
Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
DAN CRENSHAW (TX) in an interview with other Military Vets on Serving in Congress

"We don't have a partner on the other side.

Not clear to me Democrats have that same goal
which is to actually secure the Border

This is hurting my state [Texas] in a huge way

Over 100,000 apprehensions every month for the last few months

It's completely unsustainable ... There are solutions

We need to pass asylum reform bills … Need to increase our security

We're dealing with another silent party that does not want to see a solution here

Look at Bernie's Tweet - he didn't note any solutions, not one,
He's virtue signaling … They're virtue signalling because they actually want this crisis
to keep going,
so they can keep campaigning about it, and they won't listen to actual solutions

For instance 4.5 billion dollars the President wants
to build more of those facilities that Bernie is complaining about,
so that they're not overcrowded. So we actually have solutions
They don't want to talk about it"

NOTE: This is not the only area where I see as much blocked communication
obstructing perceptions on the other side as well:

* Bernie Sanders has been pushing for WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES
But this "solution" is not being discussed, which would serve as common ground
with Conservatives who want free enterprise/free market business solutions.
It appears to both sides "the other is not interested in solutions, only politics"


* Also both BEN CARSON and OBAMA agree on MICROLENDING approaches (that include
financial education and business training)
to replace dependence on govt handouts with more
sustainable solutions THAT BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT AGREE ON. But we never see this shared
in the media or used to bring together PARTNERSHIPS that can be promoted as a public model.

* Progressive and Libertarian party members have been meeting and working out solutions
to build alliances to stop excessive war spending and unchecked foreign aid,
but we don't hear about that in the media either.

Only divisive inciteful rhetoric pushing to impeach or undercut the other party.

Other areas I have found where rightwing figures actually ALIGN with leftwing:
* MICHAEL SAVAGE has spoken out on national radio as a staunch Conservationist
who lobbies for Trump, but opposes gutting the Environmental protections he believes
are necessary to protect animals and the environment.
* MICHELLE MALKIN is proactively advocating to end the Drug Wars and misguided sentencing
and criminal justice policies that punish low risk violators as harshly as drug cartel traffickers.

* SEAN HANNITY has been promoting Medical Cooperatives and Direct Care Associations
as the solution to health care that would satisfy what both left and right want. Rand Paul has also
cited Direct Care associations as the solution to providing better terms of service most effectively.
(Hannity endorses ATLAS MD in Wichita KS Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
while I have been researching the NONPROFIT cooperative PPC in Houston www.medcoops.com)

To promote the cooperative model as a bipartisan solution to health care (where this model
can be replicated in every district and used to build sustainable campuses on the Border),

I am planning to contact and collaborate with Democratic Congressional District Offices
starting with Sheila Jackson Lee to Liz Fletcher, and with Dan Crenshaw's office
which is over the Kingwood district with the Houston PPC is based.

Because health care cooperatives shift $5-10 million in medical care back to the control of people running their own programs, this structure enables each community to finance their own local Clinics, specialist centers, Teaching Hospitals and VA reforms. This DEMOCRATIZATION of local ownership in every district would further empower communities to leverage prison reforms (to convert facilities to a preventative/medical model of curing mental and criminal illness), thus freeing up millions if not billions more tax dollars saved that can cover education and health care. so WITHOUT relying on govt to mandate these changes, people from all parties can freely organize among their own members, and agree to invest in sustainable development across our cities and states as well as along the Border.


Hopefully, more of these collaborative solutions will unify leadership across parties,
based on sustainable cooperative economy
and investing in medical education and service programs, instead of wasting govt resources
on crime, prisons, and political infighting.
a. Obamacare is broken, we pay premiums AND up to $10,000 deductibles. WTF are we paying premiums for?
b. Trump and the GOP need to fix healthcare in the 2nd term, ideally the GOP will win in a landslide and get to fix things
c. Bernie, Biden, and the rest of the dems have only Medicare for all, which will bankrupt the system, not an option
d. Here are the rest of the dems' policy wish list. Most voters won't support these:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare, "Medicare for all"
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and paid for the phony Steele Dossier
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
Thank you kyzr
You have provided a streamlined checklist
of the issues we should address between parties
and have a conference meeting before calling a
Convention to address CONSTITUTIONAL SOLUTIONS to all these issues.

Where I would start, bringing in the options and models from
* Cooperative health care
* Microlending and business training
* Buildings schools, campuses and teaching hospitals
within "sanctuary cities" and along the Border:
* including programs for mentorship that can create and supervise
jobs for Veterans as well as internships for inmates/immigrants
or anyone else willing to work to pay back restitution for violations:

As for "reforming" the Electoral College
* Convention of States willing to meet and organize plans to
split Electoral Votes "proportionally" by party, and add reps for
EACH party represented per district. To meet not just for Elections
but to set up a grievance process similar to OSHA to take complaints
about abuses or violations at any level of govt, and address these.
The party reps outline the points of agreement or disagreement
and orchestrate hearings or conflict resolution until solutions
OR agreements how to separate funding and policies are
spelled out. Then present these to the appropriate offices of govt.

Points we can use for leverage to motivate sides to invest in solutions:
* people on the right want the WALL and want RIGHT TO LIFE/NO ABORTIONS

So we call a meeting starting with party members and leaders willing to meet
and work in mixed party groups. (For longterm, to plan systemic shifts of
programs back to states and districts, I suggest renovating the Astrodome
to use as a people's convention to meet on issues by party and consult with Congress
and all levels of govt. Especially to solve current issues of Sanctuary Cities.)

Hash out ways to reform the current prison and immigration system
to build TEACHING HOSPITALS to support sustainable jobs and services
in health care by providing educational training as part of the
treatment centers in prisons and detention centers.

We set up MICROLENDING so the funding can be sustainable and accountable
instead of depending on unchecked taxes and waste of this money.

Make donations or expenditures on at-cost health care and medical
education facilities and development TAX DEDUCTIBLE so it's still
covered but it protects where people choose to invest to reward local ownership.

Since Texas was one of the areas developed by granting land to people to come
build their own houses and towns, why not apply this approach to land in Mexico
for workers and migrants to own their own campus towns they build there.

