DACA Deadline Quickly Approaching....WHY Aren't Democrats Doing Anything?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats had the chance to pass DACA when they controlled the govt and Obama controlled the WH...they CHOSE not to.

The Democrats just stood with illegals instead of Americans to shut the govt down...but they aren't doing anything to get DACA passed while the deadline is quickly approaching.

The Democrats sat on their faces and scowled in support of Illegals / MS13 when the President honored the parents of American kids killed by MS13...but they aren't doing anything to get DACA passed while the deadline is quickly approaching.

Trump just reminded everyone of that......

Trump to Dems: So...DACA Deadline Is 'Rapidly Approaching' And 'You're Doing Nothing'

“Heading to beautiful West Virginia to be with great members of the Republican Party. Will be planning Infrastructure and discussing Immigration and DACA, not easy when we have no support from the Democrats. NOT ONE DEM VOTED FOR OUR TAX CUT BILL! Need more Republicans in ’18,” he wrote on Twitter.

“March 5th is rapidly approaching and the Democrats are doing nothing about DACA. They Resist, Blame, Complain and Obstruct - and do nothing. Start pushing Nancy Pelosi and the Dems to work out a DACA fix, NOW!”

Democrats are doing nothing, as they did under Obama, because they would rather have non-existent DACA as Mid-Term Election Issue than do something to actually doing something to help the 'Dreamers' to whom they made a promise to help.

Congrats, 'Dreamers' - you were lied to by Democrats who have no intention of passing DACA for you. It's like you are already 'citizens'. :p
The Democrats will come out with a military pay during shutdown bill first. They can't help telegraphing we are only here to obstruct the government like Obama told us to do.
The Democrats will come out with a military pay during shutdown bill first. They can't help telegraphing we are only here to obstruct the government like Obama told us to do.
Oh you mean like when republicans refused even to meet with Garland? Or when repubs forced a shutdown because they wanted Obama to repeal ACA? Or this The Victory of ‘No’, this Senate GOP used “blue slips” to block Obama judicial nominees, but now wants to trash the practice, maybe this The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama | TIME.com I can keep on going if you like? Can I ask why you should get the courtesy that wasn't allowed during the Obama era?

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