dad files restraining order against five-year-old alleged bully

Is five years old too young of an age to be given a restraining order for bullying?

  • Yes. Bullying is a healthy rite of passage through which all children must go.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Yes. Parents thinking about taking such actions should target Miley Cyrus instead.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No. Bullies need to be sent clear messages at young ages that their behavior is unacceptable.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • No. They should throw their butts in jail, too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm not sure. I blame George W. Bush.

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not sure if a 5 year old is mature enough to be held accountable for his actions. I don't believe a restraining order against a 5 year old is the way to go. School officials and the boy's parents need to have a serious talk with the boy. If that doesn't work, then the boy should get professional help, and be placed in another school where he would be away from the victim.

Without additional details--I have to assume this has gone on for quite some time---and other options didn't work.

If I had no other choice I would do whatever is necessary to protect my child.
If all else fails (after all we're dealing with a five year old child), and school officials refuse to transfer the boy to another school, then all bets are off.

I have a son who's in grade school, and he knows some wrestling, however I told him never to start anything. If by chance someone were to throw a first punch, I instructed him to defend himself.

I think it is called inclusion. I can't talk about specifics but there are children who have problems socially who get included with other students and they act out, say inappropriate things, there is drama, and because there is confidentiality, the teachers can't talk about things if there is an issue between a behavioral student and a regular (normal) student.
Without additional details--I have to assume this has gone on for quite some time---and other options didn't work.

If I had no other choice I would do whatever is necessary to protect my child.
If all else fails (after all we're dealing with a five year old child), and school officials refuse to transfer the boy to another school, then all bets are off.

I have a son who's in grade school, and he knows some wrestling, however I told him never to start anything. If by chance someone were to throw a first punch, I instructed him to defend himself.

I think it is called inclusion. I can't talk about specifics but there are children who have problems socially who get included with other students and they act out, say inappropriate things, there is drama, and because there is confidentiality, the teachers can't talk about things if there is an issue between a behavioral student and a regular (normal) student.

and at the Kindergarten level---all sorts of issues may be involved. Sometimes the thinking is --'let it escalate'.

Sounds like it did and action was taken. If at 5 yrs old you cannot function in a group without hostility--yes, I think this parent may have done the only thing possible to facilitate an appropriate response from the school.

If someone later posts additional fyi---I will reconsider my opinion.

It just sounds like the entire year has been filled with drama.

Mothers of preschool students have stories about being asked to find a different placement because a toddler has issues with biting. Once, twice, maybe 3 or 4 more times and that's it.

This 5 yr old should have the social skills to function with other 5 year olds.
I don't know how you enforce this. Will they arrest a five year-old?

I miss the days when you could just slap the shit out of someone else's kid if they needed it.

Sadly those are gone.

Why not tell your kid to beat the living shit out of the bully? You can't be there the rest of her live to protect her and it will only get worse.

Because you can't. We live in a progressive pussified world now. All that would happen is she would get expelled and he would be kicking her in the face on the way home.
Its worth it,if it stops a bully and shows them you won't tolerate it.Its what my dad told me to do. I did,got in trouble,my dad came in and tore principal a new one. :) Principal knew I was being picked on wouldn't do nothing about it.

Apparently your dad didn't teach you to understand before commenting. The victim was a girl, the bully a male. Oh yea, then there's the whole "slit your throat" comment.
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Why not tell your kid to beat the living shit out of the bully? You can't be there the rest of her live to protect her and it will only get worse.

You've yet to noee that bullies tend to pick on people who cannot beat them up?


Have you forgotten how kids can be so very very different in terms of size at the same age?


Of course if one can beat the shit out of a bully it will teach them a lesson, but that seldom happens because bullies are COWARDS who choose their victims based on their inability to fight back.