Military prisons can be built to contain dangerous trafficking cults and gangs,
starting with family members willing to seek treatment for abuse and addiction.
That's how ministries have been able to work with former gang members to create
outreach programs to help others get out of drugs, gangs and crimes. They start
with the families who want to stop violence and drug activities in their communities.
See also:
Schwarzenegger: Send prisoners to Mexico
Cure for Pedaphilia - Catalyst Healing Arts in Portland, OR

Here's your other list:
Top 5 issues for the President: What would YOU list as Priorities?
My list of priorities are:
1. Strong economy, including fair trade agreements that protect US jobs, tariffs when needed
2. National defense, keep the US strong, but get US troops out of the EU. The EU needs to step up.
3. Balance the Budget and pay down the Debt, implement a 3% Federal sales tax and raise the top tax rate 7%
4. Immigration reform, including
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
5. Authorize a "Grace Commission II" to audit the Fed and Federal government to eliminate waste and cut spending

Here's my oldest list from Obama's admin days:
What if the President asked your advice? What would you recommend?

I can't find my newest list from 2018?, but here's one from 2017:
Convention of States: TX Gov Abbott calls for emergency
I'd like to see
* a recognition of political beliefs being pushed by parties into govt, and an agreement that this is causing problems similar to religious beliefs, and it needs to be addressed case by case, every time a policy issue comes up before Congress or Courts that involves a conflict of BELIEFS where people are complaining they are not being included equally

* a more direct process set up, such as Grand Jury or Grievance system, where citizens can check, petition and complain about any level of govt, corporate, party or media abuse and seek conflict resolution to prevent further abuse or waste of public resources.

* a way for States to separate funding or policies on areas of conflicting BELIEFS so that no state or federal agent or entity is compelling to take sides and mandate a policy that involves a bias or discrimination against one creed or another.

* a system of assessing restitution and reimbursement owed to taxpayers for govt or corporate abuse of tax paid resources, and means of assistance to collect back from wrongdoers and/or credit back taxpayers until such debts and damages are paid by the parties responsible OR the debts are bought out by investors/citizens as a way to invest in corrections/restitution.

* addressing reform of prison and immigration detention costs so that people/states are rewarded for reducing violations, collecting and managing restitution, by investing resources saved or reimbursed into health care, education and paid job training. That way these services are covered without raising taxes but by saving resources and/or rewarding citizens with tax breaks or interest for investing, lending or donating to build sustainable programs by voluntary funding and participation.

Last edited:
"Democrats like Sanders"?

Sigh. Sanders isn't a "Democrat". Why can't people get this? It's as if they're incapable of thinking outside their little Dichotomy-box.
Thank you kyzr
You have provided a streamlined checklist
of the issues we should address between parties
and have a conference meeting before calling a
Convention to address CONSTITUTIONAL SOLUTIONS to all these issues.

Where I would start, bringing in the options and models from
* Cooperative health care
* Microlending and business training
* Buildings schools, campuses and teaching hospitals
within "sanctuary cities" and along the Border:
* including programs for mentorship that can create and supervise
jobs for Veterans as well as internships for inmates/immigrants
or anyone else willing to work to pay back restitution for violations:

As for "reforming" the Electoral College
* Convention of States willing to meet and organize plans to
split Electoral Votes "proportionally" by party, and add reps for
EACH party represented per district. To meet not just for Elections
but to set up a grievance process similar to OSHA to take complaints
about abuses or violations at any level of govt, and address these.
The party reps outline the points of agreement or disagreement
and orchestrate hearings or conflict resolution until solutions
OR agreements how to separate funding and policies are
spelled out. Then present these to the appropriate offices of govt.

Points we can use for leverage to motivate sides to invest in solutions:
* people on the right want the WALL and want RIGHT TO LIFE/NO ABORTIONS

So we call a meeting starting with party members and leaders willing to meet
and work in mixed party groups. (For longterm, to plan systemic shifts of
programs back to states and districts, I suggest renovating the Astrodome
to use as a people's convention to meet on issues by party and consult with Congress
and all levels of govt. Especially to solve current issues of Sanctuary Cities.)

Hash out ways to reform the current prison and immigration system
to build TEACHING HOSPITALS to support sustainable jobs and services
in health care by providing educational training as part of the
treatment centers in prisons and detention centers.

We set up MICROLENDING so the funding can be sustainable and accountable
instead of depending on unchecked taxes and waste of this money.

Make donations or expenditures on at-cost health care and medical
education facilities and development TAX DEDUCTIBLE so it's still
covered but it protects where people choose to invest to reward local ownership.

Since Texas was one of the areas developed by granting land to people to come
build their own houses and towns, why not apply this approach to land in Mexico
for workers and migrants to own their own campus towns they build there.

Military prisons can be built to contain dangerous trafficking cults and gangs,
starting with family members willing to seek treatment for abuse and addiction.
That's how ministries have been able to work with former gang members to create
outreach programs to help others get out of drugs, gangs and crimes. They start
with the families who want to stop violence and drug activities in their communities.
See also:
Schwarzenegger: Send prisoners to Mexico
Cure for Pedaphilia - Catalyst Healing Arts in Portland, OR

Here's your other list:
Top 5 issues for the President: What would YOU list as Priorities?
My list of priorities are:
1. Strong economy, including fair trade agreements that protect US jobs, tariffs when needed
2. National defense, keep the US strong, but get US troops out of the EU. The EU needs to step up.
3. Balance the Budget and pay down the Debt, implement a 3% Federal sales tax and raise the top tax rate 7%
4. Immigration reform, including
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
5. Authorize a "Grace Commission II" to audit the Fed and Federal government to eliminate waste and cut spending

Here's my oldest list from Obama's admin days:
What if the President asked your advice? What would you recommend?

I can't find my newest list from 2018?, but here's one from 2017:
Convention of States: TX Gov Abbott calls for emergency
I'd like to see
* a recognition of political beliefs being pushed by parties into govt, and an agreement that this is causing problems similar to religious beliefs, and it needs to be addressed case by case, every time a policy issue comes up before Congress or Courts that involves a conflict of BELIEFS where people are complaining they are not being included equally

* a more direct process set up, such as Grand Jury or Grievance system, where citizens can check, petition and complain about any level of govt, corporate, party or media abuse and seek conflict resolution to prevent further abuse or waste of public resources.

