dad files restraining order against five-year-old alleged bully

Is five years old too young of an age to be given a restraining order for bullying?

  • Yes. Bullying is a healthy rite of passage through which all children must go.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Yes. Parents thinking about taking such actions should target Miley Cyrus instead.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No. Bullies need to be sent clear messages at young ages that their behavior is unacceptable.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • No. They should throw their butts in jail, too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm not sure. I blame George W. Bush.

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The kid needs to be taken out of school and put in a hospital.

The dad did the right thing -- and he got the attention of school -- DO SOMETHING!!

I agree. I encountered something similar several years ago. There was the kid who was harassing and assaulting my little sister on the bus. Her school would do nothing about it even when he knocked her down and kicked gravel in her face at the bus stop because he was classified as a special needs student. He wasn't mentally handicapped--he was just just a spoiled brat who wouldn't make any effort.

After the gravel thing, I went to the bus stop, flattened his ass and stood there and kicked gravel in his face and told him that everything he did to her I was going to be doing to him ten-fold. I got called to the office at my school for it and I told the Vice principle straight up if her school didn't find something to do about stopping it, he and I were going to be seeing each other on a daily basis. I was a straight A student and never had been in trouble, so I guess they took it seriously enough that the school system did do something about it because they decided to remove the kid from the bus after that and they wouldn't before I did it. Having outside attention drawn to situations like this sometimes does turn "Nothing we can do about it" into successful results. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.

sounds like this is all that needed to be done from the start.

-----hard to imagine that some adult could not look straight into that child's face and say--'Stay away from that girl'--that is what you Must do. If he had to sit in the principal's office or the counselor's office---I believe that happened on occasion in one of my schools --then if that didn't work---parents of child called in--some sort of ultimatum was given. After that----expedited process with psych services was implemented.

It is truly so difficult to imagine all of this.
sounds like this is all that needed to be done from the start.

-----hard to imagine that some adult could not look straight into that child's face and say--'Stay away from that girl'--that is what you Must do. If he had to sit in the principal's office or the counselor's office---I believe that happened on occasion in one of my schools --then if that didn't work---parents of child called in--some sort of ultimatum was given. After that----expedited process with psych services was implemented.

It is truly so difficult to imagine all of this.

a lot of it had to do IMO with the new principle at the elementary school. The one who was there all the time I was flew a broom to school. She was a no-holds barred old school disciplinarian who had been there longer than anybody could remember. When she retired, she was replaced with someone with lots of education and very little experience who coddled trouble makers because it wasn't their fault they were bad. She didn't last but a couple years before it was impressed upon her that if she wanted to retain a career she would need to find a job in another school system before her contract expired.
sounds like this is all that needed to be done from the start.

-----hard to imagine that some adult could not look straight into that child's face and say--'Stay away from that girl'--that is what you Must do. If he had to sit in the principal's office or the counselor's office---I believe that happened on occasion in one of my schools --then if that didn't work---parents of child called in--some sort of ultimatum was given. After that----expedited process with psych services was implemented.

It is truly so difficult to imagine all of this.

a lot of it had to do IMO with the new principle at the elementary school. The one who was there all the time I was flew a broom to school. She was a no-holds barred old school disciplinarian who had been there longer than anybody could remember. When she retired, she was replaced with someone with lots of education and very little experience who coddled trouble makers because it wasn't their fault they were bad. She didn't last but a couple years before it was impressed upon her that if she wanted to retain a career she would need to find a job in another school system before her contract expired.

gotcha---and as much as I hate to 'leap out into the world of assumptions'---when I read--'Wisconsin'----well---they are 'blue'--let me put it that way. Tired of dragging politics into every discussion. It is a reality.

Sometimes the law must be laid down. This Is It.
gotcha---and as much as I hate to 'leap out into the world of assumptions'---when I read--'Wisconsin'----well---they are 'blue'--let me put it that way. Tired of dragging politics into every discussion. It is a reality.

Sometimes the law must be laid down. This Is It.