Now come on... you did not already know that, diablo?
ahh do yall know that a 2nd family has said their kid is bullied by this same kid? and they are thinking of doing this....

long ago ...far away...when dinosaurs roamed the earth....i was being bullied and came home crying every day from school..the bully would get me on the way father told me if i came home one more time crying he would whip the hell out of the next day i took things into my own hands....the bullies father was at our door that evening....seems he objected to me crowning his kid with a coke bottle...i will give my dad this...he stood up to the man...and told him it would happen again if the kid bullied me...then he shut the door and looked at me....."you hit him with a damned coke bottle? that's my girl"
A 5-year-old who says "I want to slit your throat and watch you bleed," is a 5-year-old who has the possibility of doing so. That's a major red flag, and her father is right in doing something before it's too late. Who's really going to care after the fact, should this kid actually carry out his comment? Screw that. Doing something now to pre-empt it is better than shoveling dirt onto a small grave. I've read enough on psychotic youngsters who have done horrible things to their victims to know that doing nothing is to roll the dice.
I don't know how you enforce this. Will they arrest a five year-old?

I miss the days when you could just slap the shit out of someone else's kid if they needed it.

I don't know how old you are, but not during my childhood. no one would ever have touched anyone else's kid.

how do you enforce it? in a way that is appropriate to the case. and by holding the parents responsible for the actions of their little bully.
penny and i are i remember when if my parents friends saw me doing something wrong they didnt think anything of stepping in....i do not remember any laying hands on...but i do remember being fussed at and then they would call my father
penny and i are i remember when if my parents friends saw me doing something wrong they didnt think anything of stepping in....i do not remember any laying hands on...but i do remember being fussed at and then they would call my father

oh yeah, that's an entirely different story. there were always people watching what we were doing. they'd rat us out to our parents in a second. I remember someone telling my mom the only time I ever cut a class in high school. went home and my mom asked "why were you at the pizza place with your friends when you were supposed to be in class?".

This is the dumbest thread to date.

how is the "thread" dumb? it's a valid question even if the multiple choice offered is absurd

seems you think everything is dumb that isn't Obama-deranged.

No it's not a valid question, these children are five and six years old. It's the parents job to take care of them not the governments. If I was the Dad I would have a talk with the other parents and resolve the issue, that's how adults handle these situations. What the fuck does Obama have to do with this? Project much?
This is the dumbest thread to date.

how is the "thread" dumb? it's a valid question even if the multiple choice offered is absurd

seems you think everything is dumb that isn't Obama-deranged.

No it's not a valid question, these children are five and six years old. It's the parents job to take care of them not the governments. If I was the Dad I would have a talk with the other parents and resolve the issue, that's how adults handle these situations. What the fuck does Obama have to do with this? Project much?

It just sounds like the school didn't respond appropriately--whatever the problems were.

I taught a middle school class with a student who had been in 'psych services' since he was 5--very sad story. Neither here nor there---really. His mother left and I don't know what else.

??Oppositional Defiant Disorder???--a whole lengthy list of what may be wrong with this child---it takes 'time' to initiate and complete an assessment process--then if there is 'nothing conclusive'---the problems escalate. Sounds like this is what happened. The other child's parents may not be able to manage him either.

Sometimes after a diagnosis is made--a student like this qualifies for an aide --to sit by his side all day--where that sort of money comes from and why this should be needed--serious issues to me.

I don't think this is a dumb thread.

No need to speculate or project--but I would imagine the educational experience for this entire class has been less than what it should/could be because of this. That is not right--

<1. Skill: Understands the difference between right and wrong and recognizes and respects authority figures.
Why It's Important: For many children, until they begin kindergarten the only authority figures to whom they are truly accountable are Mom and Dad (or other caregivers). That changes once school starts. All of sudden there are many rules, many people enforcing those rules and significant consequences for breaking the rules. An understanding of right and wrong helps students understand that the rules help the classroom community to run smoothly.

To document that this skill or any other is not being met is often monumental. fwiw.
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how is the "thread" dumb? it's a valid question even if the multiple choice offered is absurd

seems you think everything is dumb that isn't Obama-deranged.