* a way for States to separate funding or policies on areas of conflicting BELIEFS so that no state or federal agent or entity is compelling to take sides and mandate a policy that involves a bias or discrimination against one creed or another.

* a system of assessing restitution and reimbursement owed to taxpayers for govt or corporate abuse of tax paid resources, and means of assistance to collect back from wrongdoers and/or credit back taxpayers until such debts and damages are paid by the parties responsible OR the debts are bought out by investors/citizens as a way to invest in corrections/restitution.

* addressing reform of prison and immigration detention costs so that people/states are rewarded for reducing violations, collecting and managing restitution, by investing resources saved or reimbursed into health care, education and paid job training. That way these services are covered without raising taxes but by saving resources and/or rewarding citizens with tax breaks or interest for investing, lending or donating to build sustainable programs by voluntary funding and participation.

WOW!! Great, thoughtful, and comprehensive post! Too bad the pols don't act on most of these.
Some of your solutions are a little touchy-feely for me, so here are my responses:
1. Not sure who pays for cooperative healthcare, but I liked it better when you paid premiums, then when you need to see a doctor there is no deductible. Repeal the ACA and put back real healthcare. (if the 30m want healthcare, get a job)
2. We need Community Colleges to provide job skills for the current job needs. Job training means no student loans, just an apprenticeship and a profitable career.
3. The Electoral College stays. States can subdivide their votes per district. I'm not a fan of allowing states to forfeit their citizens' rights by using the national popular vote to designate their EC votes. That seems unconstitutional to me. Their EC votes should not count.
4. There should be no "sanctuary cities". That's just a magnet for migrants and diluting citizens' votes, i.e. democrat cheatin'.
5. There is no way that prisoners should get first crack at medical jobs. See the people living in tents in CA? I prefer that ex-prisoners drive trucks or work construction.
6. I oppose microlending. If you want a loan prove to a bank that you are qualified.
7. I'm okay with tax deductions for investing in local medical facilities.
8. No money for housing in Mexico or Central America. We have a $22T Debt that needs to be addressed first.
9. No outreach money for MS-13 or other violent prisoners. Let them rot in real prisons.
10. I disagree with the recommendations for the Obama admin. They do nothing for the hard working middle-class.
11. I disagree with the 2017 recommendations too. They are too arbitrary. We need less government, not the politically correct police state.

My list of top priorities still are:
1. Strong economy, including fair trade agreements that protect US jobs, tariffs when needed
2. National defense, keep the US strong, but get US troops out of the EU. The EU needs to step up.
3. Balance the Budget and pay down the Debt, implement a 3% Federal sales tax and raise the top tax rate 7%
4. Immigration reform, including
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies for China and Russia
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
5. Authorize a "Grace Commission II" to audit the Fed and Federal government to eliminate waste and cut spending
DAN CRENSHAW (TX) in an interview with other Military Vets on Serving in Congress

"We don't have a partner on the other side.

Not clear to me Democrats have that same goal
which is to actually secure the Border

This is hurting my state [Texas] in a huge way

Over 100,000 apprehensions every month for the last few months

It's completely unsustainable ... There are solutions

We need to pass asylum reform bills … Need to increase our security

We're dealing with another silent party that does not want to see a solution here

Look at Bernie's Tweet - he didn't note any solutions, not one,
He's virtue signaling … They're virtue signalling because they actually want this crisis
to keep going,
so they can keep campaigning about it, and they won't listen to actual solutions

For instance 4.5 billion dollars the President wants
to build more of those facilities that Bernie is complaining about,
so that they're not overcrowded. So we actually have solutions
They don't want to talk about it"

NOTE: This is not the only area where I see as much blocked communication
obstructing perceptions on the other side as well:

* Bernie Sanders has been pushing for WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES
But this "solution" is not being discussed, which would serve as common ground
with Conservatives who want free enterprise/free market business solutions.
It appears to both sides "the other is not interested in solutions, only politics"


* Also both BEN CARSON and OBAMA agree on MICROLENDING approaches (that include
financial education and business training)
to replace dependence on govt handouts with more
sustainable solutions THAT BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT AGREE ON. But we never see this shared
in the media or used to bring together PARTNERSHIPS that can be promoted as a public model.

* Progressive and Libertarian party members have been meeting and working out solutions
to build alliances to stop excessive war spending and unchecked foreign aid,
but we don't hear about that in the media either.

Only divisive inciteful rhetoric pushing to impeach or undercut the other party.

Other areas I have found where rightwing figures actually ALIGN with leftwing:
* MICHAEL SAVAGE has spoken out on national radio as a staunch Conservationist
who lobbies for Trump, but opposes gutting the Environmental protections he believes
are necessary to protect animals and the environment.
* MICHELLE MALKIN is proactively advocating to end the Drug Wars and misguided sentencing
and criminal justice policies that punish low risk violators as harshly as drug cartel traffickers.

* SEAN HANNITY has been promoting Medical Cooperatives and Direct Care Associations
as the solution to health care that would satisfy what both left and right want. Rand Paul has also
cited Direct Care associations as the solution to providing better terms of service most effectively.
(Hannity endorses ATLAS MD in Wichita KS Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
while I have been researching the NONPROFIT cooperative PPC in Houston www.medcoops.com)

To promote the cooperative model as a bipartisan solution to health care (where this model
can be replicated in every district and used to build sustainable campuses on the Border),

I am planning to contact and collaborate with Democratic Congressional District Offices
starting with Sheila Jackson Lee to Liz Fletcher, and with Dan Crenshaw's office
which is over the Kingwood district with the Houston PPC is based.

Because health care cooperatives shift $5-10 million in medical care back to the control of people running their own programs, this structure enables each community to finance their own local Clinics, specialist centers, Teaching Hospitals and VA reforms. This DEMOCRATIZATION of local ownership in every district would further empower communities to leverage prison reforms (to convert facilities to a preventative/medical model of curing mental and criminal illness), thus freeing up millions if not billions more tax dollars saved that can cover education and health care. so WITHOUT relying on govt to mandate these changes, people from all parties can freely organize among their own members, and agree to invest in sustainable development across our cities and states as well as along the Border.


