"Dark Maga" a real thing?

That's pretty much what I'm thinking. All the other labels have been reduced to the jokes they have been. The whole racist/sexist/bigot/fascist/Nazi thing is not only not working for them but exposes their own vulnerabilities. So I think this whole "Dark MAGA' thing maybe is the new weapon in their defamation arsenal?
I am more interested in democrat scandals, inflation, rising fuel and energy costs, insecure US borders, Unconstitutional democrat government over reach, BLM, Antifa, Defunding police, election fraud, excessive taxation, climate panic etc. LMAO, the democrats figure a fictional boogey man is going to change that narrative--not on their useless lives.
I am more interested in democrat scandals, inflation, rising fuel and energy costs, insecure US borders, Unconstitutional democrat government over reach, BLM, Antifa, Defunding police, election fraud, excessive taxation, climate panic etc. LMAO, the democrats figure a fictional boogey man is going to change that narrative--not on their useless lives.

Don't be so sure my friend. Time and time again I've seen them effectively wag the dog to get some embarrassment off the front pages. With Biden's flailing approval ratings on almost everything these days, I don't expect them to just allow that without a fight.
Not 'Dark MAGA' at all. What tshrimp posted is an out-in-the-open honest opinion about something observed. Not what Dark MAGA is about at all. But I'm not surprised to see a leftist trying to paint anybody with an opinion not acceptable to the left as "Dark MAGA". That IS what this thread is about.
Anyone who believes the election was stolen is technically insane if they actually believe it including trump. LOL poor America. All he does is quote fox and Internet crazies to run your ridiculous party.
A trend on social media lately and picked up by the mainstream media is that there is a 'Dark MAGA' group or movement.

Reported by US News and MSN: "More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes."

After doing some research I am not convinced such a trend by conservatives/Patriots/MAGA supporters exists and rather think it may be a deliberate disinformation campaign by those who intend to damage the Patriot vision/brand whatever.
Batman takeoff?
I am more interested in democrat scandals, inflation, rising fuel and energy costs, insecure US borders, Unconstitutional democrat government over reach, BLM, Antifa, Defunding police, election fraud, excessive taxation, climate panic etc. LMAO, the democrats figure a fictional boogey man is going to change that narrative--not on their useless lives.
We have to tax the rich and some giant corps again so we can afford to invest in Americans and America again. We need infrastructure and college and training available and fixed. Like every other modern country also why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave great vacations an ID card to end illegal immigration and voting for that matter??. You people are totally distracted by garbage propaganda...there is no election fraud it's been proven. You question our great institutions like a total fool for Putin and the orange clown. Change the damn channel and try some real news please.
Then serve-up a frigging candidate who won't send 2/3 of the country running to pull the (D) lever...
LMAO, math is racist. YOU just proved it. How many people do you think are citizens of the US--hint, it is in the neighborhood of 330 Million. Now two thirds of 330 million are how many? Is the answer 81 million--FUCK NO ITS NOT MORON.
A trend on social media lately and picked up by the mainstream media is that there is a 'Dark MAGA' group or movement.

Reported by US News and MSN: "More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes."

After doing some research I am not convinced such a trend by conservatives/Patriots/MAGA supporters exists and rather think it may be a deliberate disinformation campaign by those who intend to damage the Patriot vision/brand whatever.
Sounds like media generated bullshit to me.

I'm all over the place harvesting memes, and haven't seen any of the stuff decribed in that Newsweak article.
Anyone who believes the election was stolen is technically insane if they actually believe it including trump. LOL poor America. All he does is quote fox and Internet crazies to run your ridiculous party.
I don't know who does or does not believe the election was stolen. I do see that most here understand what the topic is about in this thread and aren't trying to throw a whole bunch of garbage and gaslighting into it.
Sounds like media generated bullshit to me.

I'm all over the place harvesting memes, and haven't seen any of the stuff decribed in that Newsweak article.
I think it is pretty much hogwash too, but the fact that the leftist mainstream media is beginning to pick it up means we all should not be gullible of course, but it is always smart to be aware.
I think it is pretty much hogwash too, but the fact that the leftist mainstream media is beginning to pick it up means we all should not be gullible of course, but it is always smart to be aware.
IMO, the media picking it up is an attempt to broad brush.

Intuition tells me it could well be a rehash of the "OK" hand sign trolling of the interwebs.
LMAO, math is racist. YOU just proved it. How many people do you think are citizens of the US--hint, it is in the neighborhood of 330 Million. Now two thirds of 330 million are how many? Is the answer 81 million--FUCK NO ITS NOT MORON.
Son, if you had a bran you'd be dangerous...
Of course it doesn't exist. We are in a constant info-war and the Left/Globalists are willing to do whatever it takes to bring this nation to its knees in service of their goals. The only way we don't slide into a kinetic civil war will be if those on the Right simply surrender. These people are turning up the rhetoric in advance of a historic political rejection by the people of America.

There is no lie or machination they will shrink from. IF Trump runs, he wins, and they would rather see the nation on fire than lose power to an outsider. It's time for all of us to wake up to what's coming and do our best to stop it while getting prepared to resist it.
bs. no fraud....just bs
A trend on social media lately and picked up by the mainstream media is that there is a 'Dark MAGA' group or movement.

Reported by US News and MSN: "More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes."

After doing some research I am not convinced such a trend by conservatives/Patriots/MAGA supporters exists and rather think it may be a deliberate disinformation campaign by those who intend to damage the Patriot vision/brand whatever.

I think that's what's called "blind hero worship."

And, what's called an alt-left news outlet trying to paint the opposing political ideology in a 'dark' light.

It is disinformation, that's all the media does these days.
I think that's what's called "blind hero worship."

And, what's called an alt-left news outlet trying to paint the opposing political ideology in a 'dark' light.

It is disinformation, that's all the media does these days.
Thanks for bringing the topic back on course. I think it's pretty safe to assume that if such a movement exists, it is tiny and insignificant, but yes, the attack with disinformation group will be more than happy enough to try to tar all Patriots with that brush.

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