I suspect now that she was probably padding her statistics. Letting people get away with stuff made it look like she had improved discipline statistically compared to the predecessor who would send you home in a heartbeat. Her resume probably read something like "Suspensions dropped 50% when I took over and improved things".
gotcha---and as much as I hate to 'leap out into the world of assumptions'---when I read--'Wisconsin'----well---they are 'blue'--let me put it that way. Tired of dragging politics into every discussion. It is a reality.

Sometimes the law must be laid down. This Is It.

I suspect now that she was probably padding her statistics. Letting people get away with stuff made it look like she had improved discipline statistically compared to the predecessor who would send you home in a heartbeat. Her resume probably read something like "Suspensions dropped 50% when I took over and improved things".

there's that. an infinite number of possibilities.

so useless to imagine, but---

? something about the parents--both sides.

'thought it would go away'.

the boy really has problems--slow process to determine this.

all of it 'nearly killed me'--did not make me stronger. Wish I had never --when I was 18 --thought--'I would like to teach'. What manner of human can really deal with all of society's problems----and if you have to occasionally 'deal with your own'--????

administrators love to handle their 'other jobs'--that is true. If there is no money for an administrator of 'discipline'--counselor---other related services. You know how it goes. Certain that you do.

'Don't give up on children'--I didn't. Can never prove it--but I didn't. I live with that.

One of my friend's said to me--'Do you think you are God?'---pretty much what is expected of teachers. You are on your own.

just venting fyi---maybe the teacher was 'not good' --there is that, too. blech.
saw this on the news

middle class African American community

Many good parents faced with 'the same thing'---the Law. The process---etc.

if you want to talk about education?

Parent says bullied daughter punished along with girl who... |

<He told Byfield it is not enough.

"The principal told me, 'Hey, we can&#8217;t guarantee her safety, but we can move her in some other areas'. I told the principal you need to remove these kids from this school, my daughter is not safe, she can't focus," McMurray said.

A DeKalb County Schools spokesperson, Quinn Hudson, sent Channel Two Action News the following statement:

&#8220;We take seriously the health and safety of our students and work diligently to ensure proper due process protocols and policies are followed when we receive reports of fighting or violence involving students.

"The principal of Cedar Grove HS investigated an in-school conflict between two students on April 4, 2014. Initially, the principal placed both students on suspension for ten days; however, following an appeal by one of the parents, the suspension was reduced on April 15 by the principal to five days for one of the students. Both students served their suspensions and returned to school.

"The parent making the initial appeal subsequently requested that the school records of his child be expunged of the fighting charge and suspension. Upon investigation, the principal decided against changing the student's school records as requested. The parent was notified that an appeal could be made to the Regional Superintendent.

&#8220;The parent contacted the Regional Superintendent on May 16 and requested expungement. The matter is currently under review. The District's due process protocol allows a parent to appeal student disciplinary decisions to the Regional Superintendent and then to the Deputy Superintendent and, if needed, to the Office of Legal Affairs, then to the Superintendent and, ultimately, the Board of Education.&#8221;>

ftr--this school system in the 60's was one of the best in the nation. several decades later--placed on monitoring----by state---school board replaced by governor--in the process of rebuilding. Lots of challenges--lots of them --little by little--progress is being made.

Bible Belt---smack in the middle of the Bible Belt---lots of liberals, conservatives and all other ideologies. Blue Island in a Red State.:) MLK, Jimmy Carter, Newt Gingrich--'good' people of some kind. all I know. freedom--very interesting.
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will you or have you administered corporal punishment to a child?
No. Why are you wanting to know?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Have you?
because of your response to diabloblanco post that one child should "beat the living shit out of the other", I'm an atheist so correct me if I am wrong, jesus would not have agree with that statement?

As an adult no I have never struck a child.
The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. God doesn't let those who aren't sorry for what they are guilty of get away with what they are guilty of, so why should we?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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No. Why are you wanting to know?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Have you?
because of your response to diabloblanco post that one child should "beat the living shit out of the other", I'm an atheist so correct me if I am wrong, jesus would not have agree with that statement?

As an adult no I have never struck a child.
The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. God doesn't let those who aren't sorry for what they are guilty of get away with what they are guilty of, so why should we?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

so you would be completely happy watching children "beat the living shit out of each other".
"you have heard that it was said, "an eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth" but I say to you, do not resist an evil person, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him.
You are nothing more than a hypocrite and potential child abuser.
sigh--Holly, my advice--don't respond.

