DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

This is the bottom line right wingers,

95% of those kids are either working or going to school.

78% are Mexican.

The Attorneys General of a bunch of state are ready to file suits to stop Trump from stopping DACA. Remember, with the GOP controlling both houses and the Supreme Court, if it were illegal, they would have stopped it by now. You would have to be a tard to know know that.

But there is more to it than that.

Remember, during the election, Trump said only some Mexicans aren't rapists, Mexico sends us the bad ones, Miss Housekeeping, and he maligned a Judge born in Indiana who happens to have Hispanic parents and said that judge couldn't be a good judge being Hispanic.

What that means is that Trump discriminates. And that means, he can't get rid of DACA because he is attacking a minority. Were aren't supposed to do that in this country. Something the GOP clearly doesn't understand.

They're wasting their time. DACA was unconstitutional, so how are they going to argue that getting rid of it is unconstitutional?
This is the bottom line right wingers,

95% of those kids are either working or going to school.

78% are Mexican.

The Attorneys General of a bunch of state are ready to file suits to stop Trump from stopping DACA. Remember, with the GOP controlling both houses and the Supreme Court, if it were illegal, they would have stopped it by now. You would have to be a tard to know know that.

But there is more to it than that.

Remember, during the election, Trump said only some Mexicans aren't rapists, Mexico sends us the bad ones, Miss Housekeeping, and he maligned a Judge born in Indiana who happens to have Hispanic parents and said that judge couldn't be a good judge being Hispanic.

What that means is that Trump discriminates. And that means, he can't get rid of DACA because he is attacking a minority. Were aren't supposed to do that in this country. Something the GOP clearly doesn't understand.

Have you taken the front door off your house to allow anyone that wants to enter in?

No? But you want our country to?

You heartless un-american bastard!!!!!
Wow, listen to these guys responding to this thread. they are clueless
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.

We did not bring them here. Their parents did. They knowingly involved their children in a criminal activity. Sure, it's not the children's fault, but not ours either.

So, I'll ask you the same as the OP. Remove the doors from your house. Anyone who enters may stay as long as they want and by doing so, you obligate to feed and provide medical care. Will you do it, or are you a heartless bastard?

I'll await your reply.
Of course not, that is a dumb comparison that involves completely different points of comparison. To your point about the dreamers, you are correct, it wasn't their fault that they were brought here. Now they are teenagers and young adults and ready to go to college and start their careers. So why are you punishing them for their parents sins. Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?

No, it's exactly the same.

So we have the answer. Slades a heartless bastard. What slade? This is kinda your own NIMBY moment.
Do you actually think that childish logic is working? Grow up man, try and have a real debate
This is the bottom line right wingers,

95% of those kids are either working or going to school.

78% are Mexican.

The Attorneys General of a bunch of state are ready to file suits to stop Trump from stopping DACA. Remember, with the GOP controlling both houses and the Supreme Court, if it were illegal, they would have stopped it by now. You would have to be a tard to know know that.

But there is more to it than that.

Remember, during the election, Trump said only some Mexicans aren't rapists, Mexico sends us the bad ones, Miss Housekeeping, and he maligned a Judge born in Indiana who happens to have Hispanic parents and said that judge couldn't be a good judge being Hispanic.

What that means is that Trump discriminates. And that means, he can't get rid of DACA because he is attacking a minority. Were aren't supposed to do that in this country. Something the GOP clearly doesn't understand.

They have no standing to challenge Trumps reversal of a presidential memo, no matter how they try to dirty the waters.

Jesus, no matter how well it's explained, you just don't get it. If it's based on race or ethnicity, he can't do it. Period. What part of discrimination is illegal you don't understand. You can't base your rulings on discrimination. Did you finally get it?
Trump needs to visit the Statue of Liberty


“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

In 1892, the U.S. government opened a federal immigration station on Ellis Island, located near Bedloe’s Island in Upper New York Bay. Between 1892 and 1954, some 12 million immigrants were processed on Ellis Island before receiving permission to enter the United States. From 1900-14, during the peak years of its operation, some 5,000 to 10,000 people passed through every day.
A few on this board could use a visit as well. Thanks for the post... We need a reminder of that spirit that many associate with what America is...

That plaque wasnt added until more than 25 years of the Statues unveiling and it sure as hell doesn't say "give me your 20 million strong illegal foreign invasion."
This is the bottom line right wingers,

95% of those kids are either working or going to school.

78% are Mexican.

The Attorneys General of a bunch of state are ready to file suits to stop Trump from stopping DACA. Remember, with the GOP controlling both houses and the Supreme Court, if it were illegal, they would have stopped it by now. You would have to be a tard to know know that.

But there is more to it than that.

Remember, during the election, Trump said only some Mexicans aren't rapists, Mexico sends us the bad ones, Miss Housekeeping, and he maligned a Judge born in Indiana who happens to have Hispanic parents and said that judge couldn't be a good judge being Hispanic.

What that means is that Trump discriminates. And that means, he can't get rid of DACA because he is attacking a minority. Were aren't supposed to do that in this country. Something the GOP clearly doesn't understand.

