Damn, I mean just damn. trump just slandered Carroll again.

There's no proof that he assaulted her 30 years ago. She slandered him.
Weird! I look at what the rest of us call "reailty", where a jury was unanimously convinced otherwise.

Then I wonder how to square your post with reality.

Either the judge and the lawyers and the jury are corrupt criminals...

... or you just don't know what the hell you are talking about...

Hmm, tough call.
I'm not going to go digging on this one...

He's just not worth the time...

But if this IS true, then...

Somehow, I'm not surprised in the slightest...

His big mouth - nearly always opened without thinking - is his own worst enemy...

Time and again and again and again and again ad infinitum...

The Orange Baboon-God indeed...

But there IS hope...

Given his age, Mother Nature will be shutting his mouth soon enough...

Perhaps he'll do us all a favor and keel-over from a Big Mac Attack...
YOu can see that he is in end stage dementia. I doubt he will live to see the election.
We all understand that truth is an absolute defense to an accusation of slander.

Do you understand that in order to claim truth you have to provide evidence of your claim being true?

In this particular case. Both had competing claims. Meaning the jury had to decide who was telling the truth.

Carroll provided about a dozen witnesses. Including people willing to state under oath the were told about the assault at the time. Two people willing to state under oath Trump assaulted them too. Witnesses willing to provide certain corroborations to some aspects of the circumstances. And an expert witness. Oh and Trump's own statements of sexual assault.

Trump provided... nothing.

So a jury in a jurisdiction composed of people voting equally between Republicans and Democrats (Orange County New York.) Trump was deemed unanimously to have sexually assaulted Carroll.
Are you aware that Trump WAS PREVENTED FROM PROVING THAT THE ACCUSATION WAS FALSE? Ever since Trump became a public figure (and vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits) he has kept a detailed journal of where he is and whom he interacts with at all times. By NOT EVEN REMEMBERING THE YEAR when this episode supposedly took place, Trump was prevented from proving that he was not even there. This was planned by the plaintiff's team, on instructions from outside.

How else could such a bizarre accusation be disproven? Not possible.
In cases like Trump you fucking bet I will and so would anyone else with the slightest sense of justice. You are just another puke who does not value the rule of law.

Valuing the rule of law is seeing that the law is enforced whenever broken. You want different standards and exceptions to the law depending on who is committing the crime, like your favorite elected officials, especially orange colored ones. Hmm, I wonder what kind of society that sounds like.... Wait a second, doesn't a different set of rules exist for dictators and those in power, like in Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, etc? I wonder who here is the one who doesn't value the rule of law. Hmmm 🤔
Again, where is all the outrage for the countless lies told by the MSM about Trump that have been proven to be false? Please expain why that is not slander? Is it just because Trump can’t get 18 jurors(or a majority) to all agree due to the prevalence of TDS that was caused by the slander in the first place? If Trump could actually get 18 jurors who have never heard of him(impossible in the US), then he wound win a slander suit in the billions.

What are the countless lies you speak of? List them all
Valuing the rule of law is seeing that the law is enforced whenever broken. You want different standards and exceptions to the law depending on who is committing the crime, like your favorite elected officials, especially orange colored ones. Hmm, I wonder what kind of society that sounds like.... Wait a second, doesn't a different set of rules exist for dictators and those in power, like in Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, etc? I wonder who here is the one who doesn't value the rule of law. Hmmm 🤔
What a bunch of shit. Tell me something I have not heard from people since this started. The law and power is being abused and Trump is the target. Get fucking real.
Are you aware that Trump WAS PREVENTED FROM PROVING THAT THE ACCUSATION WAS FALSE? Ever since Trump became a public figure (and vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits) he has kept a detailed journal of where he is and whom he interacts with at all times. By NOT EVEN REMEMBERING THE YEAR when this episode supposedly took place, Trump was prevented from proving that he was not even there. This was planned by the plaintiff's team, on instructions from outside.

How else could such a bizarre accusation be disproven? Not possible.

Trump had 3500 lawsuits before he ran for president.

Dude, you know that this comment here probably will cause a forfeit on his bond, right?
You do realize that CARROLL is the proven lying hag here right? She continues to claim rape after a jury said it NEVER happened. The designer of the dress she swears she wore that day has already destroyed her story by showing that that dress wasn't even available until years later. Oops.
How long before Trump runs out of money to pay his legal claims?
The RNC is going broke. They just announced 200 layoffs to save money. Trump figured he could bleed them dry to help pay his legal bills with the help of Laaaaaaaaaura who is now second in command. :oops8:

Everything shit gibbon Trump touches turns to shit.

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