Hopefully, more of these collaborative solutions will unify leadership across parties,
based on sustainable cooperative economy
and investing in medical education and service programs, instead of wasting govt resources
on crime, prisons, and political infighting.

They also want millions of new, democrat party voters, who don't speak english, have no education, are poor, unhappy and ready to vote democrats power....
Thank you kyzr
You have provided a streamlined checklist
of the issues we should address between parties
and have a conference meeting before calling a
Convention to address CONSTITUTIONAL SOLUTIONS to all these issues.

Where I would start, bringing in the options and models from
* Cooperative health care
* Microlending and business training
* Buildings schools, campuses and teaching hospitals
within "sanctuary cities" and along the Border:
* including programs for mentorship that can create and supervise
jobs for Veterans as well as internships for inmates/immigrants
or anyone else willing to work to pay back restitution for violations:

As for "reforming" the Electoral College
* Convention of States willing to meet and organize plans to
split Electoral Votes "proportionally" by party, and add reps for
EACH party represented per district. To meet not just for Elections
but to set up a grievance process similar to OSHA to take complaints
about abuses or violations at any level of govt, and address these.
The party reps outline the points of agreement or disagreement
and orchestrate hearings or conflict resolution until solutions
OR agreements how to separate funding and policies are
spelled out. Then present these to the appropriate offices of govt.

Points we can use for leverage to motivate sides to invest in solutions:
* people on the right want the WALL and want RIGHT TO LIFE/NO ABORTIONS

So we call a meeting starting with party members and leaders willing to meet
and work in mixed party groups. (For longterm, to plan systemic shifts of
programs back to states and districts, I suggest renovating the Astrodome
to use as a people's convention to meet on issues by party and consult with Congress
and all levels of govt. Especially to solve current issues of Sanctuary Cities.)

Hash out ways to reform the current prison and immigration system
to build TEACHING HOSPITALS to support sustainable jobs and services
in health care by providing educational training as part of the
treatment centers in prisons and detention centers.

We set up MICROLENDING so the funding can be sustainable and accountable
instead of depending on unchecked taxes and waste of this money.

Make donations or expenditures on at-cost health care and medical
education facilities and development TAX DEDUCTIBLE so it's still
covered but it protects where people choose to invest to reward local ownership.

Since Texas was one of the areas developed by granting land to people to come
build their own houses and towns, why not apply this approach to land in Mexico
for workers and migrants to own their own campus towns they build there.

Military prisons can be built to contain dangerous trafficking cults and gangs,
starting with family members willing to seek treatment for abuse and addiction.
That's how ministries have been able to work with former gang members to create
outreach programs to help others get out of drugs, gangs and crimes. They start
with the families who want to stop violence and drug activities in their communities.
See also:
Schwarzenegger: Send prisoners to Mexico
Cure for Pedaphilia - Catalyst Healing Arts in Portland, OR

Here's your other list:
Top 5 issues for the President: What would YOU list as Priorities?
My list of priorities are:
1. Strong economy, including fair trade agreements that protect US jobs, tariffs when needed
2. National defense, keep the US strong, but get US troops out of the EU. The EU needs to step up.
3. Balance the Budget and pay down the Debt, implement a 3% Federal sales tax and raise the top tax rate 7%
4. Immigration reform, including
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
5. Authorize a "Grace Commission II" to audit the Fed and Federal government to eliminate waste and cut spending

Here's my oldest list from Obama's admin days:
What if the President asked your advice? What would you recommend?

I can't find my newest list from 2018?, but here's one from 2017:
Convention of States: TX Gov Abbott calls for emergency
I'd like to see
* a recognition of political beliefs being pushed by parties into govt, and an agreement that this is causing problems similar to religious beliefs, and it needs to be addressed case by case, every time a policy issue comes up before Congress or Courts that involves a conflict of BELIEFS where people are complaining they are not being included equally

* a more direct process set up, such as Grand Jury or Grievance system, where citizens can check, petition and complain about any level of govt, corporate, party or media abuse and seek conflict resolution to prevent further abuse or waste of public resources.

* a way for States to separate funding or policies on areas of conflicting BELIEFS so that no state or federal agent or entity is compelling to take sides and mandate a policy that involves a bias or discrimination against one creed or another.

* a system of assessing restitution and reimbursement owed to taxpayers for govt or corporate abuse of tax paid resources, and means of assistance to collect back from wrongdoers and/or credit back taxpayers until such debts and damages are paid by the parties responsible OR the debts are bought out by investors/citizens as a way to invest in corrections/restitution.

* addressing reform of prison and immigration detention costs so that people/states are rewarded for reducing violations, collecting and managing restitution, by investing resources saved or reimbursed into health care, education and paid job training. That way these services are covered without raising taxes but by saving resources and/or rewarding citizens with tax breaks or interest for investing, lending or donating to build sustainable programs by voluntary funding and participation.

WOW!! Great, thoughtful, and comprehensive post! Too bad the pols don't act on most of these.
Some of your solutions are a little touchy-feely for me, so here are my responses:
1. Not sure who pays for cooperative healthcare, but I liked it better when you paid premiums, then when you need to see a doctor there is no deductible. Repeal the ACA and put back real healthcare. (if the 30m want healthcare, get a job)
2. We need Community Colleges to provide job skills for the current job needs. Job training means no student loans, just an apprenticeship and a profitable career.
3. The Electoral College stays. States can subdivide their votes per district. I'm not a fan of allowing states to forfeit their citizens' rights by using the national popular vote to designate their EC votes. That seems unconstitutional to me. Their EC votes should not count.
4. There should be no "sanctuary cities". That's just a magnet for migrants and diluting citizens' votes, i.e. democrat cheatin'.
5. There is no way that prisoners should get first crack at medical jobs. See the people living in tents in CA? I prefer that ex-prisoners drive trucks or work construction.
6. I oppose microlending. If you want a loan prove to a bank that you are qualified.
7. I'm okay with tax deductions for investing in local medical facilities.
8. No money for housing in Mexico or Central America. We have a $22T Debt that needs to be addressed first.
9. No outreach money for MS-13 or other violent prisoners. Let them rot in real prisons.
10. I disagree with the recommendations for the Obama admin. They do nothing for the hard working middle-class.
11. I disagree with the 2017 recommendations too. They are too arbitrary. We need less government, not the politically correct police state.

