DACA is DONE! More proof that your POTUS puts Americans First!

congress will legislate a way for dreamers to stay.

No, it will die after six months.

A program that has 60% approval will not die unless Republicans want to get used to saying Speaker Pelosi.

DACA has huge costs on the front end, and only diminishing return on the backend. Fact

It has no costs. Recipients are required ti be working, going to school or in the military. Another ignorant Trump supporter.

Ohhh Obama is threatening to speak if Trump ends DACA! Obama is the gift that keeps on giving :dance:

Obama is more popular than Trump.

"It has no costs. Recipients are required ti be working, going to school or in the military. Another ignorant Trump supporter."

more foolishness...The cost to send a DACA child to public school is $10,600 per year- thanks American taxpayer
DACA kids receive state funds for college- thanks American taxpayer
DACA kids receive emergency medical care...thanks American taxpayer
DACA kids steal brainless jobs from American kids
DACA kids don't earn enough to pay income taxes...they're effective tax rate is 0%.

DACA kids like the rest of their "people" will procreate at a cockroaches pace...their low iQ offspring will continue the cycle of becoming financial liabilities to REAL American's.
Remember, Reagan gave amnesty 3.5 million low grade humans which quickly turned to tens of millions. The 800k number doesn't mean shit.

You are the foolish one. Their IQ is higher than yours and I would rather have them here than you. The fact is that we are facing a baby bust where there won't be enough Americans working to support social programs such as SSI. Many of these DACA recipients are working in good paying jobs. You just through out stereotypes.
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.

What you are saying is the Democrats have nothing but calling other people racists? You should be. The election proved people do not believe racism is the problem Dems and progressives do. Keep up with the ridicule and name calling, it has backfired and will continue to do so.

The election proved that voters hated Clinton more than Trump. The fact is that when people use racial stereotypes then they are racists.

Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.

Trump has made it crystal clear...he sides with REAL American's.
How can one possibly be so bothered by that?
What part of Mexico are you from? Do you steal from REAL American's like the DACA kids do?

Real Americans overwhelmingly support DACA. Only about 30% don't. You represent the hate that white supremacists possess. If anyone needs to be deported, it is you.

Hahaha...you fool.
The only people who support DACA are beaners, weirdos and lowlifes with an effective tax rate of 0%. Sorry bud...no legit tax paying REAL American thinks we need more low grade filth here.

I agree. We don't need low grade filth here. We need to deport you. You are the low grade filth.

Today is your lucky day...here's your free lesson. I will invoice you for the next one.

Low Grade Filth Exhibit A:

Low Grade Filth Exhibit B:

Low Grade Filth Exhibit C:

Low Grade Filth Exhibit D:

NOT Low Grade Filth Exhibit E:

You're welcome...by now even your dumbass can see the difference. What else should I teach you?

P.S.- What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing real Americans?
What's a "REAL American" exactly?

Let me guess, people like yourself, and not people who you don't like. How convenient.

I'll play....REAL American's hold themselves to a higher standard...most spend their lives becoming better and doing better. These REAL American's take great pride in self and country. They tend to be hard working, moral folks with firm family values. They "pay it forward" by exhausting all effort parenting their children and doing right.
You see, it's a behavioral thing...standing on this soil does not make one an American in the eyes of REAL American's. Reading this makes you want to roll up in the fetal position and cry as Liberals believe simply breathing oxygen here qualifies one as a great American.

I can't believe you posted that with a straight face. Your description of a "real American" pretty much defined the typical immigrant family. They spend their lives becoming better and doing better because, hell, THAT IS WHY THEY CAME HERE. They take great pride in their self and country, they actually volunteer for the military at higher percentages than native Americans and most of second generation immigrants raise their children bilingual. They are hard working, in fact, studies have indicated that immigrants place a greater importance on hard work and career success than native Americans. Which happens to be crucial to your and my retirement. Over ninety percent of the growth of the future labor force through 2050 will come from immigrants and their American born children. They will be paying our Social Security checks. Truth is, without our immigrant population we would be looking at a negative birth rate, in other words, a dwindling and dying population. Not to mention the typical native raised twenty something male would rather play video games and live in his parent's basement than work a fulltime job.

