Dangers Of Marijuana

why dont you answer what he is saying instead of avoiding what he says?....alcohol kills more people than pot ever will and cigarettes are very addicting physically while pot isnt, but yet those are legal....why is that?.....could it be because so many drink and smoke cigarettes, so those vices are ok in spite of the damage they cause?.... it is very hypocritical for someone to say my vice is ok,but yours is not ok....
whats the problem unkotare?..... do you drink and smoke cigaretts?...
Cannabis is not for everyone but there's no reason for it to be illegal. It turns out that the worst danger of this natural wonder drug is prosecution. The entirely racist origin of cannabis prohibition is reason enough to legalize it for any adult that wants it.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Like math, it be wayciss.
I am the adult child of alcoholics and have at least one non recovering alcoholic in my family now.
I had a nephew who literally killed himself with alcohol and hard drugs.
Another nephew has been in and out of prison several times now due to illegal drug use and sales; addicted to drugs and alcohol.
I have had close relatives with gambling addiction to the point it ruined their lives.
I have a friend who is a compulsive orderer and hoarder.

And none of them were any more addicted or damaged as much as a niece who is hopelessly addicted to marijuana. She has multiple health problems including serious scarring of the lungs from years of smoking pot. She cannot go without it without unbearable withdrawal symptoms. She refuses to acknowledge the problem or get help.

Marijuana may not addict as quickly or strongly in most as does heroin or cocaine or other hard drugs, but anybody who says it is not addictive is just in a state of ridiculous denial.

(I am from a very large family and the vast majority of us are just fine. :) )
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I am the adult child of alcoholics and have at least one non recovering alcoholic in my family now.
I had a nephew who literally killed himself with alcohol and hard drugs.
Another nephew has been in and out of prison several times now due to illegal drug use and sales; addicted to drugs and alcohol.
I have had close relatives with gambling addiction to the point it ruined their lives.
I have a friend who is a compulsive orderer and hoarder.

And none of them were any more addicted or damaged as much as a niece who is hopelessly addicted to marijuana. She has multiple health problems including serious scarring of the lungs from years of smoking pot. She cannot go without it without unbearable withdrawal symptoms. She refuses to acknowledge the problem or get help.

Marijuana may not addict as quickly or strongly in most as does heroin or cocaine or other hard drugs, but anybody who says it is not addictive is just in a state of ridiculous denial.

(I am from a very large family and the vast majority of us are just fine. :) )
I was orphaned when my mother overdosed when I was 14

My deadbeat father died from alcoholism when I was 8

Pot is far less dangerous than alcohol or hard drugs. Withdrawal from alcohol can be fatal. Withdrawal from opiates or benzos is painful but not fatal

I started smoking pot when I was 12 and have smoked it to some degree ever since. I actually prefer hashish over bud. I have stopped for long periods and smoked daily for long periods.

There is no comparison to the addictiveness of weed as compared to alcohol or hard drugs
I was orphaned when my mother overdosed when I was 14

My deadbeat father died from alcoholism when I was 8

Pot is far less dangerous than alcohol or hard drugs. Withdrawal from alcohol can be fatal. Withdrawal from opiates or benzos is painful but not fatal

I started smoking pot when I was 12 and have smoked it to some degree ever since. I actually prefer hashish over bud. I have stopped for long periods and smoked daily for long periods.

There is no comparison to the addictiveness of weed as compared to alcohol or hard drugs
Maybe so. But to say that weed is not addictive at all flies in the face of clear evidence and science.
Sativa or Indica?

What say you? Do you like one, or the other, more? Or are you a hybrid person, that prefers a combination of the two?
Maybe so. But to say that weed is not addictive at all flies in the face of clear evidence and science.
It's not as addictive as other drugs and the withdrawals are merely uncomfortable not deadly or painful.
It's not as addictive as other drugs and the withdrawals are merely uncomfortable not deadly or painful.
Sorry but I've seen my niece try to get off of it. The withdrawal might not have been deadly but it was certainly uncomfortable enough she couldn't stand it. She had shakes and tremors as bad as any alcoholic during withdrawal.
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it can be addictive mentally.....physically no....
In my niece's case it is absolutely mental and physical. She has tried to stop and simply can't bear extremely severe withdrawal symptoms. And it is severely damaging her health. I will add that she also refuses to get medical help to quit and mostly denies she has a problem.

The latest analysis is that roughly 1 in 10 people who regularly use marijuana will develop a cannabis use disorder which is a higher percentage claimed by some statistics for alcohol dependency.

I'm not arguing at all whether cannabis or alcohol is more or less dangerous or harmful or addictive. Both substances seem to be used safely by many.

I am just saying that cannabis can be and is addictive and a real problem for some people.

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