They have no standing to challenge Trumps reversal of a presidential memo, no matter how they try to dirty the waters.

Jesus, no matter how well it's explained, you just don't get it. If it's based on race or ethnicity, he can't do it. Period. What part of discrimination is illegal you don't understand. You can't base your rulings on discrimination. Did you finally get it?

What do you not understand about the make up of the "dreamer" population is irrelevant. They are all foreigners they are all in the country illegally and even your dear leader said he couldn't legally do what he did. The federal courts agreed with him when they struck down DAPA and if necessary they would have done the same with DACA. You can whine and cry all you want, DACA was going away one way or another.

Wow, listen to these guys responding to this thread. they are clueless
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.
ok...but you did not comment here.....it doesnt matter about other threads...you could have said this earlier.....
I just did, care to respond?
I see the liberal meltdown over Trump ending DACA has begun. :laugh:
Why is opposition automatically processed as a meltdown to you? It makes you sound like an over emotional hypocrite for overreacting to people who you claim are overreacting.

Have you seen what's going on in the streets with the paid protesters and everyone suing, if that ain't a meltdown I don't know what is.

Sounds like you don't know what is
Trump needs to visit the Statue of Liberty


“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

In 1892, the U.S. government opened a federal immigration station on Ellis Island, located near Bedloe’s Island in Upper New York Bay. Between 1892 and 1954, some 12 million immigrants were processed on Ellis Island before receiving permission to enter the United States. From 1900-14, during the peak years of its operation, some 5,000 to 10,000 people passed through every day.
A few on this board could use a visit as well. Thanks for the post... We need a reminder of that spirit that many associate with what America is...

That plaque wasnt added until more than 25 years of the Statues unveiling and it sure as hell doesn't say "give me your 20 million strong illegal foreign invasion."
So what? That has nothing to do with the meaning of that message or this conversation
Wow, listen to these guys responding to this thread. they are clueless
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.
Know what is even more disgusting? People who were born here, because their parents were born here because their parents were born here and so on and so forth...and costs skyrocket so badly that if you get sick, you lose everything and wind up on the streets but when you go to ask for help because you, your parents, your great grandparents and their parents and so on and so forth paid into the system for hundreds of years and are told to get in back of the line because some asshole from another country waving a flag from that country and demanding their FREE STUFF gets put in first place and then you wind up dead under an overpass with maybe 3 bucks left on your debit card as those schmucks drive around in their new cars they park in their section 8 housing because they keep their kids HOME in order to stay in that section 8 housing. Oh, and your kids or grandkids have to work at McDs to put themselves thru college because Schmucks Kids get all the financial assistance. AND medical. AND housing. The money they don't have to pay does not go to THIS country. Nope. It goes to Mexico.

Hows that for disgusting?

The reason health care is so expensive (because it wasn't in 1970 when we paid the dr. cash per visit) The reason = HEALTH INSURANCE and FOR-PROFIT Health care Dr. Corps and Hospitals.

Health care should be mostly not-for-profit and we should move toward some version of single payer. They can still pay high wages, invest in innovation and research, they just don't have share holders and luxury suites at the stadium.

Health Insurance makes it necessary for every Medical corp (doctors office) to hire a back office staff to take care of the overly complicated medical billing -- this never used to exist. Also, hospitals are now driven by profit over patient health because they answer to a board of directors and shareholders. This back office staff never existed before the eighties as billing was direct and simple. The more complicated they make billing (insurance, co-pay, medicare, medicare part D), the more doctors have to charge.

Hospitals need a separate building to staff their billing department.

And, when doctors know which procedures plans will pay for without question, they write orders and prescriptions for everything they can get away with.

Health care in U.S. is a corrupt business model. The consumer is often not a willing participate in the market-- emergency room/sudden illness -- you don't get to shop around for best prices. And hospitals keep their pricing secret-- unless you're paying cash and ask to know the cost up front.

The Health care lobby has blocked anything that would created a more completive and transparent pricing like the ability to purchase drugs from Canada. Or medical co-ops (not for profit state run).

The other reason -- technology. When you invent a pill that will offset a lifetime of bad choices (blood pressure and cholesterol) then you allow people to live around 5 years longer. These five to eight years are very expensive, and that cost is getting put onto my generation.
Health care was cheaper in 1970 because in 1970 advertising by lawyers was a crime. It was the crime of barratry. In 1977 that was overturned and lawyers started suing doctors for everything. If someone is injured in a hospital, every doctor in that hospital is sued even if they never saw that patient.

This caused an explosion in malpractice insurance and began the practice of defensive medicine. Doctors will order scads of useless tests and treatments just for "evidence". The costs of practicing medicine increased 100 fold. Doctors charge accordingly.
Wow, listen to these guys responding to this thread. they are clueless
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.
Know what is even more disgusting? People who were born here, because their parents were born here because their parents were born here and so on and so forth...and costs skyrocket so badly that if you get sick, you lose everything and wind up on the streets but when you go to ask for help because you, your parents, your great grandparents and their parents and so on and so forth paid into the system for hundreds of years and are told to get in back of the line because some asshole from another country waving a flag from that country and demanding their FREE STUFF gets put in first place and then you wind up dead under an overpass with maybe 3 bucks left on your debit card as those schmucks drive around in their new cars they park in their section 8 housing because they keep their kids HOME in order to stay in that section 8 housing. Oh, and your kids or grandkids have to work at McDs to put themselves thru college because Schmucks Kids get all the financial assistance. AND medical. AND housing. The money they don't have to pay does not go to THIS country. Nope. It goes to Mexico.