And you don't even want to get me started on exhausting all their effort parenting children. The typical native pays daycare centers and babysitters to raise their children as both parents work to keep up with the Joneses demonstrating that keeping up with the Joneses is more important than raising their children. Immigrants are more likely to be stay at home mothers. In fact, Asian and Hispanic families are twice as likely to have a stay at home parent than native Americans

In fact, the only people rolling up in a fetal position and crying are all those short sighted, ignorant, racist conservatives who are AFRAID of competing with hard working driven immigrants and their disciplined children.

Dear Winston Chavez Rodriguez Fernandez,
I don't know how you crazies come up with the shit you come up with. Is this one of those; " I know this ONE awesome family" sort of things?
The average Hispanic family in CA looks like this:
Gustavo and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Gustavo works for $10 dollars an hour and averages 50 hours per week, Gustavo grosses $500 per week in income, cash, no taxes withheld.
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Gustavo and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Gustavo's family as it would be retarded and a waste of time. Do your own math bud....YOU'RE CONFUSED!
Further, drive through any predominantly Hispanic community...they're complete shitholes....trash and filth line the streets, front yards look like junk yards....Gustavo throws his Modello cans out the window of his piece of shit uninsured 1980's Toyota pickup while Guadalupe throws dirty diapers out the passenger side....pit bulls and chihuahuas abused and running the streets, graffiti, bright yellow shithole homes. 40 year old Gustavo stares at my 14 year old daughter like a Lion stares down its prey in the wild. These people are shameless human cockroaches...they degrade every neighborhood they inhabit...they don't know any better...they're thirdworlders and that's what they do.
Sorry bud...but the fictional stereotype you've fabricated in your tiny little mind could be further from accurate.

Low-life scumbag bigots like this ^^^^^^ are why every discussion of this topic turns to shit.

Why are you so against total clarity, proven data and facts? Does it bother you than I'm candid about it? Should I dress it up for you?

You post that embarrassing, third-grade failure of bigoted fiction then whine about "facts" and "clarity "? What a fucking joke.
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Good. But why do I feel bad about it?

Not sure...Did you buy the bullshit being sold by LefTards?
Think with intellect and not emotion...Think Econ 101...think community degradation.

Econ 101? Well damn near every economists agrees, immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are a net positive to the US economy. Now I understand, if you are an unskilled worker without a high school diploma, and from your postings it appears that is most likely the case, then those illegal immigrants cost you money in lost wages. But, if you are a skilled worker undocumented workers do not cost you money, they do not compete with you. Instead, they complement you and make you more efficient increasing your productivity and your value. Try reading this article that clearly explains this reality to you. If it is beyond your grade level, have someone you know explain it do you.

Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?
Trump has made it crystal clear...he sides with REAL American's.
How can one possibly be so bothered by that?
What part of Mexico are you from? Do you steal from REAL American's like the DACA kids do?

The Dreamers ARE real Americans. You're a paranoid xenophobe.
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Good. But why do I feel bad about it?

Not sure...Did you buy the bullshit being sold by LefTards?
Think with intellect and not emotion...Think Econ 101...think community degradation.

Econ 101? Well damn near every economists agrees, immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are a net positive to the US economy. Now I understand, if you are an unskilled worker without a high school diploma, and from your postings it appears that is most likely the case, then those illegal immigrants cost you money in lost wages. But, if you are a skilled worker undocumented workers do not cost you money, they do not compete with you. Instead, they complement you and make you more efficient increasing your productivity and your value. Try reading this article that clearly explains this reality to you. If it is beyond your grade level, have someone you know explain it do you.

Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?
I guess that depends on your perspective. I see them and the people that hire them and this whole black market underground economy and mindset. I want to end that. I want people to be honest about who they hire, and where they are from and follow rules. Why is that such a big issue, anyway? I am am honest open American I want to know WHAT is the big deal here?
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Good. But why do I feel bad about it?

Not sure...Did you buy the bullshit being sold by LefTards?
Think with intellect and not emotion...Think Econ 101...think community degradation.

Econ 101? Well damn near every economists agrees, immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are a net positive to the US economy. Now I understand, if you are an unskilled worker without a high school diploma, and from your postings it appears that is most likely the case, then those illegal immigrants cost you money in lost wages. But, if you are a skilled worker undocumented workers do not cost you money, they do not compete with you. Instead, they complement you and make you more efficient increasing your productivity and your value. Try reading this article that clearly explains this reality to you. If it is beyond your grade level, have someone you know explain it do you.

Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?

Haha...The Loon York Times...I'm sure that's an editorial full of credible info...haha
How and where do you people come up with this shit?
Let me break this down for you AGAIN:
The average Hispanic family in CA looks like this:
Gustavo and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Gustavo works for $10 dollars an hour and averages 50 hours per week, Gustavo grosses $500 per week in income, cash, no taxes withheld.
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Gustavo and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Gustavo's family as it would be retarded and a waste of time. Do the simple fucking arithmetic and tell me how REAL Americans benefit from Gustavo. Face it bud....you're beloved Mexicans aren't fit for a civilized nation....they're filthy third-worlders...they're one grade above a jungle tribe in Africa....Your nobility has you blinded...it's okay though most people have been stupid at some point in their life.
Trump has made it crystal clear...he sides with REAL American's.
How can one possibly be so bothered by that?
What part of Mexico are you from? Do you steal from REAL American's like the DACA kids do?

The Dreamers ARE real Americans. You're a paranoid xenophobe.

Really? OR maybe you're just another nutless pussy afraid to hurt some feelings while restoring law and order?
You're grossly mistaken...You should look up the definition of American Citizen...you learned about it in third grade. I'll bet you barely fit within the guideline.
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Good. But why do I feel bad about it?

Not sure...Did you buy the bullshit being sold by LefTards?
Think with intellect and not emotion...Think Econ 101...think community degradation.
I hate to see kids get hurt either way. The parents of these children should have thought this trough and applied legally. Their kids are the ones that have the most to lose, and it sickens me parents gamble with their children like they were pawns or poker chips.

I agree...nobody likes to see children pay a price for their criminal parents. I just think we've reached a point where we have to stand firm, be aggressive and stop creating loopholes which allow American taxpayers to be taken advantage of.
I am overwhelmed with illegals and their after-effects, they are like the impact of a cultural hydrogen bomb that devastated American culture, and we are supposed to put on the blinkers and ignore that. I am practically standing in the smoldering ashes of American culture, but I have to pretend illegals and their kids are a priority. Shhhh. Hear that? It's the sound of you missing the bloody point.

NEGATIVE...I saw your point clearly.
A lot of Republicans are opposed to ending to DACA. Not just Democrats.
And it has nothing to do with votes, idiot.

Those are NOT Republicans, those are hacked boot licking traitors (and dear friends of the Left) - look up Republican

And it most certainly DOES - Imbecile
I am a snowflake that voted for TRUMP. The beauty and the individuality an the fact I put a big fat middle finger in the face of Liberal lemming establishment group think Twinkies makes me have an orgasm.
Trump has given the issue to the Legislative Branch, where it belongs.
Trump has given the issue to the Legislative Branch, where it belongs.
Where I work we call that "the Heisman Trophy" maneuver.

My guess is this is all a ploy...the RINO's have probably begged like little bitches for Donny to turn this over to congress...they're on the clock.
Donny T: "Sell this shit to the scum and make it happen or I'm hammerin' down with an EO."
Conceivable. I think it was the opposite though, President Trump wanted no responsibility for actually making the decision so punted it to Congress. We'll see I guess.
DACA is a colossal fuck up… We will be paying for it for generations

I believe you have that backwards. Repealing DACA would cost the United States over 400 BILLION dollars in lost GDP through the next decade. Social Security would lose over twenty BILLION dollars in contributions. We are talking about 30,000 jobs lost every month. See, over ninety percent of DACA beneficiaries are EMPLOYED. So I have an alternative suggestion. Instead of deporting the DACA beneficiaries let's deport the lazy ass white kids who live in their parents basement, play video games and snapchat all day and refuse to work.

US GDP would take a hit from DACA deportations, report finds
Na, DACA has a huge cost upfront, and only diminishing returns on the backend. Your political correctness has you stupid in the head
congress will legislate a way for dreamers to stay.

No, it will die after six months.

A program that has 60% approval will not die unless Republicans want to get used to saying Speaker Pelosi.

DACA has huge costs on the front end, and only diminishing return on the backend. Fact

It has no costs. Recipients are required ti be working, going to school or in the military. Another ignorant Trump supporter.

Ohhh Obama is threatening to speak if Trump ends DACA! Obama is the gift that keeps on giving :dance:

Obama is more popular than Trump.
Na, this country can't afford a colossal fuckup like DACA... FACT

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