Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia's intervention in Ukraine is legal under international law

"New"? A government which not tyrannizes the souvereign in a democracy you do call "new"? What about to make holidays in Switzerland 700-800 years ago?
Yes, new. It was founded in 2014. Since then the Donbas region has not recognized it and fights for their independence.

If you want to go hold a gun to their heads and force them to accept the Kiev regime, then go ahead and join the Reddit Brigade and go fight.
Then you should have no trouble refuting its claims.

Start here:

Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia's intervention in Ukraine is legal under international law

"One must begin this discussion by accepting the fact that there was already a war happening in Ukraine for the eight years preceding the Russian military incursion in February 2022.

That fact is irrelevant. Furthermore, the war was instigated by Russia.

"And, this war by the government in Kiev against the Russian-speaking peoples of the Donbass – a war which claimed the lives of around 14,000 people, many of them children, and displaced around 1.5 million more even before Russia’s military operation – has been arguably genocidal.
You're spout Russian propaganda. The Russian ambassador to the U.N, used exactly that figure for the number of deaths. Furthermore, Russia is responsible for any deaths since Russia instigated the war.

"That is, the government in Kiev, and especially its neo-Nazi battalions, carried out attacks against these peoples with the intention of destroying, at least in part, the ethnic Russians precisely because of their ethnicity.

They are attacked because they were staging a revolt against the government. You know, an INSURRECTION." I thought you prog assholes didn't approve of those.
That fact is irrelevant. Furthermore, the war was instigated by Russia.
1949 was the first recorded example of the CIA using Ukrainian nationals to destabilize the USSR. That attempt ended in thousands of Ukrainian deaths and failure for the "good guys."

The current round in this proxy war between the US and Russia had its recent inception in 2014 when Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden helped chase a duly elected Ukrainian president from office by backing violent street protests.

Nazis in Ukraine: Seeing through the fog of the information war - Liberation News
I served in the military long ago when we knew Russia was our enemy. You jerks thinking they are somehow not still a threat to us and the rest of free world is a clear indication of what you fascists think of the free world these days.
Yet your pyssy ass never went to Nuclear war with them.

Why now? Is it because your old flaccid cock doesn't work any more and yoi don't care about a future since you're on your death bed? Fuck off pyssy.
Yet your pyssy ass never went to Nuclear war with them.

Why now? Is it because your old flaccid cock doesn't work any more and yoi don't care about a future since you're on your death bed? Fuck off pyssy.
Did you wake up from your drunken stupor feeling a little mean?
Sounds like poor beat up pussy can't win a fight. So acts tough on Twitter.

Russia is winning the war.
Russia lost this war the moment they decided to have it. It has been one tactical blunder after another. Anything they happen to win will not be worth what it took to steal it. Their economy will be in depression for a generation and they will never be more than a failed nation of drunken thieves.
Russia lost this war the moment they decided to have it. It has been one tactical blunder after another. Anything they happen to win will not be worth what it took to steal it. Their economy will be in depression for a generation and they will never be more than a failed nation of drunken thieves.
They lost it because they aren't winning prom queen of the world?

They don't give a shit. And for an economy in depression they sure are making bank selling oil and gas to Europe.

The natural resources of Ukraine is $7.2 trillion...something tells me that Russia didn't spend that much on this war.
an American voice that is going to be hugely resented but still heard.

Completely against the grain of the propaganda blitz.
Isn't it amazing, folks, how Autocrat-lovers and Russian barbarism-excusers like this, can pack so much bull$hit into a single post?
They lost it because they aren't winning prom queen of the world?

They don't give a shit. And for an economy in depression they sure are making bank selling oil and gas to Europe.

The natural resources of Ukraine is $7.2 trillion...something tells me that Russia didn't spend that much on this war.
Jesus, just how drunk are you? Sober up and take a look at this rationally. They thought this would be an easy three day war. Now here they are nearly two months later struggling to take one small part they already kind of had to begin with. By any measure this has been an embarrassing failure.
Jesus, just how drunk are you? Sober up and take a look at this rationally. They thought this would be an easy three day war. Now here they are nearly two months later struggling to take one small part they already kind of had to begin with. By any measure this has been an embarrassing failure.
Russia never thought this would be a 3 day War. You idiot.
Russia never thought this would be a 3 day War. You idiot.
By all accounts they were shocked the Ukrainian government didn't flee and double shocked by the world moving heaven and earth to help them. Then Putin disappeared his advisors. Subsequent events have made it obvious that this has been a military blunder for the ages.
Yes, new. It was founded in 2014.

What was founded in 2014?

Since then the Donbas region has not recognized it and fights for their independence.

What has "the Donbas region" - and who is this person? - not recognized?

If you want to go hold a gun to their heads and force them to accept the Kiev regime, then go ahead and join the Reddit Brigade and go fight.

Hmm ... what do you think about this idea: You will leave the exclave Kaliningrad and the Donbas region with all Russians and we Germans will overtake both areas - or someone else - the UNO for example - will send seddlers from all over the world into both regions. Or much better: All people will have to leave the Donbas region and the enclave Kaliningrad and no human being will have the right to enter this areas again in future - except some very little international research teams from time to time. Good idea?

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So after reading your link, obviously Cohen is right. But unfortunately after the propaganda blitz, very few will actually care about needing to take the side of right.
I think that's because millions of Americans actually believe they are the "good guys' in spite of the historical record that's seen millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet die from US weapons.

This latest blood-bath in Ukraine differs only in the sense that, unlike previous victims like Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Russia is not a developing country without nuclear weapons:

What is propelling the U.S. into increasing international military aggression? | MR Online

"However, the U.S. threat to extend NATO into Ukraine, which is the fundamental cause of the present war in that country, is a qualitative U.S. escalation from simply attacks on far weaker developing countries than itself.

"The U.S. was aware in advance that the threat to extend NATO into Ukraine affected the most fundamental national interests of Russia—a country with very strong military forces, including a nuclear weapons arsenal which is equal to the U.S..

"U.S. policy towards Ukraine, therefore, explicitly crossed Russia’s 'red lines'—something the U.S. entirely understood and which it was prepared to take the risk of undertaking."
I served in the military long ago when we knew Russia was our enemy. You jerks thinking they are somehow not still a threat to us and the rest of free world is a clear indication of what you fascists think of the free world these days.
Russia only poses a threat to the totalitarian Western mentality that insists that we must control everything, own everything and dominate everything. This would particularly be the Democratic mentality.

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