My list of top priorities still are:
1. Strong economy, including fair trade agreements that protect US jobs, tariffs when needed
2. National defense, keep the US strong, but get US troops out of the EU. The EU needs to step up.
3. Balance the Budget and pay down the Debt, implement a 3% Federal sales tax and raise the top tax rate 7%
4. Immigration reform, including
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies for China and Russia
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
5. Authorize a "Grace Commission II" to audit the Fed and Federal government to eliminate waste and cut spending

Thank you kyzr I nominate you to be a consultant on the advisory team
between Trump and the 20 candidates running against him. With your
streamlined list, he can create paid jobs for all of them, working together instead
of against each other and half the nation that also wants effective solutions.

I agree with 99% of what you say and 100% with the spirit and intent with which you say it.
the 1% I can see outright I would dispute is your stance against "microlending"

What I mean is similar to what you are saying about getting a job instead of relying on handouts.
REPLACING welfare with microlending and business training allows people to
to CREATE jobs and businesses so people CAN access the jobs opportunities and training they want.

It can still be by "free market" choice to participate, but make it where mentors and investors
who CHOOSE to finance sustainable plans on a "microlending basis" can qualify for tax breaks/writeoffs.

Is that more clear? It would not be govt run, unless an entire city or district
sets up representation that the local taxpayers agree to, and they run their own program that way.
Some people believe this can be done on a city or county level,
but like you, I prefer to reward people for learning to manage their own business or schools.

Because people on both sides left and right either have more faith in govt or more faith in
private sector business and nonprofit, I would leave that choice to the PEOPLE to decide:
do they want to run their programs through local govt or through a nonprofit or university or their own party?

Instead of dictating it HAS to be through govt or CANNOT BE FORCED through govt,
just let people elect which way they best represent themselves where they agree to channel their taxes or income there.
If they agree to that system, let those people have it.

So microlending and cooperatives would allow that equal choice,
people can CHOOSE how much to relegate to govt or to keep for themselves to manage,
and this DOESN'T have to dictate or interfere with other people's FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

kyzr are you okay with opening up microlending and business investment
where it can be elected freely either way? If people want it managed through
govt (or party) to REPLACE welfare and social/marriage benefits they decide for
their own members, let them have that. If they want it private, let them set up
means and agreements for writing investments or donations off their taxes, etc.
"Democrats like Sanders"?

Sigh. Sanders isn't a "Democrat". Why can't people get this? It's as if they're incapable of thinking outside their little Dichotomy-box.

Yes and no Pogo
There are other Democrats "like Sanders" who are both Independents and Green supporters.

Bernie Sanders Files To Run As A Democrat — And An Independent

I am doing the opposite of what you are saying.
I am trying to expand DEMOCRATS to INCLUDE progressives, Greens, etc.
instead of the party getting hijacked to only represent the "corporate elitists liberals"
who believe in running everything through corporatized govt instead of the
WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES and local democratized representation.

Democrats can equally mean Sanders, Greens, progressives, and others.
Sanders appealed to people wanting to exit the party to keep using it.

NOTE: My reason to keep recognizing Democratic Party and Leaders
is the amount of restitution owed for abuses that only they can be held accountable for.
If they refuse, then these debts should still be assessed and "bought out" by investors
willing to buy out and take over control over reforms and corrections owed to taxpayers.

Bernie Sanders signs DNC loyalty pledge: 'I am a member of the Democratic Party'

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, speaks at a campaign event at Navy Pier in Chicago on March 3, 2019.Nam Y. Huh / AP

March 5, 2019, 3:43 PM ‎CST
By Alex Seitz-Wald

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has formally declared himself a member of the Democratic Party as he seeks its presidential nomination in 2020, abiding by new Democratic National Committee rules.

"I am a member of the Democratic Party," reads the statement to the DNC that Sanders signed and notarized Tuesday. It also asserts that Sanders will serve as a Democrat if elected president and that the DNC can determine who is "a bonafide Democrat."

Sanders, a political independent who caucuses with Democrats in the Senate, has long resisted calls to formally join the Democratic Party, which continues to be a sore spot for mainline Democrats skeptical of the self-described Democratic socialist.
"Democrats like Sanders"?

Sigh. Sanders isn't a "Democrat". Why can't people get this? It's as if they're incapable of thinking outside their little Dichotomy-box.

Yes and no Pogo
There are other Democrats "like Sanders" who are both Independents and Green supporters.

Bernie Sanders Files To Run As A Democrat — And An Independent

I am doing the opposite of what you are saying.
I am trying to expand DEMOCRATS to INCLUDE progressives, Greens, etc.
instead of the party getting hijacked to only represent the "corporate elitists liberals"
who believe in running everything through corporatized govt instead of the
WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES and local democratized representation.

Democrats can equally mean Sanders, Greens, progressives, and others.
Sanders appealed to people wanting to exit the party to keep using it.

NOTE: My reason to keep recognizing Democratic Party and Leaders
is the amount of restitution owed for abuses that only they can be held accountable for.
If they refuse, then these debts should still be assessed and "bought out" by investors
willing to buy out and take over control over reforms and corrections owed to taxpayers.

Bernie Sanders signs DNC loyalty pledge: 'I am a member of the Democratic Party'

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, speaks at a campaign event at Navy Pier in Chicago on March 3, 2019.Nam Y. Huh / AP

March 5, 2019, 3:43 PM ‎CST
By Alex Seitz-Wald

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has formally declared himself a member of the Democratic Party as he seeks its presidential nomination in 2020, abiding by new Democratic National Committee rules.

"I am a member of the Democratic Party," reads the statement to the DNC that Sanders signed and notarized Tuesday. It also asserts that Sanders will serve as a Democrat if elected president and that the DNC can determine who is "a bonafide Democrat."

Sanders, a political independent who caucuses with Democrats in the Senate, has long resisted calls to formally join the Democratic Party, which continues to be a sore spot for mainline Democrats skeptical of the self-described Democratic socialist.

