Dare Admit You Voted For Obama???

I don't need to ask who they voted for, I can tell. The smart ones didn't vote for Obama, the stupid ones did.
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Sour grapes polls or sour grapes date is very boring. This is a true OP-fail.

First, to try to connect this with the 2014 mid-terms is really elementary school stuff, considering that virtually every president has seen his party endure losses in mid-term elections, all the way back to 1854, the very first year that the then fledgling GOP was on the national ballot:

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I have been noting this detail now for 10 months straight, since January 14, 2014.

So, regardless of how well or how poorly a president has been perceived, his party has taken hits at mid-term time, including Eisenhower 1958 and Reagan 1986.

There are only two very notable exceptions to this: Clinton 1998 and Bush Jr. 2002.

Second, it is irrelevant whether people now regret or don't regret their vote. There is no such thing as a re-do in US-American politics: those votes have now been cast in stone, so to speak, and are part of the congressional record. End of story.

And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Obama's energy policy has cost the average American household over $8k annually in disposable income.
What Oblama energy policy? We are still using the Boosh! one from 2005...
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Obama's energy policy has cost the average American household over $8k annually in disposable income.
What Oblama energy policy? We are still using the Boosh! one from 2005...
No, obama shelved Bush's offshore drilling plans and reimposed the moratorium that had expired in a Sept 2008. That is what caused energy prices to more than double under obama and dig our economy into the hole it's still digging out of.
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Obama's energy policy has cost the average American household over $8k annually in disposable income.
What Oblama energy policy? We are still using the Boosh! one from 2005...
No, obama shelved Bush's offshore drilling plans and reimposed the moratorium that had expired in a Sept 2008. That is what caused energy prices to more than double under obama and dig our economy into the hole it's still digging out of.
More than double as say trebled under Bushed?
Who are we Republicans going to fight with after the November elections? Even a crazed Liberal will be hard to find on the forum. And I have so enjoyed beating up on retarded Liberals.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Obama's energy policy has cost the average American household over $8k annually in disposable income.
What Oblama energy policy? We are still using the Boosh! one from 2005...
No, obama shelved Bush's offshore drilling plans and reimposed the moratorium that had expired in a Sept 2008. That is what caused energy prices to more than double under obama and dig our economy into the hole it's still digging out of.
More than double as say trebled under Bushed?
Trying to deflect responsibility again, eh? The green agenda to which Obama is so allied, created the mess under Bush. He dragged his feet in appeasing that nazi agenda and then when things got so bad and he got no cooperation from dems he reversed moratorium in the summer that was an exec order which is what gave him the authority to do so. Congress eventually agreed to not renew the major moratorium that would expire in sept and that led to a tremendous drop in oil prices. In steps obama and his pledge to reinstate moratoriums and the price went right back up. Blaming Bush for what he is responsible for and not responsible for doesn't make anything any better nor does it excuse obama for his failures so why do you hypocrotical obama sheeple continue to try that tac?
Sour grapes polls or sour grapes date is very boring. This is a true OP-fail.

First, to try to connect this with the 2014 mid-terms is really elementary school stuff, considering that virtually every president has seen his party endure losses in mid-term elections, all the way back to 1854, the very first year that the then fledgling GOP was on the national ballot:

Congressional Elections compared to Presidential Terms 1855-present US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I have been noting this detail now for 10 months straight, since January 14, 2014.

So, regardless of how well or how poorly a president has been perceived, his party has taken hits at mid-term time, including Eisenhower 1958 and Reagan 1986.

There are only two very notable exceptions to this: Clinton 1998 and Bush Jr. 2002.

Second, it is irrelevant whether people now regret or don't regret their vote. There is no such thing as a re-do in US-American politics: those votes have now been cast in stone, so to speak, and are part of the congressional record. End of story.

And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.
shut up obama ass lickin faggot
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
HAHAAAAAAAAAAA i love it that normal people are finally waking up and seeing what a POS potus we have, along with his admin and political appointees. 6 years of one fucked up'ed disaster after another.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Only if you're a blind partisan, a masochist or a subversive.
Check out this article from USAToday.....gloating for sure....but I can't help laughing, too.

1."Regrets? Obama's 2012 voters in key states have a few

2. ....USA TODAY/Suffolk University polls in a half-dozen states with key Senate races underscore just how much times and political fortunes have changed for the president.

3. In five of the six states, the percentage of likely voters who say they voted for Obama in 2012 has dipped from the actual results.
[Get that??? Folks lying,...claiming that they didn't vote for this loser!!!]
4. Of those who say they did vote for him, as many as one in seven say they regret it.

5. ...helps explain why Obama has limited his campaigning so far mostly to raising money, not rallying voters..... Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes ... refused even to say whether she had voted for him herself.

6. In 2012, Obama carried three of the states surveyed by USA TODAY and Suffolk University's Political Research Center with more than 50% of the vote. But now just 47% of likely voters in Iowa, 46% in Colorado and 48% in Michigan say they voted for him.

7. ...Obama's case, as his popularity sags, presumably so does the percentage who realize they helped elect him.

8. ...there are those who say they voted for him but are sorry they did — including 15% of Obama supporters in Colorado.

9. ...the 8% of Obama supporters in Iowa who now express regret. "I'm kind of upset that I did vote for him," expressing concern in particular about the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

10.Americans for Shared Prosperity last month posted a video that shows an actress talking about Obama the way she might about a match made by an online dating site that went sour. ...

"In 2008, I fell in love," she says. "His online profile made him seem so perfect — smart, handsome, charming, articulate, all the right values. I trusted him. But by 2012 our relationship was in trouble, but I stuck with him because he promised he'd be better. He's great at promises," she says with an edge."
Regrets Obama s 2012 voters in key states have a few

Now for the dopes on the board who are still singing his praises: don't ever change.
Yes I voted for Obama in 2008 and in 2012. What are you going to do about it? Cry?
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Obama's energy policy has cost the average American household over $8k annually in disposable income.
Are you sure it's not BILLIONS of dollars?
I voted for Obama, twice; decisions I don't regret considering the options. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he was a well meaning doofus who wouldn't try to change anything (conservative).......I was wrong about that.
Then you owe me fifty grand. All obama voters should be forced to pay back all who opposed him and have lost all of this money as a result.
Call it reparations. How appropriate.

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Obama's energy policy has cost the average American household over $8k annually in disposable income.
Are you sure it's not BILLIONS of dollars?
$200 million a day!
Yes I voted for Obama in 2008 and in 2012. What are you going to do about it? Cry?

If you had any sense or any shame, that's what you would be doing.
I'm quite happy with President Obama and tremble to think what it would have been like with a "President McCain" or a "President Romney". Those WERE the other choices given to us by the GOP.

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