Dare Admit You Voted For Obama???

And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Romney would have made a much better President than Obama. There is no doubt about it. Quit lying to yourself, you come off looking like a fool because we all know better.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Lol, you never disappoint.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Lol, you never disappoint.
Of course, the Righties here prove how one handles a trash-thread, but trashing it.

Good job, Righties!
Because it got turned into a Boosh thread. The topic is how people are refusing to admit they voted for the guy. That's BS. If you did it, own it.
Of course, the Righties here prove how one handles a trash-thread, but trashing it.

Good job, Righties!
Because it got turned into a Boosh thread. The topic is how people are refusing to admit they voted for the guy. That's BS. If you did it, own it.

The topic should not exist in the first place, for the principle of the secret ballot is that people should not feel the need afterward to ever discuss their voting choices in the past. Ever. That is the entire principle behind SECRET BALLOT: privacy.

In fact, this is the kind of privacy that most Righties want to defend the most when it comes to their private meetings.


Why do RWNJs suddenly hate privacy so much?

Check out this article from USAToday.....gloating for sure....but I can't help laughing, too.

1."Regrets? Obama's 2012 voters in key states have a few

2. ....USA TODAY/Suffolk University polls in a half-dozen states with key Senate races underscore just how much times and political fortunes have changed for the president.

3. In five of the six states, the percentage of likely voters who say they voted for Obama in 2012 has dipped from the actual results.
[Get that??? Folks lying,...claiming that they didn't vote for this loser!!!]
4. Of those who say they did vote for him, as many as one in seven say they regret it.

5. ...helps explain why Obama has limited his campaigning so far mostly to raising money, not rallying voters..... Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes ... refused even to say whether she had voted for him herself.

6. In 2012, Obama carried three of the states surveyed by USA TODAY and Suffolk University's Political Research Center with more than 50% of the vote. But now just 47% of likely voters in Iowa, 46% in Colorado and 48% in Michigan say they voted for him.

7. ...Obama's case, as his popularity sags, presumably so does the percentage who realize they helped elect him.

8. ...there are those who say they voted for him but are sorry they did — including 15% of Obama supporters in Colorado.

9. ...the 8% of Obama supporters in Iowa who now express regret. "I'm kind of upset that I did vote for him," expressing concern in particular about the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

10.Americans for Shared Prosperity last month posted a video that shows an actress talking about Obama the way she might about a match made by an online dating site that went sour. ...

"In 2008, I fell in love," she says. "His online profile made him seem so perfect — smart, handsome, charming, articulate, all the right values. I trusted him. But by 2012 our relationship was in trouble, but I stuck with him because he promised he'd be better. He's great at promises," she says with an edge."
Regrets Obama s 2012 voters in key states have a few

Now for the dopes on the board who are still singing his praises: don't ever change.
Check out this article from USAToday.....gloating for sure....but I can't help laughing, too.

1."Regrets? Obama's 2012 voters in key states have a few

2. ....USA TODAY/Suffolk University polls in a half-dozen states with key Senate races underscore just how much times and political fortunes have changed for the president.

3. In five of the six states, the percentage of likely voters who say they voted for Obama in 2012 has dipped from the actual results.
[Get that??? Folks lying,...claiming that they didn't vote for this loser!!!]
4. Of those who say they did vote for him, as many as one in seven say they regret it.

5. ...helps explain why Obama has limited his campaigning so far mostly to raising money, not rallying voters..... Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes ... refused even to say whether she had voted for him herself.

6. In 2012, Obama carried three of the states surveyed by USA TODAY and Suffolk University's Political Research Center with more than 50% of the vote. But now just 47% of likely voters in Iowa, 46% in Colorado and 48% in Michigan say they voted for him.

7. ...Obama's case, as his popularity sags, presumably so does the percentage who realize they helped elect him.

8. ...there are those who say they voted for him but are sorry they did — including 15% of Obama supporters in Colorado.