That statement has no meaning. Party propaganda.

Fun fact: In Vermont you don't register with a political party. You just register to vote, period.

Why it matters: parties are for joiners. Sanders has pointedly avoided being lumped in with a party, and that's laudable. He got into his first office by beating an entrenched Democrat.

In at least one election, the state Republican and Democratic Parties ran a joint candidate against Sanders. He still won. Voters appreciate that kind of independence. You can't be working on behalf of a political party instead of your constituents, if you don't HAVE a party.
"Democrats like Sanders"?

Sigh. Sanders isn't a "Democrat". Why can't people get this? It's as if they're incapable of thinking outside their little Dichotomy-box.

Yes and no Pogo
There are other Democrats "like Sanders" who are both Independents and Green supporters.

Bernie Sanders Files To Run As A Democrat — And An Independent

I am doing the opposite of what you are saying.
I am trying to expand DEMOCRATS to INCLUDE progressives, Greens, etc.
instead of the party getting hijacked to only represent the "corporate elitists liberals"
who believe in running everything through corporatized govt instead of the
WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES and local democratized representation.

Democrats can equally mean Sanders, Greens, progressives, and others.
Sanders appealed to people wanting to exit the party to keep using it.

NOTE: My reason to keep recognizing Democratic Party and Leaders
is the amount of restitution owed for abuses that only they can be held accountable for.
If they refuse, then these debts should still be assessed and "bought out" by investors
willing to buy out and take over control over reforms and corrections owed to taxpayers.

Bernie Sanders signs DNC loyalty pledge: 'I am a member of the Democratic Party'

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, speaks at a campaign event at Navy Pier in Chicago on March 3, 2019.Nam Y. Huh / AP

March 5, 2019, 3:43 PM ‎CST
By Alex Seitz-Wald

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has formally declared himself a member of the Democratic Party as he seeks its presidential nomination in 2020, abiding by new Democratic National Committee rules.

"I am a member of the Democratic Party," reads the statement to the DNC that Sanders signed and notarized Tuesday. It also asserts that Sanders will serve as a Democrat if elected president and that the DNC can determine who is "a bonafide Democrat."

Sanders, a political independent who caucuses with Democrats in the Senate, has long resisted calls to formally join the Democratic Party, which continues to be a sore spot for mainline Democrats skeptical of the self-described Democratic socialist.

That statement has no meaning. Party propaganda.

Fun fact: In Vermont you don't register with a political party. You just register to vote, period.

Why it matters: parties are for joiners. Sanders has pointedly avoided being lumped in with a party, and that's laudable. He got into his first office by beating an entrenched Democrat.

In at least one election, the state Republican and Democratic Parties ran a joint candidate against Sanders. He still won. Voters appreciate that kind of independence. You can't be working on behalf of a political party instead of your constituents, if you don't HAVE a party.

Dear Pogo
I think we are talking about two different things.
You are talking on the level where people say I am not a Democrat either!

Whatever you mean and others mean is NOT what I mean.
Whatever you are talking about is something else.

You remind me of people who argue Catholics are not Christian.
So to those people, if someone like me is a practicing Christian,
then if I go through confirmation as a member of the Catholic Church,
those people will tell me "I'm not a real Catholic" because I'm a Christian.

Yes, Pogo by your frame of reference, then Sanders
and I are not REAL Democrats, and lots of people tell me and argue with me I'm not.

BTW you may be okay with that,
but to me it gets to be a tiring argument over "semantics."

The way I use the term Democrats is different from you.
I'm saying anyone who identifies as DEMOCRAT is one.

Frankly I find it dangerously oppressive to insinuate that
only people who "push Party before govt" like the Clintons and Obamas count as Democrats.

Pogo if I didn't know what you mean, I'd find that as INSULTING as saying
only people like Rev. Al Sharpton and President Obama are "Blacks"
while Allen West, Candace Owens, and Ben Carson
don't count as real BLACKS because they go against other "Black" leaders.

Gay people can be AGAINST gay marriage and still
be part of the LGBT community. Just because SOME MEMBERS
do not push the political agenda of the group BEFORE rights of others
doesn't mean they are NOT PART of that group or community.

Sanders can still put the interests of the public BEFORE party agenda
as much as he wants to. I do it all the time, and that doesn't mean
I'm not a Democrat. It still means there ARE other Democrats who discriminate
against more people and parties than I do and push their partisan agenda or beliefs before Constitutional
rights and protections of others. I can still identify as BOTH Democrat AND Constitutionalist,
and if other people have problems with that, we can work that out as we go.
DAN CRENSHAW (TX) in an interview with other Military Vets on Serving in Congress

"We don't have a partner on the other side.

Not clear to me Democrats have that same goal
which is to actually secure the Border

This is hurting my state [Texas] in a huge way

Over 100,000 apprehensions every month for the last few months

It's completely unsustainable ... There are solutions

We need to pass asylum reform bills … Need to increase our security

We're dealing with another silent party that does not want to see a solution here

Look at Bernie's Tweet - he didn't note any solutions, not one,
He's virtue signaling … They're virtue signalling because they actually want this crisis
to keep going,
so they can keep campaigning about it, and they won't listen to actual solutions

For instance 4.5 billion dollars the President wants
to build more of those facilities that Bernie is complaining about,
so that they're not overcrowded. So we actually have solutions
They don't want to talk about it"

NOTE: This is not the only area where I see as much blocked communication
obstructing perceptions on the other side as well:

* Bernie Sanders has been pushing for WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES
But this "solution" is not being discussed, which would serve as common ground
with Conservatives who want free enterprise/free market business solutions.
It appears to both sides "the other is not interested in solutions, only politics"


* Also both BEN CARSON and OBAMA agree on MICROLENDING approaches (that include
financial education and business training)
to replace dependence on govt handouts with more
sustainable solutions THAT BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT AGREE ON. But we never see this shared
in the media or used to bring together PARTNERSHIPS that can be promoted as a public model.

* Progressive and Libertarian party members have been meeting and working out solutions
to build alliances to stop excessive war spending and unchecked foreign aid,
but we don't hear about that in the media either.

Only divisive inciteful rhetoric pushing to impeach or undercut the other party.