A lot more to it--paradoxes---if you want to 'bring it'--Let's Roll. discuss paradoxes until the close of the ages.

senseless--foolish. 'Pearls before swine'. don't respond. jmo.
^^^ Yeah, some people just don't want to get what other people are trying to say because the chance of them being wrong would then be there. I can't help but think of that one song on Shania Twain's album named Come On Over where she says "I'd rather die standing than live on my knees."

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The Lord did die so that we could live, so to me, when someone tries to make our lives miserable, I don't believe that we are to just stand there and let what the Lord did for us go to waste.
Jesus is the son of God. He is Lord and Savior.

According to you, according to Christians, not according to everyone on Earth.

Those people are wrong.

in your opinion. if i said your beliefs are wrong (which i do believe, btw), you'd say you were being persecuted.

your beliefs are your beliefs. they have nothing to to with reality.

for the record, EVERYONE believes in their own religion or they would subscribe to other belief systems. yours are certainly not more valid than mine.

if people actually understood that, the world would be a better place.
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because of your response to diabloblanco post that one child should "beat the living shit out of the other", I'm an atheist so correct me if I am wrong, jesus would not have agree with that statement?

As an adult no I have never struck a child.
The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. God doesn't let those who aren't sorry for what they are guilty of get away with what they are guilty of, so why should we?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

so you would be completely happy watching children "beat the living shit out of each other".
"you have heard that it was said, "an eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth" but I say to you, do not resist an evil person, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him.
You are nothing more than a hypocrite and potential child abuser.

Second-best way to deal with a bully is to put him in the hospital. It really IS that simple.
The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. God doesn't let those who aren't sorry for what they are guilty of get away with what they are guilty of, so why should we?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

so you would be completely happy watching children "beat the living shit out of each other".
"you have heard that it was said, "an eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth" but I say to you, do not resist an evil person, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him.
You are nothing more than a hypocrite and potential child abuser.

Second-best way to deal with a bully is to put him in the hospital. It really IS that simple.

if you have a 5 yr old girl--saw one yesterday--listening to Frozen--wearing her pink shoes and thinking about princesses---you would also teach her to 'beat the h out of a bully'----????

An adult would be placed in jail if he/she beat the h out a the 5yr old boy bully.

Uhh...WHAT?!?! Yes, she should be taught to defend herself. Again: second-best way to handle a bully is to put the fucker in the hospital.
Uhh...WHAT?!?! Yes, she should be taught to defend herself. Again: second-best way to handle a bully is to put the fucker in the hospital.

I would like to know a lot more. once a little girl---'mean' enough to hurt anyone who hurt me. would have still just stood there. yelled and screamed--tried to run away.

he could have been bigger??? her parents had said something ???? in that moment she didn't know what to do. had she picked up a rock or stick and hit him back---in a freakish second she could have killed him.

I would tell my child---'Don't hit back'---get the 'h' out of there and let me handle the rest.

too much goes on----'the aggressor'---let him suffer the consequences of his actions--in full. 'Protect' yourself---requires some serious thought.

and you may have some much better ideas---all that is making much sense to me at this time. The Law.
Then you are raising a victim. When bullied, report it...once. If nothing is done, the next time it happens, put the fucker in the hospital! I don't mean deck him. I mean POUND him. You want a would-be bully's first though upon seeing her to be, Shit...if I try anything on this one, she might kill me!
^^^ I have to agree with you, especially when there is always the chance that a person won't have anyone to go to but themselves. Parents especially can't be there for their kids in such a way all the time.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Sometimes not even the justice system can or will have a person's back. Whoever killed that little girl named Kaylee Anthony a few years ago, they got away with it. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Brian Metzger told the station that his daughter wasn't just being picked on, she was being threatened by a 5-year-old boy at Prairie Lane Elementary School in Kenosha County, Wis.

"It started with, 'I want to slit your throat and watch it bleed,'" Metzger told WDJT, relaying a threat that his daughter allegedly received from the boy. "To getting her pushed around on the playground, getting rocks thrown at her."

This is not your typical bullying. They kid needs to be removed from the school. Zero tolerance!!!!


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