Dangerous Trump on the warpath.

= not a FORKED tongue, double talking politician
exactly what the US needs to right the ship

Dear Anonymous
A president who sticks it to his own team while sticking with a foreign strongman is not worth sticking by.

Mattis also resigned because he has concluded that the problem with Trump isn’t that he’s an empty vessel. It’s that he’s a malignant one.

Here was the fundamental mistake in your view of Trump: You thought he could be handled. You thought of him as a child who simply needed to be kept away from dangerous toys, as former economic adviser Gary Cohn did when he removed a letter from the president’s desk ordering the end of the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.
How many who don't love him are gone from the wh now ? Face it you support an all time moron in our wh a hall of shame moron
I don't care
he's been kicking a$$
Yes Manafort cohen and 10 others
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
Trump is reckless, irresponsible, and dangerous.
= not a FORKED tongue, double talking politician
exactly what the US needs to right the ship

Dear Anonymous
A president who sticks it to his own team while sticking with a foreign strongman is not worth sticking by.

Mattis also resigned because he has concluded that the problem with Trump isn’t that he’s an empty vessel. It’s that he’s a malignant one.

Here was the fundamental mistake in your view of Trump: You thought he could be handled. You thought of him as a child who simply needed to be kept away from dangerous toys, as former economic adviser Gary Cohn did when he removed a letter from the president’s desk ordering the end of the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.
How many who don't love him are gone from the wh now ? Face it you support an all time moron in our wh a hall of shame moron
I don't care
he's been kicking a$$
He's been kicking YOUR ass & you are too stupid to know it.

He took a huge tax cut & gave you a little tax cut & then put on tariffs that raised prices & left you a 1.5 trillion dollar debt.
Dear Anonymous
A president who sticks it to his own team while sticking with a foreign strongman is not worth sticking by.

Mattis also resigned because he has concluded that the problem with Trump isn’t that he’s an empty vessel. It’s that he’s a malignant one.

Here was the fundamental mistake in your view of Trump: You thought he could be handled. You thought of him as a child who simply needed to be kept away from dangerous toys, as former economic adviser Gary Cohn did when he removed a letter from the president’s desk ordering the end of the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.
How many who don't love him are gone from the wh now ? Face it you support an all time moron in our wh a hall of shame moron
I don't care
he's been kicking a$$
Yes Manafort cohen and 10 others
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
a shit omelet
How many who don't love him are gone from the wh now ? Face it you support an all time moron in our wh a hall of shame moron
I don't care
he's been kicking a$$
Yes Manafort cohen and 10 others
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
a shit omelet
there's no such thing
How many who don't love him are gone from the wh now ? Face it you support an all time moron in our wh a hall of shame moron
I don't care
he's been kicking a$$
Yes Manafort cohen and 10 others
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
a shit omelet
there's no such thing
Trump's been feeding you that & you keep eating it.
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.
LMAO Well he's done a damned fine job at keeping those "stupid" promises.

You mean like:

Repeal and Replace the ACA with a better, cheaper plan?

Balance the budget in his first year in office?

Eliminate the debt with his tax cuts?

Have a half-trillion infrastructure plan in place within months of been sworn in?

YOU MORONS are just cultists......

This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
Marty thinks Trump is a military leader who knows more about ISIS than the generals.
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.

A new day, same tired bullshit from the severely LefTarded. We totally get it...Wetbacks, barely legal beaners, lowlife pet humans, degenerates and dopeheads, weirdos, fudge packers, Feminazis and men in dresses hate Trump. WE FUCKING GET IT.
It's a good thing "bone" & "spurs" are short words or Trump wouldn't be able to spell those words let alone pronounce them.
This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
Marty thinks Trump is a military leader who knows more about ISIS than the generals.
CENTCOM has them down to 2000 fighters and in 1% of territory .........DOD has them hiding in Tunnels .......what's left of them...............

The argument now has nothing to do with ISIS.
This pretty much says it all right there and further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is, in fact, a real thing. These assclowns spent years protesting our involvement in the Middle East, but as soon as Trump wants to start withdrawing, like a flock of herded sheep every single one of them turns into the war mongering chickenhawk they called Republicans ten years ago. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
Marty thinks Trump is a military leader who knows more about ISIS than the generals.

So only people with Military experience should be President?
Then I guess the Pentagon chiefs are suffering from TDS, too, huh Sparky?
And Mattis, he's an ass clown?
Seems like you are very selective in your observations of this latest stunt of Trump's.

Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over troop withdrawal from Syria ...
19 hours ago - President Trump announced Defense Secretary Jim Mattis would step down in ...Trump also ordered the Pentagon, against Mattis's recommendation, .... most notably this week, whenTrump decided to withdraw from Syria ...

Pentagon scrambles on Syria exit amid withdrawal outrage
WASHINGTON – Military leaders were scrambling Thursday to devise a swift but safe departure of troops from Syria, as outraged lawmakers appealed to President Donald Trump to reverse an abrupt withdrawal order that rattled Washington's allies and was a key factor in the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later in the day."""

You two fucking idiots should try reading instead of posting cartoons.

It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
Marty thinks Trump is a military leader who knows more about ISIS than the generals.

So only people with Military experience should be President?

People without military experience are OK who realize that they do not have military experience and rely on their military advisors.

You opted to the non military man who claimed to know more than the military. The same man who trashed our veterans & POWs.
It's amazing to see Progressives give up on civilian control of the military so quickly when it suits their interest.

We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
Marty thinks Trump is a military leader who knows more about ISIS than the generals.

So only people with Military experience should be President?

People without military experience are OK who realize that they do not have military experience and rely on their military advisors.

You opted to the non military man who claimed to know more than the military. The same man who trashed our veterans & POWs.

You really don't think there are other military people giving him advice on this?

It's comical how progressives all of a sudden respect the military when it suits them.
Trump ran for President with zero knowledge of how government works, how things are funded, no clue on economics let along global economics, no clue on the miiitsry, and no clue how most Americans work.

He made a lot of stupid promises.

Now, after his advisors told him how some of his promises were not feasible or in the bet interest of this country.

But Trump is more interested in placating his uneducated base & keep those promises irregardless of the damage to our country.

Recent examples include the all, the fight against ISIS in Syria.

This is one reason Trump is dangerous. He is more concerned with himself that he is the country.
Congrats, you win liberal butt-hurt whine of the day!

Did you actually just say that a successful international businessman has no clue about global economics (as if a 1/2 term Senator and Community Organizer did / knew more)? :p
People without military experience are OK who realize that they do not have military experience and rely on their military advisors.

You opted to the non military man who claimed to know more than the military. The same man who trashed our veterans & POWs.
Exactly - we needed another Nobel Peace Prize Winner who drags the US into 2 more wars to help terrorists.... :p
We are for intelligent civilian control. Not some lame brained fool putting his campaign ahead of America.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
Marty thinks Trump is a military leader who knows more about ISIS than the generals.

So only people with Military experience should be President?

People without military experience are OK who realize that they do not have military experience and rely on their military advisors.

You opted to the non military man who claimed to know more than the military. The same man who trashed our veterans & POWs.

You really don't think there are other military people giving him advice on this?

It's comical how progressives all of a sudden respect the military when it suits them.

Marty is lying again claiming that "progressives" do not respect the military.

Trump said he knew more about ISIS than the military & you believe that?

Who advised him to withdraw from Syria & why did Mattis quit over it?

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