at least half an hour spinning, twisting, and whining I'm the one that's wrong.

Hillary has been a Democrat for 40+ years, since her school days, Trump has had a convinient conversion since he decided to run for Republican party nomination in 2008.

She is consistent, he changes his positions daily.

I am right, you are wrong and can find no way to dispute anything except to meaninglessly nitpick the irrelevant, because you are that fucking pathetic.

is that about right?
YOU made an incorrect statement, and instead of admitting you make a mistake, you've spent at least half an hour spinning, twisting, and whining I'm the one that's wrong.

Hillary has been a Democrat for 40+ years, since her school days, Trump has had a convinient conversion since he decided to run for Republican party nomination in 2008.

She is consistent, he changes his positions daily.

I am right, you are wrong and can find no way to dispute anything except to meaninglessly nitpick the irrelevant, because you are that fucking pathetic.

is that about right?
Oh please, Clinton has more flip flops than a Destin beach house.
YOU made an incorrect statement, and instead of admitting you make a mistake, you've spent at least half an hour spinning, twisting, and whining I'm the one that's wrong.

Hillary has been a Democrat for 40+ years, since her school days, Trump has had a convinient conversion since he decided to run for Republican party nomination in 2008.

She is consistent, he changes his positions daily.

I am right, you are wrong and can find no way to dispute anything except to meaninglessly nitpick the irrelevant, because you are that fucking pathetic.

is that about right?

With all of her flip-flops, you consider her consistent?

School days?

or college days?

She is 3 years older than I am, and I graduated in 67.
Making her 3-4 years out of high school in 68

if she switched to Dem in 68, she was an adult, by any measure, and that was more than 40 years ago.

You keep digging your hole deeper, anton.

YOu should have admitted your mistake way back
With all of her flip-flops, you consider her consistent?

What fucking flip flops?

Was she anti-abortion before she was running for president? Maybe she was for getting rid of medicaid?

In what fucking bizzare world Hillary's minor adjustments throughout many years compare to Trump's bizzare switcharooing? Seems like not a day goes by without him doing a 180 on something. Here is flip-flop of TODAY:

Here's why Trump's flip-flop on immigration is so stunning

he is a huckster and you are the idiots that buy his bullshit. Joke is on you.

Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.

LOL- 'rig the election'.

Romney wasn't elected because the GOP cannot manage to vote for a rational candidate- and Romney was a strong candidate- but too many Republicans- as posters in this thread show- considered Romney- since he was not a tin foil hat right wing nut job- to be a RINO.
With all of her flip-flops, you consider her consistent?

What fucking flip flops?

Was she anti-abortion before she was running for president? Maybe she was for getting rid of medicaid?

In what fucking bizzare world Hillary's minor adjustments throughout many years compare to Trump's bizzare switcharooing? Seems like a day goes by without him doing a 180 on something. Here is flip-flop of TODAY:

Here's why Trump's flip-flop on immigration is so stunning

he is a huckster and you are the idiots that buy his bullshit. Joke is on you.

I'm not buying either of their bullshit, but you seem to be ignoring Hillary's for some reason.

hillary flip-flops - Yahoo Search Results

choose your poison.

Should be at least one site someone s partisan as you will read.

and you might want to read this about HIllary and being a republican

Hillary Worked for Goldwater?
Starting at the 5 minute mark, especially. This guy is very well spoken and clear and concise about the problems and solutions; and he is/was honorable. Instead, we allowed Obama to rig the election and f up the system further; and now, we have a felon looking to take advantage of those same rigged mechanisms and lead the world into WWIII.
How was Obama's election rigged?

Apparently because he got elected.

Just as Trump will proclaim the election was rigged if Clinton is elected.
I'm not buying either of their bullshit

Bullshit dodge to a false equivalency. THERE ISN'T.

Clinton is a model of consistency compared to Trump.

Politicians make some position adjustments and they sometimes lie, but Trump is in a whole new, separate Trump grade category on both counts.
With all of her flip-flops, you consider her consistent?

What fucking flip flops?

Was she anti-abortion before she was running for president? Maybe she was for getting rid of medicaid?

In what fucking bizzare world Hillary's minor adjustments throughout many years compare to Trump's bizzare switcharooing? Seems like a day goes by without him doing a 180 on something. Here is flip-flop of TODAY:

Here's why Trump's flip-flop on immigration is so stunning

he is a huckster and you are the idiots that buy his bullshit. Joke is on you.

I'm not buying either of their bullshit, but you seem to be ignoring Hillary's for some reason.

hillary flip-flops - Yahoo Search Results

choose your poison.

Should be at least one site someone s partisan as you will read.

and you might want to read this about HIllary and being a republican

Hillary Worked for Goldwater?

Hillary flip flops?
- from you link.....LOL

Hillary worked for Goldwater- .

A: She was a high-school Young Republican and "Goldwater Girl" in 1964 but swung to supporting Democrat Eugene McCarthy’s campaign in 1968 and George McGovern’s in 1972.

About the time she was working for George McGovern's campaign- Donald Trump was getting sued for race discrimination for refusing to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans.

Interesting to compare the time lines.....
Nope hes a RINO real Republicans want Trump.

Trump is niether Repiblican or conservative, his primary category is out-for-myself-Clown.

That is pretty funny. Do you consider Hillary an out-for-myself-clown as well?

Umm NO.

Hillary actually knows history of issues, policy and political positions that underlie it. She is, and ALWAYS WAS a Democrat with fairly consistent positions throughout the years.

Trump? He is brand new changed man (except he still doesn't know much of anything) from the time he was pretending to be a Democrat or so he'd have you believe.

In reality there is no THERE there, he is but a empty plastic bag flailing in the wind of convinience, hoping to land in the White House. Trump is not a politician, he is a salesman scantly familiar with matters of actual governing.

A man that runs a Corporation worth several billion dollars does know a lot about governing.

How do you come to that conclusion?

Governing is not the same as running a corporation- not even the corporations Trump has driven into bankruptcy or failure.

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