"Dark Maga" a real thing?

The Potential Rank & File of this Group ( Oathkeepers ) ( Former Tea Party Patriots ) ( Ultra Conservative Shasta County Recall Voters ) ( 3%ers ) ( Proud Boys & Supporters / Associates ) ( Militia ) ... Know nothing about it
The reality is that we are living in Dark Democrat. Prog Socialists with the power to destroy others while moving to Communism.
Dark Build Back Better?

I do seem to recall Biden saying something early on about a "dark winter" after all. There you have it...it was a harbinger of the DBBB agenda! Lol
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You're over thinking it. It's just sensationalist fluff, like nearly everything else in the media nowadays.
You may be right about the 'fluff' but I'm seeing it get more serious consideration than that. I think it might be a deliberate disinformation attack on Patriots and is intended to tar us all with the idea we want tyranny/dictatorship. We can fight back with humor, honest facts, etc. just as we have turned back on them all the other labels they've tried to attach to us. But we have to be aware of what they're doing too in order to expose it to the light.
The Potential Rank & File of this Group ( Oathkeepers ) ( Former Tea Party Patriots ) ( Ultra Conservative Shasta County Recall Voters ) ( 3%ers ) ( Proud Boys & Supporters / Associates ) ( Militia ) ... Know nothing about it
I didn't either until I saw it trending on social media and then realized the mainstream media is picking up on it.
You may be right about the 'fluff' but I'm seeing it get more serious consideration than that. I think it might be a deliberate disinformation attack on Patriots and is intended to tar us all with the idea we want tyranny/dictatorship. We can fight back with humor, honest facts, etc. just as we have turned back on them all the other labels they've tried to attach to us. But we have to be aware of what they're doing too in order to expose it to the light.
Damn, I love your sig-line gif.
Don't worry.....they are still trying to convince people that Qanon is an actual Trump thing...when what it really is is the democrat's last attempt to smear Trump supporters...since the only people who even knew about Qanon were all democrat party hacks....
Not an unreasonable observation and certainly the anti-Trump people capitalized on the extreme and indefensible aspects of Qanon, but I don't believe it was all Democrat party hacks. I know too many good Patriots who got sucked into that. Which is why I hope we get good information on this "Dark MAGA" thing early on and effectively deflect any disinformation campaign attached to it.
A trend on social media lately and picked up by the mainstream media is that there is a 'Dark MAGA' group or movement.

Reported by US News and MSN: "More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes."

After doing some research I am not convinced such a trend by conservatives/Patriots/MAGA supporters exists and rather think it may be a deliberate disinformation campaign by those who intend to damage the Patriot vision/brand whatever.
It's not real yet lurks under the beds of the incurably woke.
A trend on social media lately and picked up by the mainstream media is that there is a 'Dark MAGA' group or movement.

Reported by US News and MSN: "More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes."

After doing some research I am not convinced such a trend by conservatives/Patriots/MAGA supporters exists and rather think it may be a deliberate disinformation campaign by those who intend to damage the Patriot vision/brand whatever.
The left loves disinformation. Just look at how Twitter has reacted when Musk got involved, and wanted free speech. They would rather go out of business then allow the truth to be published.

Twitter employee complaining about Musk.
A trend on social media lately and picked up by the mainstream media is that there is a 'Dark MAGA' group or movement.

Reported by US News and MSN: "More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes."

After doing some research I am not convinced such a trend by conservatives/Patriots/MAGA supporters exists and rather think it may be a deliberate disinformation campaign by those who intend to damage the Patriot vision/brand whatever.
Probably that Q thing.
It doesn't exist........keep looking you will find democrat party thugs behind this....
It is simply the most misinformed and trump voters out there who believe there was election fraud and it was stolen and they believe conspiracy theories and all kinds of hateful propaganda. So worst thing that has happened to American politics ever as far as I'm concerned. We have to get used to this new computer world.
The left loves disinformation. Just look at how Twitter has reacted when Musk got involved, and wanted free speech. They would rather go out of business then allow the truth to be published.

Twitter employee complaining about Musk.
And there my friends is dark maga. At least if you believe the election was stolen and the FBI and CIA are corrupt etc etc. Horrible anti American treasonous garbage.
It is simply the most misinformed and trump voters out there who believe there was election fraud and it was stolen and they believe conspiracy theories and all kinds of hateful propaganda. So worst thing that has happened to American politics ever as far as I'm concerned. We have to get used to this new computer world.
What the heck are you even talking about? Where did I mention anything about election fraud? Twitter does not hide it is leftist, and I linked to a parody video that, IMO, is rather funny.

Edit: And there is no "Dark Maga". More crap being spread by leftists.
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What the heck are you even talking about? Where did I mention anything about election fraud? Twitter does not hide it is leftist, and I linked to a parody video that, IMO, is rather funny.

Edit: And there is no "Dark Maga". More crap being spread by leftists.
francoHFW has a whole host of boogey men living under his bed, but the biggest, DJT, lives in his head---rent free.
And there my friends is dark maga. At least if you believe the election was stolen and the FBI and CIA are corrupt etc etc. Horrible anti American treasonous garbage.
Not 'Dark MAGA' at all. What tshrimp posted is an out-in-the-open honest opinion about something observed. Not what Dark MAGA is about at all. But I'm not surprised to see a leftist trying to paint anybody with an opinion not acceptable to the left as "Dark MAGA". That IS what this thread is about.
Why am I not surprised? Its an election year and the left needs more boogey men.
That's pretty much what I'm thinking. All the other labels have been reduced to the jokes they have been. The whole racist/sexist/bigot/fascist/Nazi thing is not only not working for them but exposes their own vulnerabilities. So I think this whole "Dark MAGA' thing maybe is the new weapon in their defamation arsenal?

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