Damn you, Seth McFarland ...


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
... once again you've got me hooked on a truly terrible show.


Meq in ghe'tor
Have not watched it...

Although I think it is loosely based on something else..
That show is among those on my list of recorded programs. I'll eventually get round to "binge watching" it.

The running gag about his divorce is getting stale.
Especially insofar as details of nobody's divorce deserve to be a topic of conversation among anyone except the parties to the divorce and the attorneys (if any) who represent them.

The running gag about his divorce is getting stale.

I really, really don't get this show. It's not really a comedy (I've never found McFarland that funny). It's like he cloned TNG/TOS 'Star Trek' right down to the sets and the music and put enough dick jokes in to convince the network execs that it's a comedy.

I'm a huge fan of the originals but this show doesn't make any sense. I'm beginning to think McFarland hates 'Star Trek' and wanted to create a show that takes all the cheesiest parts of the original series ...

1. Over-dramatic danger music
2. Inane techno-babble
3. Cultural anachronisms
4. Fist in your face moralizing

and exaggerates them to make some kind of point, that the original shows really sucked. He even does the fade-out for commercial breaks that were so annoying on the original show.

And, I'm going to say this, Seth McFarland can't act to save his genitals ... he delivers all his lines like a stand up comedian. That might work when his doing voice work and you can't see his face. But, McFarland makes Shatner look like Olivier.

On the other hand, I can't stop watching it, wondering where it will end up.

Did you watch Family Guy, how many of those got stale? Many ran several seasons!
Actually, I never watched Family Guy. I watch very little cable/TV, especially news.....except for local news, weather and sports. Netflix and HBO I watch. I'm a big GoT fan.
OT:Especially insofar as details of nobody's divorce deserve to be a topic of conversation among anyone except the parties to the divorce and the attorneys (if any) who represent them.
The premise is amusing but it has its limits, in my opinion, as a "running gag."

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