Dark Agenda! The Left's War To Destroy Christian America

"may God never abandon me" - the last words spoken by Pascal

he never does, my friends, he never does!
I will never understand why some christians aren't happy with the freedom to worship their god and faith as they choose.

Why do you people believe you have a right to force your religion on our nation?

Leave everyone alone to live their lives as they choose. Give everyone the same respect you demand.

I'm so sick and tired of christians playing the victim that everyone is being mean to them.

Grow up and stop lying.
the decay of religion has led to a crisis of ethics. maybe literature should replace religion when it comes to ethics. it is no longer a debate about science vs religion, but the effects of one form of storytelling vs another
Where has the teachings of christ been described as immoral other than soviet russia?
look at how the left reacted to the church shooting at Sutherland Springs, Texas

Pramila Jayapal said: "they were praying when it happened. we dont need prayers to be safe, we need gun violence reform"

Joy Reid said: "Jesus used to feed the people. he never prayed"...that is contradicted by Matthew in the Bible.

since its birth in the fires of The French Revolution, the left has been at war with religion and christianity in particular, my friends

Christianity and the left will always be in conflict.

this from the guy that worships the human sitting in the White House....

I cannot think of many things more pathetic than Christians in American whining about being mistreated and persecuted.
These phony Christians kill me . If anything the Dems are better Christians than the cons .
look at how the left reacted to the church shooting at Sutherland Springs, Texas

Pramila Jayapal said: "they were praying when it happened. we dont need prayers to be safe, we need gun violence reform"

Joy Reid said: "Jesus used to feed the people. he never prayed"...that is contradicted by Matthew in the Bible.

since its birth in the fires of The French Revolution, the left has been at war with religion and christianity in particular, my friends

Politics has nothing to do with religion, DUMBASS.

That is, unless you're in a theocracy.

No? Then why do Communists repress religion?
We are not living in a. Communist nation.

Yet, but they're working on it.
Those who are insecure in themselves and their nation have been saying that since 1919.
I will never understand why some christians aren't happy with the freedom to worship their god and faith as they choose.

Why do you people believe you have a right to force your religion on our nation?

Leave everyone alone to live their lives as they choose. Give everyone the same respect you demand.

I'm so sick and tired of christians playing the victim that everyone is being mean to them.

Grow up and stop lying.

Massive insecurity, that's why.

Most of us can smell bullshit but only some of us have the fortitude to call it what it is.
this day in 1748: John Newton, captain of a slave ship, converts to Christianity during a huge storm at sea. He eventually became an Anglican clergyman, the author of the famous hymn "Amazing Grace," and a zealous abolitionist.

John Newton: Did You Know?
look at how the left reacted to the church shooting at Sutherland Springs, Texas

Pramila Jayapal said: "they were praying when it happened. we dont need prayers to be safe, we need gun violence reform"

Joy Reid said: "Jesus used to feed the people. he never prayed"...that is contradicted by Matthew in the Bible.

since its birth in the fires of The French Revolution, the left has been at war with religion and christianity in particular, my friends

Politics has nothing to do with religion, DUMBASS.

That is, unless you're in a theocracy.

No? Then why do Communists repress religion?
We are not living in a. Communist nation.

Yet, but they're working on it.
Those who are insecure in themselves and their nation have been saying that since 1919.

That's about when it started. However, I'm secure in the knowledge that it will not happen in my lifetime.
Dark Agenda! The Left's War To Destroy Christian America

It's not just a war Christmas anymore!!!

government didnt give rights, therefore government cannot take them away. courage is the most important of virtues, because without courage one could not defend the other virtues!
government didnt give rights, therefore government cannot take them away. courage is the most important of virtues, because without courage one could not defend the other virtues!

Government guarantees rights, by restricting itself.

----- which AGAIN has jack friggety shit to do with "religion". What don't you GET about that?
look at how the left reacted to the church shooting at Sutherland Springs, Texas

Pramila Jayapal said: "they were praying when it happened. we dont need prayers to be safe, we need gun violence reform"

Joy Reid said: "Jesus used to feed the people. he never prayed"...that is contradicted by Matthew in the Bible.

since its birth in the fires of The French Revolution, the left has been at war with religion and christianity in particular, my friends

Everyone I know, left, right, reacted the same way.

Trying to make political hay with these corpses is disgusting.
"i love Jesus" - my son

the horrified teacher reported his comment to the principal. the case was settled without trial. the school acknowledged my son's right to pray as long as he doesnt disturb others

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