9. ...the 8% of Obama supporters in Iowa who now express regret. "I'm kind of upset that I did vote for him," expressing concern in particular about the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

10.Americans for Shared Prosperity last month posted a video that shows an actress talking about Obama the way she might about a match made by an online dating site that went sour. ...

"In 2008, I fell in love," she says. "His online profile made him seem so perfect — smart, handsome, charming, articulate, all the right values. I trusted him. But by 2012 our relationship was in trouble, but I stuck with him because he promised he'd be better. He's great at promises," she says with an edge."
Regrets Obama s 2012 voters in key states have a few

Now for the dopes on the board who are still singing his praises: don't ever change.
And by 2008, how many people would even admit that they voted for Bush. Many would not even admit to being Republican.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Only if you're a blind partisan, a masochist or a subversive.

Or someone who pays attention during the campaigns to the promises of the candidates. McCain would still have us in Iraq. That is a given. Romney wanted to cut 10% of the federal jobs--some of which would be at the CDC doubtlessly--adding to the unemployment rolls. Both would have sponsored the same "hands off" regulatory policies that lead to TARP.

I am proud to have voted for President Obama...twice.
And finally, PoliticalShit, it may surprise you completely, but there are reasons for why it is called the "secret ballot", you have no fucking business asking people whom they voted for. It must be a really strong fascist thing deep within you to want to know who voted for whom. I have never in my life, not even once, asked someone about their voting habits in any way. Real adults don't do this kind of stuff. So, now that I have torn your argument to shreds on two very important points, go play with your dolls or something.

If it's part of an informative survey and confidentiality is ensured then there is no ethical conflict.

I am not talking about the survey, although I find it to be total quatsch.

I am talking about PoliticalShit's thread title.

Obama was and remains the superior choice to his opponents in both 2008 and 2012.
Romney would have made a much better President than Obama. There is no doubt about it. Quit lying to yourself, you come off looking like a fool because we all know better.

With specifics like that...how could I argue?
Check out this article from USAToday.....gloating for sure....but I can't help laughing, too.

1."Regrets? Obama's 2012 voters in key states have a few

2. ....USA TODAY/Suffolk University polls in a half-dozen states with key Senate races underscore just how much times and political fortunes have changed for the president.

3. In five of the six states, the percentage of likely voters who say they voted for Obama in 2012 has dipped from the actual results.
[Get that??? Folks lying,...claiming that they didn't vote for this loser!!!]
4. Of those who say they did vote for him, as many as one in seven say they regret it.

5. ...helps explain why Obama has limited his campaigning so far mostly to raising money, not rallying voters..... Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes ... refused even to say whether she had voted for him herself.

6. In 2012, Obama carried three of the states surveyed by USA TODAY and Suffolk University's Political Research Center with more than 50% of the vote. But now just 47% of likely voters in Iowa, 46% in Colorado and 48% in Michigan say they voted for him.

7. ...Obama's case, as his popularity sags, presumably so does the percentage who realize they helped elect him.

8. ...there are those who say they voted for him but are sorry they did — including 15% of Obama supporters in Colorado.

9. ...the 8% of Obama supporters in Iowa who now express regret. "I'm kind of upset that I did vote for him," expressing concern in particular about the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

10.Americans for Shared Prosperity last month posted a video that shows an actress talking about Obama the way she might about a match made by an online dating site that went sour. ...

"In 2008, I fell in love," she says. "His online profile made him seem so perfect — smart, handsome, charming, articulate, all the right values. I trusted him. But by 2012 our relationship was in trouble, but I stuck with him because he promised he'd be better. He's great at promises," she says with an edge."
Regrets Obama s 2012 voters in key states have a few

Now for the dopes on the board who are still singing his praises: don't ever change.
Yes I voted for Obama in 2008 and in 2012. What are you going to do about it? Cry?

Well...yes. I might cry that this great nation turned out insipid ingrates....you.
When one considers the alternative......two votes for Obama in 2008 and 2012 saved the country

attention: another mindless post from the resident dem/lib talking point repeater ^^^^^^^

"saved the country" that has to be the most asinine post ever to appear on USMB

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