DACA: "congrats kid, your parents broke the law, here's a winning lotto ticket"

I don't know what you are getting at.

We have current immigration laws that should be enforced. If Dems want different laws, then they should pass new legislation in Congress.
Yeah it's simple. With a majority in both houses and the presidency, seven years of bitching and moaning about the ACA came to nothing under Republicans. Now you say it's pretty simple for the Democrats without a majority to change immigration laws.
Not even Republicans would argue that the Republican politicians in Congress are a bunch of worthless jellyfish.
I'm glad I never voted for one.
The scum you vote for are 1000 times worse.
Sucks to be you! Jaded, cynical, frustrated, undereducated. Makes for a sterling Trump supporter.
It sucks not to be a stupid gullible douche bag like you?
Not even Republicans would argue that the Republican politicians in Congress are a bunch of worthless jellyfish.
I'm glad I never voted for one.
The scum you vote for are 1000 times worse.
Sucks to be you! Jaded, cynical, frustrated, undereducated. Makes for a sterling Trump supporter.

WOW...that's so weird...another LefTard fabricating their own facts. STRANGE.
And another eloquent Right Winger chimes in. Where did you develop your sense of language? A locker room or a truck stop?
There was nothing vulgar about his language, retard. You just proved him right.
Unless I'm missing something this is the Hussein administration / Democrat logic is it not?
Metaphorically speaking:
Parents robbed a bank, gave the children the stolen loot and authorities allowed the children to keep the cash citing "kids shouldn't pay for their parents mistakes"?
Am I even close?

That is a bunch of nonsense. The fact is that many of them have no connection to their home country. They were brought her as children. They are Americans in their thinking and culturally. I know this because my father was in the military and my father was in the military. I was brought to this country very young. I have never had any connection with the country I was born in.

The problem is most of these DACA people are adults. Here are the statistics right from the US government:

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Humanitarian/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/USCIS-DACA-Characteristics-Data-2014-7-10.pdf

It's the third page down.

They were brought into this country as children. That is the main point. It doesn't matter whether they are adults now. You are just trying to blow smoke.
Unless I'm missing something this is the Hussein administration / Democrat logic is it not?
Metaphorically speaking:
Parents robbed a bank, gave the children the stolen loot and authorities allowed the children to keep the cash citing "kids shouldn't pay for their parents mistakes"?
Am I even close?
That pretty much covers it.
I understand the importance of maintaining our borders. I support cracking down in a lot of ways, but something about this just feels wrong. These kids for all intents and purposes are American. They grew up here, they speak the language and everybody they know is from here. I don't support removing DACA.
DACA fucks over law abiding people waiting in line legally, DACA is unconstitutional and unacceptable

DACA has nothing to do with that. The problem is bureaucratic inertia not DREAMers. DACA was Obama using the discretion a President has in deciding who gets deported.

A president can overturn immigration policy without input from Congress?

Even 'constitutional professor' Obama knew that wouldn't survive the Supreme Court

S President has complete discretion in who to deport. If he says he will not deport children brought here as children, he has the authority to do so. Also worth noting that DACA recipients has to be either in school or working. that sounds Republican to me.

then he's above immigration law?

The President can prioritize who gets deported. Trump himself has said that DREAMers will not be deported. He is exercising that discretion. The courts have upheld that discretion.
Unless I'm missing something this is the Hussein administration / Democrat logic is it not?
Metaphorically speaking:
Parents robbed a bank, gave the children the stolen loot and authorities allowed the children to keep the cash citing "kids shouldn't pay for their parents mistakes"?
Am I even close?

That is a bunch of nonsense. The fact is that many of them have no connection to their home country. They were brought her as children. They are Americans in their thinking and culturally. I know this because my father was in the military and my father was in the military. I was brought to this country very young. I have never had any connection with the country I was born in.

The problem is most of these DACA people are adults. Here are the statistics right from the US government:

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Humanitarian/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/USCIS-DACA-Characteristics-Data-2014-7-10.pdf

It's the third page down.

They were brought into this country as children. That is the main point. It doesn't matter whether they are adults now. You are just trying to blow smoke.

Oh please, some of these people are in their 30's now, they were not brought in as children.
What about the people waiting in line legally? why do these people who break the law deserve any type of forgiveness on the matter?

The children didn't break any laws. Actual border hopping illegals should be sent straight back to the country they came from, but all these kids did was grow up in the only world they knew. They didn't make that decision. You'd basically be ruining the lives of thousands of young people.
The kids never come alone....
What I find incredible, aside from the open callousness of the Alt-Right, is the way Conservatives frame the position of Liberals on immigration. The Right seems to believe that Democrats are pandering to Latinos to garner votes. But does the Right ever think that kicking Latinos in the ribs as they are mercilessly deported that those Latino votes are not going to be cast for Comservative candidates?