Other areas I have found where rightwing figures actually ALIGN with leftwing:
* MICHAEL SAVAGE has spoken out on national radio as a staunch Conservationist
who lobbies for Trump, but opposes gutting the Environmental protections he believes
are necessary to protect animals and the environment.
* MICHELLE MALKIN is proactively advocating to end the Drug Wars and misguided sentencing
and criminal justice policies that punish low risk violators as harshly as drug cartel traffickers.

* SEAN HANNITY has been promoting Medical Cooperatives and Direct Care Associations
as the solution to health care that would satisfy what both left and right want. Rand Paul has also
cited Direct Care associations as the solution to providing better terms of service most effectively.
(Hannity endorses ATLAS MD in Wichita KS Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
while I have been researching the NONPROFIT cooperative PPC in Houston www.medcoops.com)

To promote the cooperative model as a bipartisan solution to health care (where this model
can be replicated in every district and used to build sustainable campuses on the Border),

I am planning to contact and collaborate with Democratic Congressional District Offices
starting with Sheila Jackson Lee to Liz Fletcher, and with Dan Crenshaw's office
which is over the Kingwood district with the Houston PPC is based.

Because health care cooperatives shift $5-10 million in medical care back to the control of people running their own programs, this structure enables each community to finance their own local Clinics, specialist centers, Teaching Hospitals and VA reforms. This DEMOCRATIZATION of local ownership in every district would further empower communities to leverage prison reforms (to convert facilities to a preventative/medical model of curing mental and criminal illness), thus freeing up millions if not billions more tax dollars saved that can cover education and health care. so WITHOUT relying on govt to mandate these changes, people from all parties can freely organize among their own members, and agree to invest in sustainable development across our cities and states as well as along the Border.


Hopefully, more of these collaborative solutions will unify leadership across parties,
based on sustainable cooperative economy
and investing in medical education and service programs, instead of wasting govt resources
on crime, prisons, and political infighting.

Everyone knows Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat.
DAN CRENSHAW (TX) in an interview with other Military Vets on Serving in Congress

"We don't have a partner on the other side.

Not clear to me Democrats have that same goal
which is to actually secure the Border

This is hurting my state [Texas] in a huge way

Over 100,000 apprehensions every month for the last few months

It's completely unsustainable ... There are solutions

We need to pass asylum reform bills … Need to increase our security

We're dealing with another silent party that does not want to see a solution here

Look at Bernie's Tweet - he didn't note any solutions, not one,
He's virtue signaling … They're virtue signalling because they actually want this crisis
to keep going,
so they can keep campaigning about it, and they won't listen to actual solutions

For instance 4.5 billion dollars the President wants
to build more of those facilities that Bernie is complaining about,
so that they're not overcrowded. So we actually have solutions
They don't want to talk about it"

NOTE: This is not the only area where I see as much blocked communication
obstructing perceptions on the other side as well:

* Bernie Sanders has been pushing for WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES
But this "solution" is not being discussed, which would serve as common ground
with Conservatives who want free enterprise/free market business solutions.
It appears to both sides "the other is not interested in solutions, only politics"


* Also both BEN CARSON and OBAMA agree on MICROLENDING approaches (that include
financial education and business training)
to replace dependence on govt handouts with more
sustainable solutions THAT BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT AGREE ON. But we never see this shared
in the media or used to bring together PARTNERSHIPS that can be promoted as a public model.

* Progressive and Libertarian party members have been meeting and working out solutions
to build alliances to stop excessive war spending and unchecked foreign aid,
but we don't hear about that in the media either.

Only divisive inciteful rhetoric pushing to impeach or undercut the other party.

Other areas I have found where rightwing figures actually ALIGN with leftwing:
* MICHAEL SAVAGE has spoken out on national radio as a staunch Conservationist
who lobbies for Trump, but opposes gutting the Environmental protections he believes
are necessary to protect animals and the environment.
* MICHELLE MALKIN is proactively advocating to end the Drug Wars and misguided sentencing
and criminal justice policies that punish low risk violators as harshly as drug cartel traffickers.

* SEAN HANNITY has been promoting Medical Cooperatives and Direct Care Associations
as the solution to health care that would satisfy what both left and right want. Rand Paul has also
cited Direct Care associations as the solution to providing better terms of service most effectively.
(Hannity endorses ATLAS MD in Wichita KS Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
while I have been researching the NONPROFIT cooperative PPC in Houston www.medcoops.com)

To promote the cooperative model as a bipartisan solution to health care (where this model
can be replicated in every district and used to build sustainable campuses on the Border),

I am planning to contact and collaborate with Democratic Congressional District Offices
starting with Sheila Jackson Lee to Liz Fletcher, and with Dan Crenshaw's office
which is over the Kingwood district with the Houston PPC is based.

Because health care cooperatives shift $5-10 million in medical care back to the control of people running their own programs, this structure enables each community to finance their own local Clinics, specialist centers, Teaching Hospitals and VA reforms. This DEMOCRATIZATION of local ownership in every district would further empower communities to leverage prison reforms (to convert facilities to a preventative/medical model of curing mental and criminal illness), thus freeing up millions if not billions more tax dollars saved that can cover education and health care. so WITHOUT relying on govt to mandate these changes, people from all parties can freely organize among their own members, and agree to invest in sustainable development across our cities and states as well as along the Border.


Hopefully, more of these collaborative solutions will unify leadership across parties,
based on sustainable cooperative economy
and investing in medical education and service programs, instead of wasting govt resources
on crime, prisons, and political infighting.

Everyone knows Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat.

Dear deanrd and Pogo
1. How are you defining Democrat
2. What do you call people like Bernie Sanders or me
who identify as Democrat but people say we are not Democrats.

NOTE: Sanders identifies as Democratic Socialist and a member
and leader working to REFORM and CHANGE the Democratic Party.

I identify as Constitutionalist working with and within the Democratic
Party to help fellow members and leaders to achieve the goal of
inclusion of diversity and ending discrimination so everyone has
equal free choice and access to education, services and equal empowerment.

Why can't we have our higher ideologies and goals and still identify as Democrats.
People can play "country fiddle" and still be a Violinist.
What is wrong with political diversity within the Democratic Party.