Hows that for disgusting?

The reason health care is so expensive (because it wasn't in 1970 when we paid the dr. cash per visit) The reason = HEALTH INSURANCE and FOR-PROFIT Health care Dr. Corps and Hospitals.

Health care should be mostly not-for-profit and we should move toward some version of single payer. They can still pay high wages, invest in innovation and research, they just don't have share holders and luxury suites at the stadium.

Health Insurance makes it necessary for every Medical corp (doctors office) to hire a back office staff to take care of the overly complicated medical billing -- this never used to exist. Also, hospitals are now driven by profit over patient health because they answer to a board of directors and shareholders. This back office staff never existed before the eighties as billing was direct and simple. The more complicated they make billing (insurance, co-pay, medicare, medicare part D), the more doctors have to charge.

Hospitals need a separate building to staff their billing department.

And, when doctors know which procedures plans will pay for without question, they write orders and prescriptions for everything they can get away with.

Health care in U.S. is a corrupt business model. The consumer is often not a willing participate in the market-- emergency room/sudden illness -- you don't get to shop around for best prices. And hospitals keep their pricing secret-- unless you're paying cash and ask to know the cost up front.

The Health care lobby has blocked anything that would created a more completive and transparent pricing like the ability to purchase drugs from Canada. Or medical co-ops (not for profit state run).

The other reason -- technology. When you invent a pill that will offset a lifetime of bad choices (blood pressure and cholesterol) then you allow people to live around 5 years longer. These five to eight years are very expensive, and that cost is getting put onto my generation.
Health care was cheaper in 1970 because in 1970 advertising by lawyers was a crime. It was the crime of barratry. In 1977 that was overturned and lawyers started suing doctors for everything. If someone is injured in a hospital, every doctor in that hospital is sued even if they never saw that patient.

This caused an explosion in malpractice insurance and began the practice of defensive medicine. Doctors will order scads of useless tests and treatments just for "evidence". The costs of practicing medicine increased 100 fold. Doctors charge accordingly.
I thank God for the Cancer Society, Hearst Cancer Foundation. If not for them..I'd probably be dead.
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.
Are you an idiot? Or a damn fool. I can't quite put my finger on which one you are.
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.
Just because someone exists, does not mean they have any rights... jack weed
Wow, listen to these guys responding to this thread. they are clueless
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.
Know what is even more disgusting? People who were born here, because their parents were born here because their parents were born here and so on and so forth...and costs skyrocket so badly that if you get sick, you lose everything and wind up on the streets but when you go to ask for help because you, your parents, your great grandparents and their parents and so on and so forth paid into the system for hundreds of years and are told to get in back of the line because some asshole from another country waving a flag from that country and demanding their FREE STUFF gets put in first place and then you wind up dead under an overpass with maybe 3 bucks left on your debit card as those schmucks drive around in their new cars they park in their section 8 housing because they keep their kids HOME in order to stay in that section 8 housing. Oh, and your kids or grandkids have to work at McDs to put themselves thru college because Schmucks Kids get all the financial assistance. AND medical. AND housing. The money they don't have to pay does not go to THIS country. Nope. It goes to Mexico.

Hows that for disgusting?

The reason health care is so expensive (because it wasn't in 1970 when we paid the dr. cash per visit) The reason = HEALTH INSURANCE and FOR-PROFIT Health care Dr. Corps and Hospitals.

Health care should be mostly not-for-profit and we should move toward some version of single payer. They can still pay high wages, invest in innovation and research, they just don't have share holders and luxury suites at the stadium.

Health Insurance makes it necessary for every Medical corp (doctors office) to hire a back office staff to take care of the overly complicated medical billing -- this never used to exist. Also, hospitals are now driven by profit over patient health because they answer to a board of directors and shareholders. This back office staff never existed before the eighties as billing was direct and simple. The more complicated they make billing (insurance, co-pay, medicare, medicare part D), the more doctors have to charge.

Hospitals need a separate building to staff their billing department.

And, when doctors know which procedures plans will pay for without question, they write orders and prescriptions for everything they can get away with.

Health care in U.S. is a corrupt business model. The consumer is often not a willing participate in the market-- emergency room/sudden illness -- you don't get to shop around for best prices. And hospitals keep their pricing secret-- unless you're paying cash and ask to know the cost up front.

The Health care lobby has blocked anything that would created a more completive and transparent pricing like the ability to purchase drugs from Canada. Or medical co-ops (not for profit state run).

The other reason -- technology. When you invent a pill that will offset a lifetime of bad choices (blood pressure and cholesterol) then you allow people to live around 5 years longer. These five to eight years are very expensive, and that cost is getting put onto my generation.
Keep your single payer to yourselves, leave the rest of out of your fucked up collective... :fu:

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