Burning bridges comes to mind, but cutting off your nose to spite your face is more appropriate.

The truth of the matter is every other voting group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. This is why the Democrats are working so hard to make whites the minority in this country. The Democrat party is the anti-white party.
If you want to claim the Republicans are nothing more than White Nationalists, I wonder if you realize the stain that brings?
What I find incredible, aside from the open callousness of the Alt-Right, is the way Conservatives frame the position of Liberals on immigration. The Right seems to believe that Democrats are pandering to Latinos to garner votes. But does the Right ever think that kicking Latinos in the ribs as they are mercilessly deported that those Latino votes are not going to be cast for Comservative candidates?

Burning bridges comes to mind, but cutting off your nose to spite your face is more appropriate.

The truth of the matter is every other voting group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. This is why the Democrats are working so hard to make whites the minority in this country. The Democrat party is the anti-white party.
If you want to claim the Republicans are nothing more than White Nationalists, I wonder if you realize the stain that brings?

It has nothing to do with white nationalism, it has to do with nefarious underhanded plots by the Satin's angels--the Democrat party.

Want to have a taste of what a one-party government would look like? Come here to Cleveland and I'll show you.

The Mayor here is looking good for reelection. He had his minions in the city Council vote for a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park. Why a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park? Because his grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike in the street. Afterwards his grandson got busted for illegally carrying a concealed weapon and drug possession charges. That really screwed him up with his cake job at the water department his grandfather got him.

It only gets worse. His great grandson also got busted for illegally carrying a gun a few weeks ago. To add icing on the cake, his great grandson is only 14 years old. They Mayor's response? He said his family is no different than any other in Cleveland when it comes to protection. I won't even get into him hiring an ex-con for his administration that used to be on city Council.

All hope is not lost though, his competition is another Democrat councilman who got busted three times for a DUI. He came in second place in the primary. The third was pretty close too, he is also a convicted felon.

So while the city is not going to replace badly needed police officers, crime is bad as usual, the Mayor gave Tamir Rice's mother 6 million dollars for the killing of her son by police that was ruled justified by a grand jury.

Yes, this is what an all Democrat country would look like......maybe even worse.
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What I find incredible, aside from the open callousness of the Alt-Right, is the way Conservatives frame the position of Liberals on immigration. The Right seems to believe that Democrats are pandering to Latinos to garner votes. But does the Right ever think that kicking Latinos in the ribs as they are mercilessly deported that those Latino votes are not going to be cast for Comservative candidates?

Burning bridges comes to mind, but cutting off your nose to spite your face is more appropriate.

The truth of the matter is every other voting group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. This is why the Democrats are working so hard to make whites the minority in this country. The Democrat party is the anti-white party.
If you want to claim the Republicans are nothing more than White Nationalists, I wonder if you realize the stain that brings?

It has nothing to do with white nationalism, it has to do with nefarious underhanded plots by the Satin's angels--the Democrat party.

Want to have a taste of what a one-party government would look like? Come here to Cleveland and I'll show you.

The Mayor here is looking good for reelection. He had his minions in the city Council vote for a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park. Why a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park? Because his grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike in the street. Afterwards his grandson got busted for illegally carrying a concealed weapon and drug possession charges. That really screwed him up with his cake job at the water department his grandfather got him.

It only gets worse. His great grandson also got busted for illegally carrying a gun a few weeks ago. To add icing on the cake, his great grandson is only 14 years old. They Mayor's response? He said his family is no different than any other in Cleveland when it comes to protection. I won't even get into him hiring an ex-con for his administration that used to be on city Council.

All hope is not lost though, his competition is another Democrat councilman who got busted three times for a DUI. He came in second place in the primary. The third was pretty close too, he is also a convicted felon.

So why the city is not going to replace badly needed police officers, crime is bad as usual, the Mayor gave Tamir Rice's mother 6 million dollars for the killing of her son by police that was ruled justified by the grand jury.

Yes, this is what an all Democrat country would look like......maybe even worse.
And you think all Republicans are walking around in chalked togas, embodying the highest ideals, morals and comportment? Republicans are beyond reproach exemplifying all the comportment of saints?

Cleveland is a pit. It always has been. Don't blame the woes of Cleveland soleat the feet of a political party. You cast the votes, it's all your fault.

I live in Pittsburgh where we not only have a Democrat as mayor, but a safer, cleaner, more efficient city. Sucks to be you! Go Steelers!
What I find incredible, aside from the open callousness of the Alt-Right, is the way Conservatives frame the position of Liberals on immigration. The Right seems to believe that Democrats are pandering to Latinos to garner votes. But does the Right ever think that kicking Latinos in the ribs as they are mercilessly deported that those Latino votes are not going to be cast for Comservative candidates?

Burning bridges comes to mind, but cutting off your nose to spite your face is more appropriate.

