Dangerous Trump on the warpath.

I knew this was going to happen, but I thought Trump would go off the rails sooner, like after the first year.
I think Ann Coulter is right, he won't finish his first term.

This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.
Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown? Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

You people certainly thought General Petraeus was when he issued his 2007 report on Iraq, but now you praise Mattis?

MoveOn.org ad controversy - Wikipedia

Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Where did I praise Mattis?
Because I don't think he's an ass clown?
Where did I mention Petraeus?
Deflect much, butthead?

Hypocrite much, chickenhawk?
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.

There is no reason for us to be in Syria...we have no winning side and no conditions for victory.

Syria and Russia can deal with what is left of ISIS

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

If Obama were still president and issued this order they would completely agree with you.

False equivalency.
Obama listened to his Defense and Secretary of State.
Trump said two years ago he "knows more than the generals".
And I bet idiots like you still voted for him.

No, there is no false equivalency. I have not seen a single left winger give Trump credit for slowly getting us out of the endless quagmire that is the Middle East, NOT A SINGLE ONE. Like a school of fish you people immediately, with your hive mind, did a 180 on opposing foreign wars to becoming war mongering chickenhawks the exact second Trump came out against the neocon foreign policy.

I have never seen a more pathetic display of dishonesty in my life.
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.

Your post is terribly written, your teachers would be embarrassed.

Now, how does his stance on Syria translate to being on the “warpath”?

On the warpath to make all his stupid fucking promises to be true.

Let the hate flow lefty nut. it seems the only ones on any warpath are the left wing nutsos such as yourself.
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.

There is no reason for us to be in Syria...we have no winning side and no conditions for victory.

Syria and Russia can deal with what is left of ISIS

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

If Obama were still president and issued this order they would completely agree with you.

False equivalency.
Obama listened to his Defense and Secretary of State.
Trump said two years ago he "knows more than the generals".
And I bet idiots like you still voted for him.

No, there is no false equivalency. I have not seen a single left winger give Trump credit for slowly getting us out of the endless quagmire that is the Middle East, NOT A SINGLE ONE. Like a school of fish you people immediately, with your hive mind, did a 180 on opposing foreign wars to becoming war mongering chickenhawks the exact second Trump came out against the neocon foreign policy.

I have never seen a more pathetic display of dishonesty in my life.

There is a difference between troop reductions based on the actually situations and declaring a false victory.

Trump has immersed us in a proxy war in Yemen.

Trump's blind support of MBS does not help us.

This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.
We protested the War in Iraq based on lies that got 4500 soldiers killed.

We protested Bush calling Bin Laden irrelevant.
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.
Another post backed by nothing more than your utterly biased opinion.

Why do you bother with this shit?
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.

Baby Trump and his uneducated base (idiots) are a scary combination. I hope we can survive it all...


This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.
You are for putting criminals into office and allowing them to pillage the people of this country.

No one is fooled.
He's "On the warpath"?

Only in the polluted psyche of a TDS sufferer can a president trying to get us out of endless warring be on the warpath.
The warparth is his actions , Syria is just one example of Trump going freakin nuts.
Pulling our troops out is "on the warpath?"

More like "On the peacepath."

President Trump would have already normalized relations with Russia, had it not been for a bunch of Neo-McCarthyite leftists.

Then I'd be buying cheap Russian ammo and firearms like I could back in 2002.
He's "On the warpath"?

Only in the polluted psyche of a TDS sufferer can a president trying to get us out of endless warring be on the warpath.
The warparth is his actions , Syria is just one example of Trump going freakin nuts.
Pulling our troops out is "on the warpath?"
The warpath was Trumps string of stupid irrational naive decisions like declaring ISIS defeated & pulling out our troops.

This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.
You are for putting criminals into office and allowing them to pillage the people of this country.

No one is fooled.
What criminal is that./ Please don't insult our intelligence by claimg Hillary Clinton is a criminal.
He's "On the warpath"?

Only in the polluted psyche of a TDS sufferer can a president trying to get us out of endless warring be on the warpath.
The warparth is his actions , Syria is just one example of Trump going freakin nuts.
Pulling our troops out is "on the warpath?"
The warpath was Trumps string of stupid irrational naive decisions like declaring ISIS defeated & pulling out our troops.
How about telling us about your Military service and for what country

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