No it's not a valid question, these children are five and six years old. It's the parents job to take care of them not the governments. If I was the Dad I would have a talk with the other parents and resolve the issue, that's how adults handle these situations. What the fuck does Obama have to do with this? Project much?

It just sounds like the school didn't respond appropriately--whatever the problems were.

I taught a middle school class with a student who had been in 'psych services' since he was 5--very sad story. Neither here nor there---really. His mother left and I don't know what else.

??Oppositional Defiant Disorder???--a whole lengthy list of what may be wrong with this child---it takes 'time' to initiate and complete an assessment process--then if there is 'nothing conclusive'---the problems escalate. Sounds like this is what happened. The other child's parents may not be able to manage him either.

Sometimes after a diagnosis is made--a student like this qualifies for an aide --to sit by his side all day--where that sort of money comes from and why this should be needed--serious issues to me.

I don't think this is a dumb thread.

No need to speculate or project--but I would imagine the educational experience for this entire class has been less than what it should/could be because of this. That is not right--

5 Social Skills That Are Important for Kindergarten -Social Emotional Skills For Kindergarten

<1. Skill: Understands the difference between right and wrong and recognizes and respects authority figures.
Why It's Important: For many children, until they begin kindergarten the only authority figures to whom they are truly accountable are Mom and Dad (or other caregivers). That changes once school starts. All of sudden there are many rules, many people enforcing those rules and significant consequences for breaking the rules. An understanding of right and wrong helps students understand that the rules help the classroom community to run smoothly.

To document that this skill or any other is not being met is often monumental. fwiw.

It's not the school's job to raise your children and to resolve their personal issues, that job belongs to the parents.

I believe that is where the problem lies, so many parents leave it to the school to raise their kids, to teach them right from wrong and to respect authority.....etc... None of that should be left to the teachers, that is the parents job.
No it's not a valid question, these children are five and six years old. It's the parents job to take care of them not the governments. If I was the Dad I would have a talk with the other parents and resolve the issue, that's how adults handle these situations. What the fuck does Obama have to do with this? Project much?

It just sounds like the school didn't respond appropriately--whatever the problems were.

I taught a middle school class with a student who had been in 'psych services' since he was 5--very sad story. Neither here nor there---really. His mother left and I don't know what else.

??Oppositional Defiant Disorder???--a whole lengthy list of what may be wrong with this child---it takes 'time' to initiate and complete an assessment process--then if there is 'nothing conclusive'---the problems escalate. Sounds like this is what happened. The other child's parents may not be able to manage him either.

Sometimes after a diagnosis is made--a student like this qualifies for an aide --to sit by his side all day--where that sort of money comes from and why this should be needed--serious issues to me.

I don't think this is a dumb thread.

No need to speculate or project--but I would imagine the educational experience for this entire class has been less than what it should/could be because of this. That is not right--

5 Social Skills That Are Important for Kindergarten -Social Emotional Skills For Kindergarten

<1. Skill: Understands the difference between right and wrong and recognizes and respects authority figures.
Why It's Important: For many children, until they begin kindergarten the only authority figures to whom they are truly accountable are Mom and Dad (or other caregivers). That changes once school starts. All of sudden there are many rules, many people enforcing those rules and significant consequences for breaking the rules. An understanding of right and wrong helps students understand that the rules help the classroom community to run smoothly.

To document that this skill or any other is not being met is often monumental. fwiw.

It's not the school's job to raise your children and to resolve their personal issues, that job belongs to the parents.

I believe that is where the problem lies, so many parents leave it to the school to raise their kids, to teach them right from wrong and to respect authority.....etc... None of that should be left to the teachers, that is the parents job.

ok--some kids have problems--parents cannot manage. They go to school and then it is a bigger problem.
The Dad is clearly making a statement to the school more than anything else.
He's shaming them for not sorting this shit out.

This right here. The school is not doing its job, it would rather ignore the problem and hopes it goes away than do something.

I would bet money that the school has tried to fix this, only to have the bullies' parents retort about their child being an "angel" and threatening to sue the school if they try to do anything.

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