The truth of the matter is every other voting group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. This is why the Democrats are working so hard to make whites the minority in this country. The Democrat party is the anti-white party.
If you want to claim the Republicans are nothing more than White Nationalists, I wonder if you realize the stain that brings?

It has nothing to do with white nationalism, it has to do with nefarious underhanded plots by the Satin's angels--the Democrat party.

Want to have a taste of what a one-party government would look like? Come here to Cleveland and I'll show you.

The Mayor here is looking good for reelection. He had his minions in the city Council vote for a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park. Why a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park? Because his grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike in the street. Afterwards his grandson got busted for illegally carrying a concealed weapon and drug possession charges. That really screwed him up with his cake job at the water department his grandfather got him.

It only gets worse. His great grandson also got busted for illegally carrying a gun a few weeks ago. To add icing on the cake, his great grandson is only 14 years old. They Mayor's response? He said his family is no different than any other in Cleveland when it comes to protection. I won't even get into him hiring an ex-con for his administration that used to be on city Council.

All hope is not lost though, his competition is another Democrat councilman who got busted three times for a DUI. He came in second place in the primary. The third was pretty close too, he is also a convicted felon.

So why the city is not going to replace badly needed police officers, crime is bad as usual, the Mayor gave Tamir Rice's mother 6 million dollars for the killing of her son by police that was ruled justified by the grand jury.

Yes, this is what an all Democrat country would look like......maybe even worse.
And you think all Republicans are walking around in chalked togas, embodying the highest ideals, morals and comportment? Republicans are beyond reproach exemplifying all the comportment of saints?

Cleveland is a pit. It always has been. Don't blame the woes of Cleveland soleat the feet of a political party. You cast the votes, it's all your fault.

I live in Pittsburgh where we not only have a Democrat as mayor, but a safer, cleaner, more efficient city. Sucks to be you! Go Steelers!

No, Cleveland has not always been a pit. It didn't start to become one until Democrats gained control. Bussing pushed the people with money out of the city leaving only those who couldn't afford to move out of it. What happens when you have a city of people with no money?

If you have a bunch of dopey Democrats keep voting the same criminals into office, what can you expect? Republicans saints? Never said that. But just a few years ago, the FBI exposed the biggest government corruption case of our county in history, and most of those who were convicted and sent to prison were Democrats. I believe only two were Republicans.

Since most in Cleveland are not smart enough to change directions by voting for a Republican, we will be led by the same corrupt politicians that are responsible for our fate now. So yes, it is about party.
What I find incredible, aside from the open callousness of the Alt-Right, is the way Conservatives frame the position of Liberals on immigration. The Right seems to believe that Democrats are pandering to Latinos to garner votes. But does the Right ever think that kicking Latinos in the ribs as they are mercilessly deported that those Latino votes are not going to be cast for Comservative candidates?

Burning bridges comes to mind, but cutting off your nose to spite your face is more appropriate.

The truth of the matter is every other voting group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. This is why the Democrats are working so hard to make whites the minority in this country. The Democrat party is the anti-white party.
If you want to claim the Republicans are nothing more than White Nationalists, I wonder if you realize the stain that brings?

It has nothing to do with white nationalism, it has to do with nefarious underhanded plots by the Satin's angels--the Democrat party.

Want to have a taste of what a one-party government would look like? Come here to Cleveland and I'll show you.

The Mayor here is looking good for reelection. He had his minions in the city Council vote for a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park. Why a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike park? Because his grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike in the street. Afterwards his grandson got busted for illegally carrying a concealed weapon and drug possession charges. That really screwed him up with his cake job at the water department his grandfather got him.

It only gets worse. His great grandson also got busted for illegally carrying a gun a few weeks ago. To add icing on the cake, his great grandson is only 14 years old. They Mayor's response? He said his family is no different than any other in Cleveland when it comes to protection. I won't even get into him hiring an ex-con for his administration that used to be on city Council.

All hope is not lost though, his competition is another Democrat councilman who got busted three times for a DUI. He came in second place in the primary. The third was pretty close too, he is also a convicted felon.

So why the city is not going to replace badly needed police officers, crime is bad as usual, the Mayor gave Tamir Rice's mother 6 million dollars for the killing of her son by police that was ruled justified by the grand jury.

Yes, this is what an all Democrat country would look like......maybe even worse.
And you think all Republicans are walking around in chalked togas, embodying the highest ideals, morals and comportment? Republicans are beyond reproach exemplifying all the comportment of saints?

Cleveland is a pit. It always has been. Don't blame the woes of Cleveland soleat the feet of a political party. You cast the votes, it's all your fault.

I live in Pittsburgh where we not only have a Democrat as mayor, but a safer, cleaner, more efficient city. Sucks to be you! Go Steelers!

