Damn, I mean just damn. trump just slandered Carroll again.

Do you enjoy the taste of Trump's ass as much as he does of Putin's & Orban's?

Couldn't tell you. You seem to be the assfucking expert.

Ask yourself.
I'll bet you think she's hot and has good character.
Look, good poster 'Idiocracy'.....context matters. And, it's binary. One man. One woman. Don Trump. E.Jean Carroll. And my avatar doesn't think about either with either one.

However, let's go back to your "hot" or not: Yupper, she's hotter than he is. Duh!
But then, it's binary ----and I like women. But you?

So next, let's go to 'character'. But that's a rabbit-hole for you. We all know about Do T's character 'tics'. Fibs? check. Adultery? check. Fraud? check. Cheating contractors, vendors, employees? check.
But we gotta stop this.....lest we use up all the bandwidth.
Nothing Trump said was false.

Why lie? I'm surprised this thread was allowed to remain.

  1. the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. Compare with libel.
Just imagine if Trump could sue all the media outlets had government entities that have slandered him the last 8-9 years.
Unfortunately he keeps losing his defamation cases. It appears impossible to defame the LOTUS when truth is a complete defence.
How flipping stupid do you have to be? I mean, seriously?

New lawsuit incoming!!

I'm not going to go digging on this one...

He's just not worth the time...

But if this IS true, then...

Somehow, I'm not surprised in the slightest...

His big mouth - nearly always opened without thinking - is his own worst enemy...

Time and again and again and again and again ad infinitum...

The Orange Baboon-God indeed...

But there IS hope...

Given his age, Mother Nature will be shutting his mouth soon enough...

Perhaps he'll do us all a favor and keel-over from a Big Mac Attack...
Freedom of speech. Only you creeps side with creeps like Carrol. In fact, I'll bet you think she's hot and has good character.
Why did the jury hearing the case first hand in court, not believe Donald Trump and believe E Jean Carroll?
So, it wasn't that Trump was simply, unbelievable?
What's truly un-fucking-beliveable is the State of NY CHANGING the statute of limitations just to go after Trump with a 30 year old FAIRY TALE in yet ANOTHER CASE of blatant ELECTION INTERFERENCE, and demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES like YOU cheer this EVIL UNAMERICAN BULLSHIT ON!!!!!
What's truly un-fucking-beliveable is the State of NY CHANGING the statute of limitations just to go after Trump with a 30 year old FAIRY TALE in yet ANOTHER CASE of blatant ELECTION INTERFERENCE, and demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES like YOU cheer this EVIL UNAMERICAN BULLSHIT ON!!!!!
No one changed the Law, just to go after Trump! That my dear, is Fake News, meant to deceive you!

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