Not all Democrats have to be the stodgy politico type who just tows the party line.
I believe we can fulfill and perfect the party platform by building
cooperative economy and sustainable campuses for training
in financial, legal and health care management to become equally self-governing.
so that's both Constitutionalist and Democratic "equal inclusion of minority interests."
So what?
Last edited:
DAN CRENSHAW (TX) in an interview with other Military Vets on Serving in Congress

"We don't have a partner on the other side.

Not clear to me Democrats have that same goal
which is to actually secure the Border

This is hurting my state [Texas] in a huge way

Over 100,000 apprehensions every month for the last few months

It's completely unsustainable ... There are solutions

We need to pass asylum reform bills … Need to increase our security

We're dealing with another silent party that does not want to see a solution here

Look at Bernie's Tweet - he didn't note any solutions, not one,
He's virtue signaling … They're virtue signalling because they actually want this crisis
to keep going,
so they can keep campaigning about it, and they won't listen to actual solutions

For instance 4.5 billion dollars the President wants
to build more of those facilities that Bernie is complaining about,
so that they're not overcrowded. So we actually have solutions
They don't want to talk about it"

NOTE: This is not the only area where I see as much blocked communication
obstructing perceptions on the other side as well:

* Bernie Sanders has been pushing for WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES
But this "solution" is not being discussed, which would serve as common ground
with Conservatives who want free enterprise/free market business solutions.
It appears to both sides "the other is not interested in solutions, only politics"


* Also both BEN CARSON and OBAMA agree on MICROLENDING approaches (that include
financial education and business training)
to replace dependence on govt handouts with more
sustainable solutions THAT BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT AGREE ON. But we never see this shared
in the media or used to bring together PARTNERSHIPS that can be promoted as a public model.

* Progressive and Libertarian party members have been meeting and working out solutions
to build alliances to stop excessive war spending and unchecked foreign aid,
but we don't hear about that in the media either.

Only divisive inciteful rhetoric pushing to impeach or undercut the other party.

Other areas I have found where rightwing figures actually ALIGN with leftwing:
* MICHAEL SAVAGE has spoken out on national radio as a staunch Conservationist
who lobbies for Trump, but opposes gutting the Environmental protections he believes
are necessary to protect animals and the environment.
* MICHELLE MALKIN is proactively advocating to end the Drug Wars and misguided sentencing
and criminal justice policies that punish low risk violators as harshly as drug cartel traffickers.

* SEAN HANNITY has been promoting Medical Cooperatives and Direct Care Associations
as the solution to health care that would satisfy what both left and right want. Rand Paul has also
cited Direct Care associations as the solution to providing better terms of service most effectively.
(Hannity endorses ATLAS MD in Wichita KS Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
while I have been researching the NONPROFIT cooperative PPC in Houston www.medcoops.com)

To promote the cooperative model as a bipartisan solution to health care (where this model
can be replicated in every district and used to build sustainable campuses on the Border),

I am planning to contact and collaborate with Democratic Congressional District Offices
starting with Sheila Jackson Lee to Liz Fletcher, and with Dan Crenshaw's office
which is over the Kingwood district with the Houston PPC is based.

Because health care cooperatives shift $5-10 million in medical care back to the control of people running their own programs, this structure enables each community to finance their own local Clinics, specialist centers, Teaching Hospitals and VA reforms. This DEMOCRATIZATION of local ownership in every district would further empower communities to leverage prison reforms (to convert facilities to a preventative/medical model of curing mental and criminal illness), thus freeing up millions if not billions more tax dollars saved that can cover education and health care. so WITHOUT relying on govt to mandate these changes, people from all parties can freely organize among their own members, and agree to invest in sustainable development across our cities and states as well as along the Border.


Hopefully, more of these collaborative solutions will unify leadership across parties,
based on sustainable cooperative economy
and investing in medical education and service programs, instead of wasting govt resources
on crime, prisons, and political infighting.

Everyone knows Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat.

Dear deanrd and Pogo
1. How are you defining Democrat
2. What do you call people like Bernie Sanders or me
who identify as Democrat but people say we are not Democrats.

NOTE: Sanders identifies as Democratic Socialist and a member
and leader working to REFORM and CHANGE the Democratic Party.

I identify as Constitutionalist working with and within the Democratic
Party to help fellow members and leaders to achieve the goal of
inclusion of diversity and ending discrimination so everyone has
equal free choice and access to education, services and equal empowerment.

Why can't we have our higher ideologies and goals and still identify as Democrats.
People can play "country fiddle" and still be a Violinist.
What is wrong with political diversity within the Democratic Party.

Not all Democrats have to be the stodgy politico type who just tows the party line.
I believe we can fulfill and perfect the party platform by building
cooperative economy and sustainable campuses for training
in financial, legal and health care management to become equally self-governing.
so that's both Constitutionalist and Democratic "equal inclusion of minority interests."
So what?

"How to define it' indeed is a good question. Because what does it even mean to "be a Democrat" or "be a Republican"?

Does it mean that in an election you have to vote for the (D) or the (R)? Obviously it does not; you can still vote for anyone you want.

Does it mean you have to agree with whatever that party's line is on everything? Again, obviously it does not.

So what even is the purpose of this label at all?

As you wrote above:

Frankly I find it dangerously oppressive to insinuate that
only people who "push Party before govt" like the Clintons and Obamas count as Democrats.

I do too. That's got a lot to do with why I refuse to identify with a political party. Because it puts you in a bag, and I resist being put in a bag. Identifying as a "Democrat" or a "Republican" immediately insinuates a herd mentality.

In this case Bernie Sanders has rejected that herd mentality, and has always done so, and I respect him for that, and his constituents, who consistently give him the highest approval rating in the Senate, appreciate it too. So for Dan Crenshaw or some TV talking head to cavalierly ignore that and put him (or me or anyone else) into a bag is just insulting. If someone has a label hung on them it should be themselves hanging that label --- not some wag on the outside who can't be bothered with nuance. It's stripping away those characteristics that make that subject different, characteristics they have intentionally cultivated, and tosses them in the trash.

It all has to do with mendacity. When someone hangs a label that they know is not true, they're opening the door to a lie. And that's dishonest.

That make sense?

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