No, Cleveland has not always been a pit. It didn't start to become one until Democrats gained control. Bussing pushed the people with money out of the city leaving only those who couldn't afford to move out of it. What happens when you have a city of people with no money?

If you have a bunch of dopey Democrats keep voting the same criminals into office, what can you expect? Republicans saints? Never said that. But just a few years ago, the FBI exposed the biggest government corruption case of our county in history, and most of those who were convicted and sent to prison were Democrats. I believe only two were Republicans.

Since most in Cleveland are not smart enough to change directions by voting for a Republican, we will be led by the same corrupt politicians that are responsible for our fate now. So yes, it is about party.
I'm sixty and I cannot recall a time Cleveland was not a,pit.

Here in Pittsburgh, we had our share of troubles. In the 1970s and 80s the mills started to close. But, under Democrat mayors, we built,a new airport, a subway system, two new stadiums, a new arena, a new convention center and built a dozen new skyscrapers further enhancing America's prettiest skyline. We went through fiscal crisis as the labor market changed from blue collar to a health care end educational system. We enjoy a low property costs, low crime as well as amazing growth. If that is what Democrats,can do, give me more of it!
What about the people waiting in line legally? why do these people who break the law deserve any type of forgiveness on the matter?

The children didn't break any laws. Actual border hopping illegals should be sent straight back to the country they came from, but all these kids did was grow up in the only world they knew. They didn't make that decision. You'd basically be ruining the lives of thousands of young people.
The kids never come alone....

Yes they do.
Unless I'm missing something this is the Hussein administration / Democrat logic is it not?
Metaphorically speaking:
Parents robbed a bank, gave the children the stolen loot and authorities allowed the children to keep the cash citing "kids shouldn't pay for their parents mistakes"?
Am I even close?

That is a bunch of nonsense. The fact is that many of them have no connection to their home country. They were brought her as children. They are Americans in their thinking and culturally. I know this because my father was in the military and my father was in the military. I was brought to this country very young. I have never had any connection with the country I was born in.

The problem is most of these DACA people are adults. Here are the statistics right from the US government:

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Humanitarian/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/USCIS-DACA-Characteristics-Data-2014-7-10.pdf

It's the third page down.

They were brought into this country as children. That is the main point. It doesn't matter whether they are adults now. You are just trying to blow smoke.
It doesn't matter whether they are adults now
you're absolutely right.

They need to be deported, no matter their age
The Left- “The children didn’t break any laws, they should not be punished.”

The Right- “True....but should children BENEFIT from their parents criminal activity?”
The Left- “The children didn’t break any laws, they should not be punished.”

The Right- “True....but should children BENEFIT from their parents criminal activity?”
/----/ "The Left- “The children didn’t break any laws, they should not be punished.”" Unless they are still in the womb and PP needs more body parts to sell.
You'd throw children with no connection to the culture their parents came from into a country they've never known?

Those illegals, mainly Mexicans, maintain their culture and reject American culture. They are Mexicans living in a foreign country. They militantly maintain their Mexican-ness. They show up at soccer games between the U.S. and Mexico, and waive their Mexican flags. Those kids would immediately fit right in with the culture in which they have been immersed since their illegal Mexican parents gave birth to them. The sole fact that their Mexican cultural immersion happened on American soil is irrelevant.

Kick those brats the fuck out!!!

You'd throw children with no connection to the culture their parents came from into a country they've never known?

Those illegals, mainly Mexicans, maintain their culture and reject American culture. They are Mexicans living in a foreign country. They militantly maintain their Mexican-ness. They show up at soccer games between the U.S. and Mexico, and waive their Mexican flags. Those kids would immediately fit right in with the culture in which they have been immersed since their illegal Mexican parents gave birth to them. The sole fact that their Mexican cultural immersion happened on American soil is irrelevant.

Kick those brats the fuck out!!!


You seem to be mixing topics.
You'd throw children with no connection to the culture their parents came from into a country they've never known?

Those illegals, mainly Mexicans, maintain their culture and reject American culture. They are Mexicans living in a foreign country. They militantly maintain their Mexican-ness. They show up at soccer games between the U.S. and Mexico, and waive their Mexican flags. Those kids would immediately fit right in with the culture in which they have been immersed since their illegal Mexican parents gave birth to them. The sole fact that their Mexican cultural immersion happened on American soil is irrelevant.

Kick those brats the fuck out!!!


Well put...I’ve said it and said it...Mexicans can not and will not allow themselves to Americanize...PERIOD.
They’ll stand by their mailbox waiting on that EBT card paid for by Americans then chant Viva Mehico and wave their filthy flags in our face any chance they get.
It’s time for the roaches to kick rocks!
[........Mexicans can not and will not allow themselves to Americanize...PERIOD........

Obviously a ridiculously false statement. There are families who have been in the US far longer than most of the big mouths here who are as American as any of these fearful fools. Some of the biggest mouths understand America the least.
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